Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

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Nội dung chi tiết: Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment TIC AND ACTIVATED SLUDGE IN WASTEWATER TREATMENTTan Phong Nguyen (BEng, ME ng)Thesis submitted to the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy2008SUMMARYTile activated sludge flocculation IS a very complex proces Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

s ill which many factors interact and may have an influence. Since a large number of these influences are poorly understood, the characteristics relat

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

ed to the floc-formation are still difficult to be predicted and controlled. This work aimed to improve knowledge on the flocculation process with par

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment on dynamics and sludge settling, dewatering, and conditioning since it is an essential requirement for an optimal biological wastewatei treatment.Synt

hetic sludge is made up of nonliving particles that resemble activated sludge components. The components of synthetic sludge include: polystyrene late Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

x particles of bacterial size, which simulate individual bacteria: alginate simulates extracellular polymeric substances: fibrous cellulose is used to

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

simulate the filamentous microorganisms found ill activated sludge: and calcium ions are used as bridging cations.The first part of this thesis was i

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment es. A laboratory-scale batch reactor, fed with standard synthetic sludges was used. The effects of varying calcium concentration (5-25111M). alginate

concentration (25-125mg'L). fibrous cellulose concentration (1.0-1.8g L) and pH (3-9) on the sludge characteristics were studied by varying one parame Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

ter whilst keeping the others constant The results from experiments indicated that the calcium, alginate, fibrous cellulose, and pH had the critical e

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

ffect on the aggregation rate, flocs size, andiimade (he improvement of (lie final properties of sludge. Dynamic measurements have established rhe opt

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment h measurements of settleability and turbidity of the synthetic activated sludge. The results of this study support the bonding theory and indicate tha

t formation of cations* polymer complexes and polymer gelation are important means of flocculation.The second part of this thesis was a comparative st Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

udy has been made to investigate 111 fashion the flocculation behaviour and final properties of both synthetic and activated sludge. Activated sludge

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

was produced 111 a lab-scale. The novelty of this approach lies in the attempt to use the former as a key to characterising the physical and chemical

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment ic dispersion analyser (PDA). The Malvern Mastersizer-S was selected to measure the floc size and size distribution: the effects of calcium, aluminium

. polysaccharide, fibrous cellulose, polyelectrolyte conditioner and shear rate on final sludge properties were determined, including settleability, t Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

urbidity of supernatant, sludge volume index and dewatering, sludge conditioning, floc strength, and floc structure. It was thus possible to link the

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

flocculation dynamics to the final sludge properties.The results indicate that calcium ions and polysaccharide play an important role in the floc form

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment al properties of the sludge. A qualitative link exists between the flocculation dynamics and the final properties for both types of sludge, and betwee

n the floc dynamics and properties ofiiisynthetic sludge on the one hand and those of activated sludge on the other. The two types of sludge have very Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

similar settling and dewatering characteristics after cationic polymer conditioning. However, there are quantitative differences 111 the calcium conc

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

entration required for flocculation, the supernatant turbidity, the sludge-volume index and the floc strength. This difference IS believed to be due t

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment ic sludge makes it useful as a noncomplex analogue for the physical and chemical properties of activated sludge.The relationship between polysaccharid

e concentration and cation concentration was examined at laboratory scale during flocculation with both synthetic and activated sludge; an increase in Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

feed cation concentration led to a decrease in final polysaccharide concentration. An increase 111 cation concentration ill the feed to the reactors

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

was also associated with an increase in the bound biopolymer concentration. The changes in the bound biopolymer were explained according to the cation

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment udge can be used as a surrogate in activated sludge studies. The results of this work also indicate that the formation of cation-polymer complexes and

polymer gelation are amongst the most important mechanisms for sludge coagulation-flocculation, and offer a means for optimisation of the activated s Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

ludge process.The third part of this thesis was examination of microorganisms consortium existing in activated sludge and specific oxygen uptake rates

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

(SOUR). Beside the conventional method, a new identification method called ‘API 20E' was adapted to examine theivmicroorganism consortium existing in

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment ted. The results showed the use of microscopic examination and the SOUR test are invaluable tools in troubleshooting the activated sludge process.The

last pan of this thesis aimed at investigating the process response to variations of different physical-chemical factors. Finally, the joint effect of Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

these parameters was investigated. To this end. Design of Experiment (DOE) and Response Surface Methodology (RMS) approaches were used The knowledge

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

of resulting from this systematic study was used to explain the behaviour of a set of process characteristics.For a correct evaluation of the influenc

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment mplete mixed activated sludge reactor was built and opeiated under stable environmental conditions.For evaluating the flocculation dynamics, an experi

mental set-up was built. It consisted 111 a five-litre reactor in which the flocculation process took place. Different environmental conditions were a Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

pplied in the reactor and their effect was monitor at the end of each experiment. A number of 62 experiments were performed by following an orthogonal

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

and rotatable DOE The influence of four relevant factors (sludge age. organic loading rate (COD), calcium and dissolved oxygen concentration) on a se

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment fect of all four factors on the considered set of responses was investigated by building response surface models based on the data collected from the

DOE. The interaction effects between all four factors were quantified as well. Furthermore, identification of a set of factor values that optimise the Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

responses was carried out. according to specified optimisation criteria. Acceptable statistical models were generally obtained, which predicted the r

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

esponse variations well The RSM analysis showed that a very good accuracy was found for COD removal rate. The COD loading rate and DO concentration sh

tThe University ofNottinghamThe University of NottinghamSchool of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringBIOFLOCCULATION AND FINAL PROPERTIESOF SYNTHET

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment sampling errors. which resulted 111 a high variability. The most significant factors affecting the SVI were found to lie the COD loading rate and Ca a

ddition The model predicted that SRT and Ca addition are mainly significant factors responsible for decrease 111 TSS of supernatant. A link between th Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

e effects predicted by the RSM models obtained foi the supernatant turbidity indicated that a response minimum is obtained for high SRT and high calci

Bioflocculation and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment

um concentrations.A process optimisation by using the RSM was performed for particular case of complete mixed activated sludge. Its goal was to find t

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