The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

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Nội dung chi tiết: The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

The Individual and the Goin 111 unity:A Productive Tension in American History from the Colonial Era to 1860byQuan Thach Hoang May 8th, 2009A disserta

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860 ation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The State University of New York at Buffalo In partial fulfillment of the requirements for th

e degree ofDoctor of PhilosophyDepartment of American StudiesAcknowledgement1 would not have been able to complete this dissertation without the gener The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

ous support, advice, and constructive feedback from my committee members. Ĩ want to express my special thanks and gratitude to Dr. Michael 1 risch. my

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

dissertation adv isor. Lor his steadfast support.encouragement, and belief in the value of my project over the last two years. Ĩ was especially fortu

The Individual and the Goin 111 unity:A Productive Tension in American History from the Colonial Era to 1860byQuan Thach Hoang May 8th, 2009A disserta

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860 en the outline of the dissertation. The enormous amount of time he spent talking to me. urging me to aim for greater depth and scope, straightening ou

t my thoughts and clarifying my methodology, but otherwise letting me freely exercise my creativity, was especially valuable to the completion of this The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

dissertation, bringing clarity and unity to the project as a whole.1 would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Kari Winter for her sustained sup

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

port and assistance throughout my entire time in the program. Her thorough reading of my early drafts and her invaluable critical feedback helped lead

The Individual and the Goin 111 unity:A Productive Tension in American History from the Colonial Era to 1860byQuan Thach Hoang May 8th, 2009A disserta

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860 of which 1 managed to give shape and organization to the first and most challenging chapter on New England towns. Her excellent editing skills also he

lped improved the clarity and lucidity in much of my prose. Dr. Carl Nightingale's valuable feedback, challenging though it was. broadened my thoughts The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

and helped me see new ways to improve the academic merit of my dissertation. Working as a teaching assistant with him for one semester in World Civil

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

ization was also a memorable and rewarding experience that Ĩ will not likely forget.1 owe special thanks to the Fulbright Program for sponsoring the t

The Individual and the Goin 111 unity:A Productive Tension in American History from the Colonial Era to 1860byQuan Thach Hoang May 8th, 2009A disserta

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860 cation. The American Research Fellowship from the University of Buffalo and the four-year teaching assistantship from the Department of American Studi

es were indispensable to my continued pursuit and completion of the doctoral program. Many professors and staff members in the department were also su The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

pportive and encouraging to me during the dissertation process, making my living here in Buffalo bearable and memorable. I want to thank especially Dr

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

. Ruth Meyerowitz. Dr. Donald Grinde, and Betsy Thornton for their assistance, support, and kindness that were most crucial in keeping up my spirits a

The Individual and the Goin 111 unity:A Productive Tension in American History from the Colonial Era to 1860byQuan Thach Hoang May 8th, 2009A disserta

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860 gement that have been indispensible to my persistence with and final completion of the dissertation. My friends Ula, Nahirana, Patricia, Sami. Imen. A

yesha. Waseela. EunHyoung. Sunanda. Cait. and Katie did more for me with their precious friendships than I could ever hope to reciprocate. The special The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

undergraduate students in my recitations, while an unfailing source of distraction and. at times, nuisance, provided me with the necessary human inte

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

raction and kept my two feet on the ground.ivTable of ContentsAcknowledgmentsiiiAbstractviIntroduction1Chapter OneColonial New England Towns: The Stru

The Individual and the Goin 111 unity:A Productive Tension in American History from the Colonial Era to 1860byQuan Thach Hoang May 8th, 2009A disserta

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860 ic Pluralism and Synthesis in the American Revolution90Chapter FourThe Role of the Government in the Economy125Conclusion167Works Cited173VAbstractAs

a central, defining axis of American history and historiography, the individualcommunity dichotomy has polarized discussions about the nature of Ameri The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

can society and produced endless dead-end debates. Interpreted from within this binary framework, many important issues in American history are simply

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

different variations on the theme of America being either individualistic or communalistic.Through a critical reading of the historiography and a cri

The Individual and the Goin 111 unity:A Productive Tension in American History from the Colonial Era to 1860byQuan Thach Hoang May 8th, 2009A disserta

The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860 their history, this dissertation argues that it is the interplay between the two forces of individualism and community, connected and locked in an uns

table tension as they are. that characterizes American history. The individual and the community a productive tension in american history from the colonial era to 1860

The Individual and the Goin 111 unity:A Productive Tension in American History from the Colonial Era to 1860byQuan Thach Hoang May 8th, 2009A disserta

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