Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

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Nội dung chi tiết: Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

RMITUNIVERSITYInternationalising Tourism Education in Vietnam: An Evaluation of the Work-Integrated Learning Process in Tourism Training ProgramsA the

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs esis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyKhuong Thi Hong CamB.A. (HCMC Uni. of Education). M.A. (HCMC Op

en Uni.)School of Global Urban and See al StudiesCollege of Design and Social ContextRMIT University42005DeclarationIcertify that except where due ack Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

nowledgement has been made, the work is that of the author alone; the work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

other academic award; the content of the thesis/project is the result of work which has been earned out since the official commencement date of the ap

RMITUNIVERSITYInternationalising Tourism Education in Vietnam: An Evaluation of the Work-Integrated Learning Process in Tourism Training ProgramsA the

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs been followedKhuong Thi Hong Cam15* January 2015AcknowledgementsI would like to acknowledge all of rhe following individuals and groups, without whom

my research journey would not have been at all possible.My most heart-felt words go to my primary supervisor. Professor Desmond Cahill for his tremend Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

ous support, guidance, and encouragement. He spent his valuable time and tireless efforts reading my seemingly endless drafts, gave me sound and insig

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

htful feedback and questioned me critically to open up my mind. Without his devoted supervision, this thesis could not have been completed with pride

RMITUNIVERSITYInternationalising Tourism Education in Vietnam: An Evaluation of the Work-Integrated Learning Process in Tourism Training ProgramsA the

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs ges” on my papers, which taught me how to write more concisely and I could not do other things than "accept all." She was also an advisor for my perso

nal matters besides my academic issues. Her affectionate nature made me feel secured whenever I had something to confide to her.My gratitude also goes Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

to the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training (MOET). the Vietnam International Education Development (VIED) and RMIT University for sponsorin

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

g this project and providing me with an invaluable opportunity to study in AustraliaI would like to express my gratitude to the board of principals an

RMITUNIVERSITYInternationalising Tourism Education in Vietnam: An Evaluation of the Work-Integrated Learning Process in Tourism Training ProgramsA the

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs ion of all the participants including the leaders, the lecturing staff and the students of the six tourism training institutions. the managers and the

stall' in the tourism companies and an RMIT colleague of mine for his assistance in assessing the English proficiency levels of the graduates. Then v Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

aluable inputs were significant to the completion of this research.My special thanks also go to the HDR coordinators: Professor Pavla Miller and Assoc

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

iate Professor Snellen Murray; and the HDR administration team: Brian Walsh. Jenni Morris, and Amaya Alvarez, for then support and encouragement I am

RMITUNIVERSITYInternationalising Tourism Education in Vietnam: An Evaluation of the Work-Integrated Learning Process in Tourism Training ProgramsA the

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs s: Tran Till Hien, Nguyen Tin Hong. Nguyen Thuy Chau Phuong. Doan Tin Thanh Thuy. Tran Nguyen Phuong Linh. Nguyen Mai Nhung. Yuyun Yulia. Pham Till Ng

oc Anil and Nguyen Ho Phuong Chi for sharing with me both joys and sorrows during rhe program.Lastly, my deepest appreciation is reserved for my dearl Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

y loved family for then unconditional support in my life and particularly throughout this endeavour. 1 am grateful for my late father who instilled 11

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

1 me the love for learning when he was alive. Unfortunately, he passed away without seeing the success of his dear youngest daughter, but I believe he

RMITUNIVERSITYInternationalising Tourism Education in Vietnam: An Evaluation of the Work-Integrated Learning Process in Tourism Training ProgramsA the

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs ight future. With her persistent love, she accompanied me during my educational journey to babysit my two daughters and to give me both physical care

and emotional support. My special thanks are due to my dear husband. Pham Thanh Truong, whose love, encouragement, and support gave me an impetus to o Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

vercome this challenging yet rewarding research journey Finally, my loving words are for my two little daughters. Sue and Suri who always take pride i

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

n me and make me a better person everyday. To all of them. I dedicate this thesis.Table of ContentsAcknowledgements...................................

RMITUNIVERSITYInternationalising Tourism Education in Vietnam: An Evaluation of the Work-Integrated Learning Process in Tourism Training ProgramsA the

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs ............................................XList of Tables..................................................................xiList of Abbreviations..

.......................................................xiiiAbstract.......................................................................xivChapter 1 Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

: Introduction..........................................................11.1Research background.......................................................

Internationalising tourism education in vietnam an evaluation of the work integrated learning process in tourism training programs

..11.1.1The global travel and tourism industry...............................1

RMITUNIVERSITYInternationalising Tourism Education in Vietnam: An Evaluation of the Work-Integrated Learning Process in Tourism Training ProgramsA the

RMITUNIVERSITYInternationalising Tourism Education in Vietnam: An Evaluation of the Work-Integrated Learning Process in Tourism Training ProgramsA the

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