Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

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Nội dung chi tiết: Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya research aims to classify and determine characteristics of a unique polluted water region in Nyanza Gulf, from which to find out the treatments and ad

aptations to each region. Ihc reason for this research is the demand for clean and safe water for the residential areas surrounding Nyanza Gulf. Kenya Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

. Therefore, in LA VICORD project, the monitoring programs including frequent waler samplings (biweekly and bimonthly) at 22 sires (KĨSAT. KT. I, KT.2

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

. DI. D2. D3, D4. KT.3, KĨ.4. 111. 112. 113, CG3. CG5, CG6. COL, K1BOS river, K113OƯN river, SONDƯ liver. NYANDO river) were carried our in I year (fr

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya lity in tropine lake.Chapter One is an overview of the current stare of water qualify in Nyanza Gulf, Kenya, rhe urgent need to carry out LA VICORD pr

ojects aimed at finding solutions for eutrophication in lakes and addressing the needs of clean water ĨO people around the lake.Chapter Two is a liter Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

ature review of related issues which has treated in the study. Chapter Two consists of 4 parts express four major aspects of the problem of eutrophica

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

tion lakes. Pan One defines the phenomenon of eutrophication and its mechanism. Part Two shows the cunent conditions of eutrophication 111 Nyanza Gulf

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya or Tropic lakes in the world is presented ill Part Four.Chapter Three is subdivided into three parts and provides an outline of relevant methodology w

as used in this research. Part One illustrates the approach of field observation. Two physical parameters: Water temperature and turbidity. were measu Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

red by a submersible Conductivity-Temperature-Depth profiling system (CID). Part Iwo describe a chemical analysis which was used foi Id bio-chemical p

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

arameters: pll. dissolved oxygen (DO), total nitrogen (TN), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), nitrite (NO/), nitrate (NO.X-), ammonium (NIL*), total pho

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya ed Microcy still (DMC). Pail Three shows multivariable statistical methods which were applied for complex data matrix such as: Friedman lest (ANOVA tw

o-way with blocking for lion-parametric method) and ANOVA two-way were used to analyze spatial and temporal variation of 16 water quality parameters: Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

Cluster analysis was used to classify the polluted water region base on about 16 water quality parameters; Multivariable linear regression analysis wa

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

searned out to make a predicted model of correlation between Chlorophyll-a and nutrient parameter or physical factor.Chapter Four concentrates on prob

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya normal distribution and strong skewed with many outliers 111 the left tail of the distribution. Part Two shows significant spatial and temporal varia

tion of 16 water quality parameters. Part Tlnee shows the result of the classification of pollution, all 17 parameters (exclude POA include PON and PO Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

P) weie used. As the results. 18 monitoring stations were classified into 3 groups. Group 1 named Coastal group includes: Kisat. KL1. DI and H4 which

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

are located near the shoreline of Nyanza gulf. Group 2 named Middle group includes the stations (KL2. KL3, KL4. Hl. H2. H3. D2. D3, D4) which are dist

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya a Gulf. Part Four, basing on 3 pollutant areas, this method was earned out to make a predicted model of correlation between Chlorophyll-a and nutrient

parameter or physical factor for each region. Three models were established. In model 110.1. Chloiophyll-a of Coastal area showed positive correlatio Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

n with TN. TSS and water temperature. This result IS quite consistent with natural phenomena when both TN and TSS represent for organic pollutants (R-

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

0.48). In model no.2. the Chlorophyll-a of Middle area showed negative correlation with DO and turbidity (R-0.28). The model no. 3 of Mouth area showe

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya ure. pH and DO) (R20.82) Compare with model of previous research, this study show the more comprehensive relationship between Chlorophyll-a and the ot

her water quality parameters. The correlation base on not only nutrient parameter (nitrogen parameters) but also water temperature. pH and dissolved o Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

xygen.Conclusions are drawn 111 Chapter Five. There IS significant spatial and temporal variation in water quality in Nyanza Gulf and mechanisms of de

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

velopment of phytoplankton in each polluted water region is different. I suggest that either increasing discharge distance of the industrial parks fro

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya around the Nyanza Gulf Besides, raising public awareness about Microcystm in water through the media has to be fostered.iiAcknow lodgementI would lik

e to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. Tada for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge, ills guidance helped me in all the tim Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

e of research and writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my Master thesis. He consistently allowed t

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

ins research to Ik- my own work, but steered me in the right the direction whenever he thought Ĩ needed it.My thanks also go to the experts who were i

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya ujioka. Without their passionate participation and enthusiastic help, my study could not have been successfully done and my dream surely ends al any m

oment ill the past.Friend, the beautiful friendship is a vital piece in our life and success. Dr. Kim Sangyeob. Japanese beloved boys 111 River Engine Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

ering laboratory and “Vietnamese popular Fours” who always stand by me. smile to me to let me know 1 don’t alone at all. Thank you $0 much my friends.

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

Finally. I must express my very profound gratitude to my husband and to my son for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement th

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya you for everything.iiiTable of contentsList of figures..................................................................viList of tables.............

......................................................IXAbbreviations.....................................................................XChapter1: I Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya


Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

2.Objectives of study.......................................................21.3.Structure of thesis..................................................

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya ..............32.2.Lake Victoria water environment...........................................62.3.Nutrient enrichment in Nyanza Gulf..................

......................9 Study on dynamic behavior of water quality in lake victoria, kenya

Study on Dynamic Behavior of Water Quality inLake Victoria, Kenya20172 fl 27 052115705flij tz 7'Ỵ 3r > 9 Ỵ(LE THI KIM QƯI)SummaryThe purpose of this r

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