Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

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Nội dung chi tiết: Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system genieurwissenschaflen (Dr.-Ing.)Submitted to theFaculty of Electrical Engineering / Computer Science, University of KasselByM.Sc. Ngoc Doan DuongDay o

f Defence: 25,h March 2019AbstractLocation information plays a vital role in today’s society. People usually carry their mobile devices everywhere the Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

y go to benefit from real-lime location services; the location of the device is the location of users. The focus of positioning services is shifting f

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

rom outdoors to indoors. Technological services which depend on indoor locations arc increasing in popularity. Wi-Fi fingerprinting is a promising tec

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system i-Fi received signal strength. It provides useful information applicable in the implementation of a reliable, consistent Wi-Fi fingerprinting system t

hat takes into account factors such as accuracy, recognition rale, and energy consumption.Different techniques and algorithms have been used in develo Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

ping a Wi-Fi fingerprinting system. Several studies have been done to analyze factors that influence the performance of a Wi-Fi fingerprinting system.

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

New technologies in wireless networks may provide useful features to improve the performance of Wi-Fi fingerprinting systems but may also give rise t

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system fingerprinting that have not been thoroughly investigated.Tn this Ph.D. thesis. Ĩ performed various experiments to investigate factors influencing sig

nal strength of a Wi-1 i network and the performance of a Wi-Fi fingerprinting system. 1 compared the fluctuation of 2.4 and 5 GHz bands by considerin Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

g factors such as how the presence of people in office environments such as corridors, halls, and office rooms affects Wi-Fi signals. The performance

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

of a Wi-Fi fingerprinting system using the 2.4 and 5 GHz Wi-Fi signal is also evaluated in terms of accuracy, recognition rate, and power consumption

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system was also be investigated in this thesis. The statistical ANOVA and t-test were used to validate the influence of small-scale fading and device hetero

geneity on Wi-Fi signal strength. T analyzed the distribution and the fluctuation of measured Wi-Fi data and then compared the performance of the Wi-F Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

i fingerprinting system WHERE under the influence of those factors. Consequently, tire results showed that the Wi-Fi fingerprinting system achieves si

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

milar accuracy when using 2.4 GHzand 5 GHz bands. However, the recognition rate of a system using signals of 5 GHz was found to be higher than that us

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system ference between mean values of Wi-Fi signals measured over a short distance. The Wi-Fi signal strength measured at the same location by different devi

ces is also different. The recognition rate decreases from 100% to 47.76% when heterogeneous devices arc used in the training phase and the positionin Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

g phase. Tn addition to device heterogeneity, small-scale fading was also found to impact fingerprints of the measured positions in such a way that de

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

vices that were only one centimeter apart were erroneously recorded as different locations. To mitigate the influence of small-scale fading, the colle

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system nition to 92.13%.The results of this Ph.D. thesis help to better understand the different characteristics of the 2.4 and 5 GHz Wi-Fi signals as well a

s the influence of different factors on the performance of a Wi-1 i fingerprinting system, rhe selection of frequency bands in Wi-Fi fingerprinting ap Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

proaches may not influence the results of accuracy but may influence the recognition rate and the power consumption of the system, hl this regard, a I

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

radc-olT of the performance should be considered when designing an indoor localization system using Wi-Fi fingerprinting. I propose to record the moti

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system ted data was more reliable than when the measurement devices arc kept stationary. These understandings provide useful information for the design and i

mplementation of Wi-11 fingerprinting systems.iiZusammenfassungStandortinformationen spielen ill der heutigen Gesellschaft eine entscheidende Rolle. M Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

enschen tragen ihrc mobilen Geriite ill der Regel ilberall bin mit sich. um von Echtzeit-Ortungsdicnsten ZU profit icrcn. Hierbei reprásentiert der St

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

andort des Gerais den Standort des Benutzers. Der Fokus von Positionierungsdiensten verlagert sich mehr und mehr von Outdoor-Lokalisation zur Indoor-L

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system cchcndcr Ansatz. wclchcr fur Indoor-Lokalisation vcrwendet werden kann. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es. das Verstăndnis uber verschiedene F.intlussfa

ktoren auf die Wi-Fi Signalstărke 7U erhõhen. Diese Dissertation liefert niitzliche Tnformationen fur die Tmplementierung eines zuverlassigen. konsist Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

enten Wi-Fi-Fingerprinting Systems, wobei Faktoren wie Genauigkeit, F.rkennungsrate und Fnergieverbrauch be rucks ichtigt werden.Bci der Enlwicklung v

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

on Wi-1 i-1 •ingerprinling Syslcmcn warden vcrschiedene Techniken und Algorithmen verwendet. Verschiedene Publikationen baben Faktoren unlcrsucht, wcl

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system die r.eistung cincs Wi-Fi-1 ingerprinling Systems ZU vcrbcsscm. stcllcn aber auch ncuc llenuisforderungen dar. Trotz intensive!’ Forschung in diesem

Bereich existieren weiterhin Faktoren. welche das Wi-Fi-Signal und die T.eistung des Wi-Fi-Fingerprinting Systems beeintlussen aber nocli nicht vollst Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

andig untersucbt wurden.Tn dieser Doktorarbeit habe ich verschiedene F.xperimente durchgetuhrt. urn verscbiedene Faktoren ZU untersuchen. welche Finfl

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

uss auf die Signalstãrke eines Wi-Fi-Nctzworks sowie auf die Leistung eines Wi-l’i-l'ingerprinling Systems habcn. Daiur vcrglich ieh die I'hiktualion

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system e, Wi-Fi Signale beeinflussen. Wciterhin wurde die Leistung eines Wi-Fi-Fingerprinting Systems mit 2.4 und 5 GHz Wi-Fi-Signalen in Bezug auf Genauigke

it. Erkennungsrate und Stromverbrauch beim Scannen von Netzwerken evaluiert. Der Einiluss von Small-Scale Fading und Gerăteheterogenităt auf die Wi-Fi Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

-Signalstarke und das Wi-Fi-Fingerprinting wurde in dieser Arbeit ebenialls untersucht. Um den Einiluss von Small-Scale Fading und der Gerăteheterogen

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

itãt auf die Wi-Fi-Signalstarke ZU validiereniiiwurden Varianzanalysen und t-Tests verwendet. Ich analysierte die Verteilung und die Fluktuation der g

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system e zeigen. dass das Wi-Fi-Fingeiprinting System einc ahnliche Genauigkeit erreicht. wenn 2.4 GHz und 5 GHz Bander verwendet werden. Die Erkennungsrate

eines Systems mit 5 GHz Signaled war jedoch holier als ein System mil 2.4 GHz. AuBerdem verbraucht das Scannen von 2,4-GHz-Netzwerken weniger Energie Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

als das Scannen von 5-GHz-Netzwerken. Die statislischen Auswcrlungcn zcigen lerncr. dass dcr Mitlclwcrl dcr Wi-Fi-Signalc. welchc uber verschicdcnc. k

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

urze Distanzcn gcmesscn wurde, variicrt. Die am gleichen Ort von verschicdcncn Geratcn gemessene Wi-Fi-Signalstarkc isl cbcnfalls unterschiedlich. Die

Understanding Factors Influencing thePerformance of a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting SystemDissertation lor the acquisition of the academic degreeDoktor der Ing

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system ăteheterogenitãt hatte auch Small-Scale Fading cincn Linfluss die lingcrabdriickc der gcmcsscncn Positional! in der An. dass Gerate. welche lediglich

wenige Zentimeter voneinander entfernt waren. (lalschlicherwcise) als unlerschicdlichc Positional! belraclilel warden. Um den Linlluss von Small-Scale Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

Fading ZU minimieren. kann die Sammlung von Wi-Fi-Daten. die uber eine kleine Fntfernung gesammelt werden. verwendet werden. urn den Fingerabdruck de

Understanding factors influencing the performance of a wi fi fingerprinting system

s Standorts ZU erzeugen. dutch welche die Frkennungsrate auf 92.13% verbessert wild.Die F.rgebnisse dieser Doktorarbeit helfen. die unterschiedlichen

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