Oxford english for infomation technology
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Oxford english for infomation technology
Oxford English forInformationTechnologyEric H.GIendinning I John McEwanContentsPageUnit / TitleLanguageworkReadingListeningSpeakingWriting[4Computerus Oxford english for infomation technology sersRevision: Past simple and Present perfectNoting specific informationExchanging informationWriting a brief description102 Computer ArchitectureDescribing how an item functions Prepositions of placeLocating specific informationExchanging technical informationSequencing instructions183 Computer App Oxford english for infomation technology licationsPresent passiveReading diagrams Ignoring irrelevant infoDescribing a processDescribing a process244 PeripheralsRevision: Comparison and contrOxford english for infomation technology
astListening for detailDescribing function Comparing and contrasting321 5 ■ Interview: 1 Former Ị studentRevision: Past simple questions Word Study: uOxford English forInformationTechnologyEric H.GIendinning I John McEwanContentsPageUnit / TitleLanguageworkReadingListeningSpeakingWriting[4Computerus Oxford english for infomation technology ionExchanging technical information447 GraphicalV+ obj + infin V♦ obj ♦ to-infinReading diagramsProviding explanationsUser Interfacesallow, enable, help. let. permit528 Applications ProgramsInstructions and complex instructionsNote-takingExchanging informationMaking recommendations609 Multimedia-mg Oxford english for infomation technology clauses: cause and effectLocating information in diagram and textProviding explanationsDescribing a process681 10 i Interview: I Computing ' Support//Oxford english for infomation technology
-sentences. types 1 and 2 Word Study: noun + noun compoundsMatching diagrams and spoken outputGiving instructions7211 NetworksRelative clauses with a Oxford English forInformationTechnologyEric H.GIendinning I John McEwanContentsPageUnit / TitleLanguageworkReadingListeningSpeakingWriting[4Computerus Oxford english for infomation technology onWriting a newsgroup contribution8813 The World Wide WebTime clausesInformation transfer, listcningand note-takingDescribing a process9614 WebsitesGiving adviceUnderstanding the writer’s purposeExchanging informationEvaluatingPageUnit/TitleLanguage WorkReadingListeningSpeakingI Writing10215 Intervi Oxford english for infomation technology ew: Webpage Creatorwould Word Study: definitionsand collocationsListening for specific informationExchanging informationAdvising10«16 Communications SOxford english for infomation technology
ystemsPredictions: certainty expressionsReadingfor specific informationListening for predictions and certaintyExchanging information to complete a diaOxford English forInformationTechnologyEric H.GIendinning I John McEwanContentsPageUnit / TitleLanguageworkReadingListeningSpeakingWriting[4Computerus Oxford english for infomation technology echnical problemsReporting a problem12418 Data Security 1Cause and effect cause to/make: causative verbs: en- and -en verbsScanningExchanging informationExplaining a computer crime13219 Data Security 2Cause and effect using allow and prevent linksReading a tableExchanging explanationsDescribing how Oxford english for infomation technology a systein operates14020 Interview: The ex-hackerPhrasal verbs Word Study: semantic groupsListening for specific informationRole playWriting a short neOxford english for infomation technology
ws item14621 Software EngineeringRevision: tfX, then Y. Do until, do whileListening for specific informationExchanging information and optionsDescribiOxford English forInformationTechnologyEric H.GIendinning I John McEwanContentsPageUnit / TitleLanguageworkReadingListeningSpeakingWriting[4Computerus Oxford english for infomation technology eted questionsWriting a c.v.16223 Recent Developments in nrAbility: can, could, be able toReadingand note-takingComparing different versions of a textMaking a presentationWriting a report17224 The Future of ITPredictions: Future perfect and It in subject positionReading and note-takingListening for Oxford english for infomation technology points of viewPersuading Others to your point of viewWriting a summary17825 Interview: Electronic PublishingEmphasising cleft sentences Word Study: prOxford english for infomation technology
efixes: -ise verbsListening for points of viewPlanning group presentation Defending a decision184Pairwork student A190 Pairwork student B196 Ị ListeniOxford English forInformationTechnologyEric H.GIendinning I John McEwanContentsPageUnit / TitleLanguageworkReadingListeningSpeakingWriting[4ComputerusOxford English forInformationTechnologyEric H.GIendinning I John McEwanContentsPageUnit / TitleLanguageworkReadingListeningSpeakingWriting[4ComputerusGọi ngay
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