The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

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Nội dung chi tiết: The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam itted in partial fulfilmentof the requirements for the degreeofDoctor of Philosophy in Tourism DevelopmentatThe University of WaikatobyNGUYEN TH I NGO

C DUNGTHE UNIVERSITY OFWAIKATOTi K'ktte IHMđniiđ u Hixfjrc2019Số hóa bời Trung tàm Học liệu và Công nghê thòng tin - ĐHTN The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

This thesis is a theoretical and empirical examination of the role of local communities in sustainable tourism development through community-based tou

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

rism. It reveals how community participation and empowerment in tourism could be enhanced from listening to. understanding, and integrating the voices

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam ir community and local tourism development. I argue that reclaiming and acknowledging local people’s power and collective responsibility in upholding

their central role has the potential to transform experiences of about local people and enable them to achieve what they desire in tourism. A mixed me The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

thodology was used, the majority of which was qualitative, to help draw better comprehensive answers for my research questions. Data collected from 28

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

interviews, 130 questionnaires. 3 focus groups and participation in local daily activities gave me a better insight into the community, whether they

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam t to local characteristics as the roots of tourism development, drivers of attractiveness and competitiveness in the face OÍ' globalisation. The dialo

gue between tourism and local development can be more effective if decisionmakers. actors in tourism, and the hosting community develop policies and a The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

ttitudes resulting from an understanding of the significance of local characteristics. The second theme determines the barriers that prevent more loca

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

l people from participation in community-based tourism development. This reveals how communities themselves become a source of challenges to the pract

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam l change. It is important to re-confirm that the power to act is within local people's hands. Local people’s role and participation can and must be pr

omoted for successful implementation of sustainable tourism development by acknowledging their power and enabling them to exercise that power. This st The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

udy also unpacks the significance of collaboration of all the stakeholders as it generates collective power in CBT development. Finally, this thesis r

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

eveals the importance to address and promote the concept of inclusive tourism, which is meaningful for collective responsibility in upholding the cent

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam ning to the power of local people within tourism development, and provides an opportunity to advance the innovative and forward thinking of inclusive

tourism. I argue that inclusive tourism should be the answer to a changing world. Given the challenges that each stakeholder faces today, this study d The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

emonstrates that the concept of looking beyond each stakeholder and the need for collective action and collaboration have never been clearer.Số hóa bờ

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

i Trung tâm Hoc liệu vã Công nghé thông tin - ĐHTN LEDGE.MEM sMy PhD has been an extremely rewarding journey, with various

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam have been extremely blessed to meet, be inspired and supported by so many beautiful and generous people throughout Illis PhD journey. 1 am grateful t

o each of those who have, in their own unique way. contributed to this research.My deepest respect and gratitude go to my Chief supervisor Dr Anne-Mar The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

ie d'llaulcscrrc for her outstanding supervision during the enlfrc process of writing this thesis. 1 have learnt a considerable amount from her and ta

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

ken inspiration from her dedication, professionalism and energy. She has consistently challenged, sustained and inspứed me to do more, to think harder

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam t. Ĩ owe an enormous debt of gratitude for her commitment and for supporting me until the completion of my PhD study.I would also like to thank Dr Nao

mi Simmonds for having contributed important advice for the formulation and development of this thesis during the first two years of my PhD. My specia The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

l thanks go to Professor Bruce Curtis for his willingness to support me during the last stage of my PhD; his expertise helped me to improve my thesis

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

significantly. I also would like to thank Dr Fiona McCormack for stepping up to be my temporary' supervisor and offering such helpfill comments and ad

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam their very constructive and helpfill comments. Their feedback has enabled me to further improve my thesis.I very much appreciated the valuable sponso

rship of the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training and the University' of Waikato tor their financial support, which provided me with an opportun The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

ity' to pursue my PhD in New Zealand.I would like to acknowledge the local people, managers, and other key informants from the Thai Nguyen province, w

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

ho were the participants in my study. I am indebted to them for their time and engagement in this research. This study’ would not have been possible w

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam een very fortunate to be a PhD student in the Geography and Environmental Planning Programme al the University of Waikato. Many people in the programm

e, al various limes and in different ways, provided invaluable assistance. A big thank you to Associate Professor John Campbell for introducing me to The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

the programme. 1 would like to thank specially Dr Silvia Scrrao-Ncumann for reading my full thesis draft and ottering me insightful comments. My since

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

re thanks to Professor Lynda Johnston. Dr Lars Brabyn. Kate Mackncss. Dr Pip Wallace and Dr Gail Yvonne Hutcheson for all the warm conversations. 1 am

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam rrell and Jillene Bydder. I would also like to acknowledge Paula Maynard and Rachel Gosnell Maddock for offering me administrative support.To my amazi

ng friends. Lien, Ngoc, Sandi, Danil, Dinesha, Anoosh, Rini. Sunita. Vijay and Tegan: you are incredible and have inspired me in so many different way The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

s. I have really enjoyed sharing my PhD journey with you, which made this a much more rewarding and memorable experience. Thank you for all the coffee

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

s, meals, pep talks and loving messages throughout this PhD journey.To my family friends. Hieu Ngoc, Tan Trang, Tinh Nuong, Tuan Ai, Cuong Loan, Nhat

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam d cherished our wonderful trips together exploring beautiful New Zealand. I am inspired by your energy and enthusiasm for life. Thank you for your war

m and funny meals, generosity, babysitting and all other support that you offered me. The role of local communities in community based tourism development in traditional tea production areas in thai nguyen province vietnam

The Role of Local Communities in Community-based Tourism Development in Traditional Tea Production Areas in Thai Nguyen Province, VietnamA thesissubmi

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