Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

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Nội dung chi tiết: Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

DISSERTATIONSimulation of Tracking Systems for Solar Towersausgeflihrt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doctors der technischen

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers Wissenschaftenunter der Leitung von a.o. Univ-Prof. Dr. Karl PonweiserInstitut íũr Energietechnik und Thermodynamikeingereicht an der Technischen Uni

versităt WienFakultat fur Maschinenwesen und BetriebswissenschaftenvonDipl.-lng. Nguyen Quoc Longe1129460Kantnergasse 48-5A-1210 WienWien, im March 20 Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

16ACKNOWLEDGMENTI would like to express my deep appreciation and gratitude to my Supervisor, Prof. Dlpl.-lng. Dr.techn. Karl PONWEISER for his guidanc

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

e and encouragement during my study.I also gratefully acknowledge Prof. Dlpl.-lng. Dr. techn. Markus HAIDER, who firstly gave me an opportunity to wor

DISSERTATIONSimulation of Tracking Systems for Solar Towersausgeflihrt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doctors der technischen

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers or his dedicated guidance of the dissertation theory and his kindness for helping me in the most difficult moment of my life in Vienna.A special thank

is also for Mr. Michael LAUERMANN. Without his instructions of MATLAB software, the dissertation will not be a sufficient result.Above all, I deeply Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

grateful my family for their lovely encouragement during my study time in Vienna and in my life as well.iiABSTRACTThermal energy, which is created fro

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

m a conversion of solar radiation, is then converted into mechanical energy. The efficiency of this procedure is highly dependent on the temperature a

DISSERTATIONSimulation of Tracking Systems for Solar Towersausgeflihrt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doctors der technischen

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers ture of the environment are nearly the same. This problem leads to the necessity of a concentrated solar radiation. If the energy density of the radia

tion is higher, the temperature a solar energy earning device can reach is higher as well. As a result, the higher the temperature of the thermal ener Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

gy, the higher is the efficiency of a device which is converting the thermal energy into mechanical energy.However, since the sun is moving in relatio

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

n to the earth, concentrating devices have to be moved to follow the sun by applying solar trackers to concentrate sun energy to target plane.This stu

DISSERTATIONSimulation of Tracking Systems for Solar Towersausgeflihrt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doctors der technischen

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers sed to simulate trackers for solar tower systems.By use of two methods of solar trackers: azimuth-elevation method and spinning-elevation method, form

ulas for calculating two rotation angles on two axes of the heliostat are established to ensure that incident sunrays which are hitting the heliostat Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

are reflected to the target plane. Accordingly, defining the equations of sunrays tracking is a significant section of this research. In the solar tow

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

er systems, the distance between the mirror (heliostat) and the receiver (target plane) is longer than in other concentrating systems. In this case, t

DISSERTATIONSimulation of Tracking Systems for Solar Towersausgeflihrt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doctors der technischen

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers n on the target plane.It is the purpose to investigate the errors of the heliostat systems to describe the real position of a heliostat and establish

the formulas of the errors of the tracking angles in reality by use of the measurement tools. In another method, the error angles can be calculated by Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

measuring the solar elevation angles and the solar azimuth angles during the time of sun tracking at three different times via recording the image of

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

the sun by using a camera. The outcome of this method is more accurate than those of using the measurement tools. Then the calculation of received en

DISSERTATIONSimulation of Tracking Systems for Solar Towersausgeflihrt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doctors der technischen

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers mechanische Energie umgewandelt werden. Der Wirkungsgrad dieser Umwandlung ist stark von der Temperatur abhàngig, bei der die thermische Energie verfu

gbar ist. Aufgrund der geringen Energiedichte der Solarstrahlung ist die Temperatur einer bestrahlten, ungekuhlten Flache nahe der Umgebungstemperatur Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

. Dieses Verhalten fuhrt zur Notwendigkeit, die Solarstrahlung ZU konzentrieren. Je hbher die Konzentration, desto hoher die Temperatur und somit auch

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

der mogliche Wirkungsgrad der Umwandlung von thermischer in mechanische Energie.Da sich die Sonne relativ zur Erde bewegt, mussen Einrichtungen, die

DISSERTATIONSimulation of Tracking Systems for Solar Towersausgeflihrt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doctors der technischen

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers lt und in MATLAB implementiert, die die Nachfuhrung von Heliostaten fur Turmkraftwerke unter realistischen Bedingungen beschreiben.Es wurden die Azimu

th-Elevation-Method und die Spinning-Elevation-Method betrachtet und verglichen.In Solarturm-Systemen Sind die Abstãnde zwischen den Reflektoren und d Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

em Receiver viel grõBer als in anderen konzentrierenden Systemen. Deshalb muss die Genauigkeit der Nachfiihrung innerhalb von wenigen Milliradianten s

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

ein, urn einen hohen Wirkungsgrad erzielen ZU konnen.Um das reale System beschreiben ZU kõnnen, Sind die Winkelfehler der Heliostaten ZU untersuchen.

DISSERTATIONSimulation of Tracking Systems for Solar Towersausgeflihrt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doctors der technischen

Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers erlauf die Position der Sonne, beispielsweise mit Hilfe einer Kamera ZU bestimmen. Diese Methode ist genauer und erlaubt eine genauere Bestimmung des

auf den Receiver auftreffenden Energiestroms.iv Simulation of tracking systems for solar towers

DISSERTATIONSimulation of Tracking Systems for Solar Towersausgeflihrt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doctors der technischen

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