Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

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Nội dung chi tiết: Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

Doctoral DissertationMonotonic and Dynamic Strength Characteristics of Discontinuous Plane in Ring Shearing(y >& ỈÝ 6 obyNguyen Van IlaiDivision of Sy

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing ystem Design and Engineering Graduate School of Science and Engineering Yamaguchi University, Japan coMarch, 2017ABSTRACTThis thesis represents a labo

ratory-based experimental study into the monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing. It is well-known (hat Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

the residual shear strength is an essential property in evaluating long-term stability of reactivated landslides in geotechnical engineering. Accordi

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

ng to previous studies, earthquake-induced landslides may occur on discontinuous planes, such as bedding planes between weathered and un-wcalhcrcd mud

Doctoral DissertationMonotonic and Dynamic Strength Characteristics of Discontinuous Plane in Ring Shearing(y >& ỈÝ 6 obyNguyen Van IlaiDivision of Sy

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing n cemented and non-ccmcnlcd soil layers has not yet been sufficiently investigated. The objective of this study is to elucidate the ring-shear charact

eristics of artificial bedding planes that model actual behaviors of slip surfaces occurring between two layers having different degrees of cementatio Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

n. Additionally, in order to simulate realistic mechanical behavior of naturally cemented clay, artificial cementation bonds were created by adding a

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

cementing agent al different ratios to clay slurry. A scries of monotonic and dynamic ringshear tests was performed under various conditions on non-cc

Doctoral DissertationMonotonic and Dynamic Strength Characteristics of Discontinuous Plane in Ring Shearing(y >& ỈÝ 6 obyNguyen Van IlaiDivision of Sy

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing s: A series of ring-shear tests was performed on reconstituted and cemented one-layer clay specimens, and on two-layered specimens made from clay laye

rs having varied levels of cementation to artificially reproduce a bedding plane. Total nine types of sample were performed. The shear displacement ra Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

te, the normal stress, and the curing time were varied in order to better elucidate the influence of these factors on the residual strength characteri

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

stics of the discontinuous plane. The test results showed that the residual friction angle of two-part combinations of non-cemented and cemented kaoli

Doctoral DissertationMonotonic and Dynamic Strength Characteristics of Discontinuous Plane in Ring Shearing(y >& ỈÝ 6 obyNguyen Van IlaiDivision of Sy

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing han non-cemented kaolin. The stress ratio of 2% cemented kaolin increased as the sheardisplacement rate increased. The degree of increase was not sign

ificant as the cement content increased beyond 2%.Furthermore, additional multistage ring-shear tests under different normal stresses and shear speeds Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

performed on four sample types showed that the residual friction angle was significantly different corresponding to types of sample, with a range of

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

0.5 to 6.2°. Additionally, the effect of cementation on the residual cohesion intercept was identified according to the testing methodology. The stres

Doctoral DissertationMonotonic and Dynamic Strength Characteristics of Discontinuous Plane in Ring Shearing(y >& ỈÝ 6 obyNguyen Van IlaiDivision of Sy

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing . This increase is different for 0% and 4% cemented kaolin, which indicates that the multistage technique may give erroneous results for these clayey

soils.(2) Dynamic ring-shear lesls: Experimental tests were carried out by using a consolidation-constant volume cyclic loading ring-shear apparatus. Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

Three levels of vertical consolidation stress, ƠN, (98 kPa. 196 kPa. and 294 kPa); four overconsolidation ratios (OCR) (1. 2, 3. and 4); and three she

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

ar-torque amplitudes (30 kPa. 60 kPa. and 90 kPa), were applied. The response of four types of samples of cemented and non-ecmcnlcd kaolin under above

Doctoral DissertationMonotonic and Dynamic Strength Characteristics of Discontinuous Plane in Ring Shearing(y >& ỈÝ 6 obyNguyen Van IlaiDivision of Sy

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing . I. which evaluate the rale of cyclic degradation with the number of cycles, was mainly used to analyze test results. The experimental results reveal

ed that / decreases with increasing ƠX. shear-torque amplitude, and OCR. For 2%+0% combined-cement specimen, the effect of c>\- on the cyclic degradat Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

ion was not significant. As OCR increased from I to 4. the value of t reduced approximately 25.7% and 58.6% for 0% and 2% normal cemented kaolin sampl

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

es, respectively. On the other hand, positive and negative cyclic pore water pressure may be generated inside the 2% cemented specimen. This trend als

Doctoral DissertationMonotonic and Dynamic Strength Characteristics of Discontinuous Plane in Ring Shearing(y >& ỈÝ 6 obyNguyen Van IlaiDivision of Sy

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing ined specimens with a bedding plane, the stress paths barely reached their residual strength line. The cyclic shear resistance of discontinuous plane

materials decreased significantly as compared with static residual strength.iiCONTENTSABSTR.XCT....................................................... Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

..............iCONTENTS....................................................................iiiLIST OF FIGURES.........................................

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

.....................viLIST OF TABLES.............................................................xiiiLISI OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS...............

Doctoral DissertationMonotonic and Dynamic Strength Characteristics of Discontinuous Plane in Ring Shearing(y >& ỈÝ 6 obyNguyen Van IlaiDivision of Sy

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing .................................11.2Objectives and Scopes...................................................6I 3Organization of thesis...............

...................................7Chapter 2l.l 1'F.RA HIRE REVIEW............................................102.1Residual strength behavior of clay Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

s....................................102.1.1Introduction.........................................................102.1.2Relationship between residual

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

strength with soil index properties....122.1.3Nonlinearity of residual failure envelope............................192.1.4Residual shearing mechanism.

Doctoral DissertationMonotonic and Dynamic Strength Characteristics of Discontinuous Plane in Ring Shearing(y >& ỈÝ 6 obyNguyen Van IlaiDivision of Sy

Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing f clays and its application to the evaluation of landslidesstability..................................................................262.2Characteris

tics of naturally cemented clay.............................302.3Residual strength characteristics of cementedclay soils...............33 Monotonic and dynamic strength characteristics of discontinuous plane in ring shearing

Doctoral DissertationMonotonic and Dynamic Strength Characteristics of Discontinuous Plane in Ring Shearing(y >& ỈÝ 6 obyNguyen Van IlaiDivision of Sy

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