The growth and quality of indigenous tree species planted under the forest canopy in thach thanh district thanh hoa province
➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: The growth and quality of indigenous tree species planted under the forest canopy in thach thanh district thanh hoa province
The growth and quality of indigenous tree species planted under the forest canopy in thach thanh district thanh hoa province
MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENTVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRYSTUDENT THESISTHE GROWTH AND QUALITY OF INDIGENOUS TREE SPECIESPLA The growth and quality of indigenous tree species planted under the forest canopy in thach thanh district thanh hoa province ANTED UNDER THE FORES I CANOPY IN THACH THANHDISTRICT, TIIANIIno A PROVINCEMajor: Natural Resources ManagementFaculty: Forest Resources and Environmental ManagementStudent: Nguyen Ngoe KhanhStudent II): 135 309 1001Class: K59B - Natural Resources Management Course: 2014 - 2019Advanced Education Prog The growth and quality of indigenous tree species planted under the forest canopy in thach thanh district thanh hoa province ramDeveloped in collaboration with Colorado State University, USA Supervisor: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pham Minh ToaiHa Noi, October/2018LIST OF TABLESLIST OFThe growth and quality of indigenous tree species planted under the forest canopy in thach thanh district thanh hoa province
FIGURESLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSACKNOWLEDGEMENTABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONCONTENTSCHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW O1 RESEARCH1.1. Tn the worldI. I. I. Research on mixed planMINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENTVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRYSTUDENT THESISTHE GROWTH AND QUALITY OF INDIGENOUS TREE SPECIESPLA The growth and quality of indigenous tree species planted under the forest canopy in thach thanh district thanh hoa province igenous trees planting under tprest canopy................1.3. Techniques lor planting indigenous ibresls under the forest canopy of the project1.3.1.History of forest plantation in the research area........................1.3.2.Techniques for planting Acadia auriculifomiis forests of the project... The growth and quality of indigenous tree species planted under the forest canopy in thach thanh district thanh hoa province ..1.3.3.Technique for planting indigenous iorest under forest canopy.............MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENTVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRYSTUDENT THESISTHE GROWTH AND QUALITY OF INDIGENOUS TREE SPECIESPLAMINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENTVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRYSTUDENT THESISTHE GROWTH AND QUALITY OF INDIGENOUS TREE SPECIESPLAGọi ngay
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