Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

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Nội dung chi tiết: Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision by Van-Tien PhamSubmitted to the School of Information Technology and Communication i

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Science in Information System and Communication at theHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENC

E AND TECHNOLOGY44105© Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2020. All rights reserved.Author.................................................... Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

..School of Information Technology and Communication October 10, 2020Certified by.......................................................Thi-Thanh-Hai

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

Tian Associate Professor Thesis SupervisorAccepted by..................................................ChairmanChairman. Department Committee on Gradu

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision by Van-Tien PhamSubmitted to the School of Information Technology and Communication i

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision ation on October 10. 2020. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for t he degree ofMaster of Science in Information System and CommunicationAbstr

actMultiple object tracking is the process of assigning unique and consistent identities to objects throughout a video sequence. A popular approach to Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

multiple object tracking is to use a method called tracking by detection. 'Racking by detection is a two-stage procedure: an object detection or segm

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

entation algorithm first detects objects in a given frame, these detected objects are then associated with already tracked objects in a second step by

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision by Van-Tien PhamSubmitted to the School of Information Technology and Communication i

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision first-person perspective. In egocentric view, the two human hands are essential in t he execution of actions and characterizing their movements and t

rajectories are the principal cues to define and recognize act ions.One of the main concerns of this thesis is to develop an automatic tracking by det Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

ection algorithm that extracts hands positions and identities in consequence frames from egocentric surveillance video. The proposed framework consist

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

s of state-of-the-art detectors from RCNN and YOLO family models combined wit h the SORT or DcepSORT for object tracking task. The thesis aims to expl

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision by Van-Tien PhamSubmitted to the School of Information Technology and Communication i

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision the thesis investigates how the use of visual descriptors of DcepSORT in the (racking stage of a tracking-by-deioction system effects performance.Res

ults presented in this thesis suggest (hat the capacity of the object detection algorithm is highly indicative of the overall performance of the irack Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

ing-by detection system. Further, this thesis also shows how the use of visual descriptors in the tracking stage can reduce t ho number of identity sw

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

itches and I hereby increase performance of I ho whole system. This I hesis also presents a now egocentric hand tracking dataset Micand32 for future r

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision by Van-Tien PhamSubmitted to the School of Information Technology and Communication i

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Tran Thi Thanh Hai. rd really appreciate everything she’vc guided me all through this thesis.Iwould like to thank my colleagu

es at Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation for supporting me in technical issues. Also. I might want to express gratitude toward Assoc. Prof Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

. Vu Hai and alumni at MICA Institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology for giving me significant suggestions.Deep inside my heart. I wish t

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision

o show my gratefulness to my family for always inspiring and trusting me in every of my st eps.Contents1Introduction151.1Overview of object recognitio

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision by Van-Tien PhamSubmitted to the School of Information Technology and Communication i

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision .............. 161.2Context and scope of t he thesis............................... 171.2.1Egocentric vision........................................ 1

Hand detection, segmentation and tracking from egocentric vision by Van-Tien PhamSubmitted to the School of Information Technology and Communication i

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