Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

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Nội dung chi tiết: Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITYBELFASTThesis Deposit FormTo be completed by StudentDegree:Doctor of PhilosophyFull Name:KIM TU TRANThesis title: Epidemiological in

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors nvestigations of liver cancer Biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factorsSummary: (max. 300 words) Liver cancer is one of the leading

causes of deaths in many countries around the world therefore identifying new risk factors for liver cancer is a priority. The aim of this thesis was Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

to investigate new risk factors for liver cancer incidence and liver cancer mortality, and add new insights to previously identified liver cancer ris

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

k factors. These factors included serum biomarkers, pharmacological exposures (proton pump inhibitors, histamine-2 receptor antagonists, statins), lif

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITYBELFASTThesis Deposit FormTo be completed by StudentDegree:Doctor of PhilosophyFull Name:KIM TU TRANThesis title: Epidemiological in

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors s of these risk factors with liver cancer risk were investigated by using high quality levels of evidence including systematic review and meta-analysi

s and prospective studies based on large populations from UK and Chinese databases. In particular, the current thesis found evidence that the followin Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

g factors increased liver cancer incidence risk (high serum iron, proton pump inhibitor use, high serum testosterone and high SHBG levels) and liver c

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

ancer mortality risk (coal use. post-menopausal status). In contrast, the following factors were associated with a reduced risk of liver cancer incide

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITYBELFASTThesis Deposit FormTo be completed by StudentDegree:Doctor of PhilosophyFull Name:KIM TU TRANThesis title: Epidemiological in

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors dies should capture information on exposures over a period of time to more accurately define exposure, covariates should be collected based on medical

records if possibleespecially information on comorbidities, cancer outcomes should be verified via cancer registries and include histological subtype Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

, liver cancer should be verified as the primary underlying cause of death if the outcome of interest is mortality, advanced methodological approaches

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

like Directed Acyclic Graphs. Mendelian randomization, and propensity score should be applied, and where possible use data from large populations and

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITYBELFASTThesis Deposit FormTo be completed by StudentDegree:Doctor of PhilosophyFull Name:KIM TU TRANThesis title: Epidemiological in

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors MINER CERTIFICATION OF SUBMITTED WORKI hereby certify that this is the final accepted copy of the submitted work and that all required amendments have

been completed and submitted within the required deadline.Name of Examiner:Professor Anna T Gavin..........__ ________________________________ ______ Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

__Signature of Examiner:Date: 6 November 2020To be completed by StudentStudent Declaration:I give permission for my thesis to be made available, under

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

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QUEEN’S UNIVERSITYBELFASTThesis Deposit FormTo be completed by StudentDegree:Doctor of PhilosophyFull Name:KIM TU TRANThesis title: Epidemiological in

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors appropriate:i) Immediately □Orii) After an embargo period of 1 year □2 yearsEJ 3 yearsQ 4□years5 yearsReason for embargo: (applies to both print and

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Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

ormation which may endanger the physical/mental health or personal safety of an individual(s)I wish to embargo the e-thesis copy permanently: (applies

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITYBELFASTThesis Deposit FormTo be completed by StudentDegree:Doctor of PhilosophyFull Name:KIM TU TRANThesis title: Epidemiological in

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors ically would be onerous or expensive; and the removal of the copyright material would compromise the thesisCONFIRMATION OF DATA/HUMAN TISSUE SAMPLES H

ANDOVERAll research involving human participants, their tissue (eg blood, saliva, urine) or their data (interviews, consent forms, questionnaires) mus Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

t be retained by the University for at least five years. These sources must be handed over to your supervisor, Please confirm, by ticking the appropri

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

ate box, that:I I have provided my supervisor with all laboratory notebooks and/or primary source material pertaining to the study, including electron

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITYBELFASTThesis Deposit FormTo be completed by StudentDegree:Doctor of PhilosophyFull Name:KIM TU TRANThesis title: Epidemiological in

Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors he project I am not required to handover any data or samples relating to my thesis.Signature of student:Date: 6,h November 2020To be completed by Supe

rvisor Epidemiological investigations of liver cancer biomarkers, reproductive factors and modifiable risk factors

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITYBELFASTThesis Deposit FormTo be completed by StudentDegree:Doctor of PhilosophyFull Name:KIM TU TRANThesis title: Epidemiological in

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