Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease

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Nội dung chi tiết: Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease

Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease

DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Isolation, selection and identification of Aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutr

Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease ral protease" is the result of the research work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh in the Central Laboratory of Food Scienc

e and Technology, the faculty of Food Science and Technology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture.I certify that the work presented in this the Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease

sis has not been submitted to any other universities. Any help received in preparing this thesis and all sources used have been specifically acknowled

Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease

ged.Hanoi, May 10th, 2017Master candidateVu Thi LanACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor. Dr. Ngu

DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Isolation, selection and identification of Aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutr

Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease d me to do this thesis. His patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge helped me during the time of my research and thesis writing.I am g

rateful to Research and Teaching Higher Education Academy-Committee on Development Cooperation (ARES-CDD) for generous financial support for the cours Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease

e work and research work.I sincerely thank all the teachers in the Department of Food Safety and Quality management, Faculty of Food Science and Techn

Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease

ology, who gave me many valuable suggestions and Ideas for my thesis.Finally, I would like to acknowledge my family and friends for their love and enc

DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Isolation, selection and identification of Aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutr

Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease .......................jAcknowledgement............................................iiTable Of Content..........................................iiiList

Of Abbreviations.......................................VList Of Tables.............................................viList Of Figures................. Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease

..........................viiPART I. INTRODUCTION........................................11.1.Introduction........................................11.2

Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease

.Objectives of study.................................2PART II. LITERATURE REVIEW..................................32.1.Enzyme protease................

DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Isolation, selection and identification of Aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutr

Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease ication of proteases in industries..............62.1.4.Sources of proteases................................82.2.Aspergillus group.....................

..............92.2.1.General characteristics of Aspergillusoryzae..102.2.2.Use of Aspergillus oryzae..........................132.2.3.Enzyme productio Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease

n of A. oryzae.....................14PART III. MATERIAL AND METHOD..............................163.1.Material........................................

Isolation, selection and identification of aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutral protease


DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Isolation, selection and identification of Aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutr

DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Isolation, selection and identification of Aspergillus oryzae producing high salt tolerant neutr

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