Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

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Nội dung chi tiết: Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed generaDissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwisse

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera enschaften (Dr. rer. nat.)DerNaturwissenschaftlichen Fakultat III Agrar- und Ernahrungswissenschaften,Geowissenschaften und Informatikder Martin-Luthe

r-Universităt Halle-Wittenbergvorgelegt vonFrau Phuong Thi Nhu HoangGeb. am November 23,e, 1983 in Lam Dong, Viet NamGutachter:1Prof. Dr. Jochen Reif Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

and Prof.Dr. Ingo SchubertIPK, Gatersleben, Germany2Prof. Dr. Thomas SchmidtInstitut fur Botanik, TU Dresden, Dresden, GermanyVerteidigung am 21. Janu

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

ar 2019AcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsThis work was performed from January 2015 till August 2018 at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed generaDissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwisse

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera Training (MOET) of Vietnam.Foremost, my deepest appreciation to my supervisor Prof. Ingo Schubert for giving me the opportunity to be part of his tea

m, for continuous guidance, permanent encouragement as well as fruitful discussions. His conscientious guidance helped me in all the time of research Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

and writing of this dissertation.Iown deep thanks to my initial co-supervisor Dr. Hieu X. Cao, for his orientation, constructive and scholarly advises

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

at the beginning of my study.Also, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Jochen c. Reif, the Head of Department of Breeding Research who gave me a great op

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed generaDissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwisse

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera thank Dr. Britt Leps for all of her help in administrative issues, which made my stay at IPK very comfortable. Special thanks to PD. Klaus Appenroth f

or kind support in duckweed clone selection and critical discussion.Iwould like to extend my thanks to Dr. Joerg Fuchs. Dr. Veit Schubert for their in Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

sightful contribution to this work. Many thanks go to Martina Kuehne, Andrea Kunze and Joachim Bruder, for their excellent technical assistance.My gra

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

teful thanks go to Prof. Eric Lam (Department of Plant Biology, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, USA), Dr. Todd p Michael (J. Craig Venter

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed generaDissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwisse

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera (Waksman Institute Rutgers University, USA) for kindly providing their BAC library. Many thanks also to Dr. Uwe Scholz, Dr. Anne Fiebig (IPK - Gatersl

eben) for their bioinformatics work on s. intermedia genome assembly.I thank to Dr. Hieu X. Cao, Dr. Giang T.H. Vu and Dr. Van T.T. Tran, who introduc Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

ed me to Prof. Dr. Ingo Schubert and helped me at the beginning of my stay in Germany.AcknowledgementsPhD student s life would not go smoothly if it w

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

as only filled with academic work. I would like to thank my colleagues and friends, who shared with me enjoyable and precious moments at IPK-Gatersleb

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed generaDissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwisse

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera my parents-in-law for providing me with immeasurable love, limitless sacrifice, unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of

study. This is the time for me to express my thankfulness to my husband and my children, who give me a lot of strength and motivation during the last Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

four years by their endless love, unconditional belief and deep empathy. This accomplishment would not have been possible without their understanding

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera

and moral support.Phuong Thi Nhu HoangTable of contentTABLE OF CONTENTList of figures............................................................iList

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed generaDissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwisse

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed genera v1INTRODUCTION............................................................11.1.Plant genomes, genome size variation and karyotype evolution........1

Comparative cytology and cytogenomics for representative species of the five duckweed generaDissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwisse

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