Country report projects

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Nội dung chi tiết: Country report projects

Country report projects

Country Report Proj ects for Any CountryReady-to-Go Templates and Easy Instructions for 26 Engaging Projects That Showcase Students' Learning^SCHOLAST

Country report projects TICCCtĩNTRY I l l í RI l K< JIXISTor r4tw CockntrvReady-to-Go Templates and Easy Instructions for 26 Engaging Projects That Showcase Students’ Learnin

gby Michael GravoisNew York • Toronto • London • Auckland • Sydney Teaching Mexico City • New Delhi • Hong Kong • Buenos AiresCcuutry Report Project* Country report projects

ice Am Country c Michael Gravois. Scholastic Tenchuig Reio.irceirư o rư o rư o rư o o o o o rư o rư o rư o o o rư o o rư o rư o rư o sv o rưrư 1>EI>IC

Country report projects

aTICN knTo nieces and nephews in every country, especially Jessica Ard. Wayne Ard. Carty Roth.Kyle Gravois, Logan Gravois, Rebeccah Sykes. Rachael Syk

Country Report Proj ects for Any CountryReady-to-Go Templates and Easy Instructions for 26 Engaging Projects That Showcase Students' Learning^SCHOLAST

Country report projects om use. No other part OÍ this publication may lx- reproduced til whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted In any form or by a

ny means, electronic. mechanical. photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission 0Í the publisher.For Information regarding permiss Country report projects

ion, write to Scholastic Inc.. 557 Broadway. New York. NY 10012.(.'over design by Marla LlijaInterior design by Michael Gravols Illustrations by Jim P

Country report projects

almerISBN 0-439-51887-3Copyright © 2004 by Michael Gravois. All rights reserwd.Printed 111 the U.S.A.12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 10 09 08 07 06 05 04Ccunny

Country Report Proj ects for Any CountryReady-to-Go Templates and Easy Instructions for 26 Engaging Projects That Showcase Students' Learning^SCHOLAST

Country report projects o <*-*™ TDiiii or ContentsIntroduction................................5National Treasure Chest.....................7Regional Web Site.................

..........8Economy Pictograph..........................9Puzzle Time Line...........................10Political Datadisk.........................14Pape Country report projects

r-Doll Costumes........................16Famous People Book.........................18Wide World of Sports.......................21Cultural Cuisine Pl

Country report projects

acemat..................22Architectural Relief.......................23

Country Report Proj ects for Any CountryReady-to-Go Templates and Easy Instructions for 26 Engaging Projects That Showcase Students' Learning^SCHOLAST

Country Report Proj ects for Any CountryReady-to-Go Templates and Easy Instructions for 26 Engaging Projects That Showcase Students' Learning^SCHOLAST

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