Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

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Nội dung chi tiết: Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes ation on genetic diversity and candidate genesNguyen Minh ThanhA thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy atThe University of Queenslan

d in July 2009The Centre for Marine StudiesDeclaration by AuthorTins thesis is composed of my original work, and contains no material previously publi Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

shed or written by another person except where due reference has been made in the text I have clearly stated the contribution by others to jointly-aut

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

hored works that I have included in my thesis.I have clearly stated the contribution of others to my thesis as a whole, including statistical assistan

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes ed in my thesis. The content of my thesis is the result of work 1 have carried out since the commencement of my research higher degr ee candidature an

d does not include a substantial pail of work that has been submitted to qualify for the award of any other degree or diploma 111 any university or ot Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

her tertiary institution. I have clearly stated which pails of my thesis, if any. have been submitted to qualify’ for another award.I acknowledge that

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

an electronic copy of my thesis must be lodged with the University Library and. subject to the General Award Rules of The University of Queensland, i

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes my thesis resides with the copyright holder(s) of that material11Statement of Contributions to Jointly Authored Works Contained in the t hesis1Thank N

.M.. Ponzoni. R.W.. Nguyen, MIL. Vu. NT., Barnes, A.. Mather. P.B., 2009. F.valuation of growth performance in a diallei cross of three strains of gia Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

nt freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam, Aquaculture 287, 75-83.This manuscript is incorporated as Chapter 2 of this thesis. The fi

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

rst author is responsible for the research, analysis and interpretation of data, and written work of this manuscript. The co-authors provided conceptu

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes dditive and non-additive genetic effects for growth traits 111 a diallei cross of three strains of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosetibergii)

111 Vietnam. Aquaculture (in review).This manuscript is incorporated as Chapter 3 of this thesis. The first author is responsible for the research, a Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

nalysis and interpretation of data, and written work of this manuscript. The co-authors provided conceptual, logistical and editorial support3Thanh. N

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

.M.. Barnes. A C., Mather. P.B.. Li. Y.. Lyons. R.E.. (in review). Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the actin and crustacean hyperglycemic hormone g

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes quaculture (in review-).This manuscript is incorporated as Chapter 5 of this thesis. The first author is responsible for rhe research, analy sis and i

nterpretation of data, and written w ork of tills manuscript. 111C co-authors provided conceptual, logistical and editorial support.AcknowledgementsFi Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

rst and foremost, my thanks is to A Prof. Andrew Barnes at the Centre for Manne Studies. the University of Queensland (ƯQ), Australia, who has been my

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

principal supervisor since the beginning of my PhD journey. He arranged research hinds, and has helped and supported me over the years. I would like

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes arranged research hinds, provided me with important advice and helpful suggestions during the course of this work His constant encouragement and time

ly comments have been a crucial factor in the progress of this study. He also shared with me many aspects of my life 111 Brisbane. Without his supervi Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

sion this thesis would not have been completed. I would also like to address my gratitude to Dr. Russell Lyons, a research scientist at CSIRO Livestoc

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

k Industries. Australia. He kindly arranged for me to undertake some works in his laboratory', trained me 111 the new field of molecular genetics, and

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes AID program for providing a postgraduate scholarship to me to conduct research in Australia. The chance to do a P11D research in Australia has been o

ne of the most valuable opportunities in my career and I therefore feel gratefill to AusAID and all the staff in the AusAID Liaison Office at the UQ a Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

nd Jacqui Harding in the Student Support Service. who have provided me with necessary support for my research and fieldwork, supporting me 111 my effo

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

rts to complete this journey from the beginning till the end.I am grateful to the National Breeding Center for Southern Freshwater Aquaculture. a part

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes search could not have been completed without the support from my colleagues in the Research Institute for Aquaculture No. 2. Vietnam Their extensive a

ssistance has been one of the most important factors in the completion of this thesis. At the risk of offending the rest. I would like to name but a f Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

ew: Dr. Nguyen Van Hao. Dr. Pham Van Khanh, Mr. Huynh Hun Ngai, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Vu. Mr. Nguyen Van Sang. Mr. Trinh Quoc Trong. Mr. Dinh Hiuig. and Ml

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

. Dinh Van Chon for then-support for various aspects of this study. I would also like to thank Mr. Phan Thanh Tan. who works at Bmh An Center for Aqua

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes r. Penang. Malaysia) for kindly organizing my visit to WorldFish Center for analysis of the quantitative genetic component data. They also assisted in

interpretation of data and preparation of manuscripts. Special thanks ate given to Dr Yutao Li (CSIRO Livestock Industries. Australia) for assistance Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

with interpretation of data and production of the SNP manuscript, and to Dr. David Hruvvood (QUT) for training me a variety of molecrtlar genetic ana

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

lysis programs.I would wish to send my spectal thanks to the Centre for Mature Studies (UỌ) and the School of Natural Resoruce Sciences (QUT) for offe

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes tions and to Vincent Chand for laboratory assistance and technical advice.My fr iends both at the ƯQ and QƯT have provided me with all the special tun

and joys that friendship can bring to one. Thank you to special Vietnamese families, namely Kim-Trang. Hai-Minh. Nam-Hoa. Thanh-Anh, and Hung-Hong To Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

gether they have established a small community in Brisbane that I have really enjoyed being a part of in my life Tire weekly dinners they cook for me

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

have provided me with nutrition and energy to till with my sleepless nights working on the thesis.I would like to give gratrtude to my parents and par

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes anh, to get me through this journey Dur ing the busiest part of our lives. Mai Thanh did more than her fair share of raising our little kid and lookin

g after US all while I worked on this project. Without her unconditional love and patient support during my ups and downs in this journey, there would Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

have been no thesis completed. I owe her much. My last words, but most important of all. are for my little daughter Van My. who has brightened every

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

one of my days during the four years in Brisbane.VAbstractAquaculture plays an important role 111 economic development and food security 111 many coun

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn {Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Vietnam: Experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestica

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes tion will need to increase however by 30-40 million toimes from its cunent production level by 2030 to meet giowing global demand for fish, hl this co

ntext, aquaculture in Vietnam has developed rapidly over rhe past decade and the fisheries sector ranked fourth in terms of export value in 2008 (Viet Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

nanmet. 2008). Total fisheries production in Vietnam in 2007 was 4.149 million tonnes, of which fisheries production from catch and aquaculture were 2

Stock improvement of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in viet nam experimental evaluations of crossbreeding, the impact of domestication on genetic diversity and candidate genes

.064 and 2.085 million tomies. respectively. A variety of aquatic species are cultured in Vietnam, but shrimps (mainly Black Tiger shrimp Penaeus mono

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