Essentials of contemporary management

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Nội dung chi tiết: Essentials of contemporary management

Essentials of contemporary management

EIGHTHEDITIONEssentials ofCONTEMPORARYMANAGEMENTGareth R. Jones Jennifer M. Georgehttps://khothuvien.coniEssentials ofContemporaryManagementEighth Edi

Essentials of contemporary management itionGareth R. JonesJennifer M. GeorgeRico UniversityMe Graw Hill EducationMe Graw Hill EducationESSENTIALS OF CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT. EIGHTH EDITION

Published by McGraw-Hill Education. 2 Penn Plaza. New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2019 byMcGraw Hill Education. Ail rights reserved. Printed in the Un Essentials of contemporary management

ited States of America. Previous editions 2017, 20IS, and 2013. No port of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any mea

Essentials of contemporary management

ns, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without tile prior written consent of McGraw I ill! Education, including, but not limited to. in any

EIGHTHEDITIONEssentials ofCONTEMPORARYMANAGEMENTGareth R. Jones Jennifer M. Georgehttps://khothuvien.coniEssentials ofContemporaryManagementEighth Edi

Essentials of contemporary management y not be available to customers outside the United States.This book is printed on acid-free paper.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 9 I .VVI 22 21 20 19 18ISBN 978-1-25

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Essentials of contemporary management

te.Cover Image: ZMcGrau-Hill Global Education He.'rfwgs. LLCCompositor SPi GlobalAll credits appearing on page or at the end of thít book are consider

EIGHTHEDITIONEssentials ofCONTEMPORARYMANAGEMENTGareth R. Jones Jennifer M. Georgehttps://khothuvien.coniEssentials ofContemporaryManagementEighth Edi

Essentials of contemporary management author.Title: Essentials of contemporary management / Gareth R. Jones. Jennifer M.

EIGHTHEDITIONEssentials ofCONTEMPORARYMANAGEMENTGareth R. Jones Jennifer M. Georgehttps://khothuvien.coniEssentials ofContemporaryManagementEighth Edi

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