Noise reduction for flash ADC

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Nội dung chi tiết: Noise reduction for flash ADC

Noise reduction for flash ADC

THESISNoise Reduction for Flash ADCFlash ADC □ □□□ □□Graduate School, Myongji UniversityDepartment of Electronic EngineeringBui Van Hieu□ □□□Advisor:

Noise reduction for flash ADC Prof. Taikyeong led JeongAugust, 2010Noise Reduction for Flash ADCSubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Sc

ience in Electronic EngineeringJune, 2010Graduate School. Myongji University Department of Electronic EngineeringBui Van llieuNoise Reduction for Flas Noise reduction for flash ADC

h ADCGraduate School, Myongji University Department of Electronic EngineeringBui Van HieuWe hereby recommend that the thesis by the above candidate fo

Noise reduction for flash ADC

r the degree of Master of Science in Electronic Engineering be accepted.Chair. Evaluation Committee __________________________________________________

THESISNoise Reduction for Flash ADCFlash ADC □ □□□ □□Graduate School, Myongji UniversityDepartment of Electronic EngineeringBui Van Hieu□ □□□Advisor:

Noise reduction for flash ADC _________________________________________NameSignatureACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to thank Professor Taikyeong Ted. Jeong. Professor Jeong is my advis

or. He has helped me researching, writing thesis. Without him. 1 could not finish this work.1 would like to give my thanks to Korean students in my AS Noise reduction for flash ADC

IC laboratory, especially Seunghyun Beak. They have helped me a lol in the life at Korea. They have given me a warm life in a foreign country.1 would

Noise reduction for flash ADC

like to thank Vielnames students al Myongji University. They have helped me when Ĩ had problems, when Ĩ was sick, and stayed with me when Ĩ need them.

THESISNoise Reduction for Flash ADCFlash ADC □ □□□ □□Graduate School, Myongji UniversityDepartment of Electronic EngineeringBui Van Hieu□ □□□Advisor:

Noise reduction for flash ADC ily and my girl friend. Even though they stay in Vietnam, they always encourage me and stay beside me.iTABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENT...............

......................................1 Noise reduction for flash ADC

THESISNoise Reduction for Flash ADCFlash ADC □ □□□ □□Graduate School, Myongji UniversityDepartment of Electronic EngineeringBui Van Hieu□ □□□Advisor:

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