Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam
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Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERNATION AL SCHOOL*»*****«*»»»* * •+■MAI DUC TH AOANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OFTHACOGROUP IN VIETNAMMASTER Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam THESISHA NOI - 2020VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERNATIONAL SCHOOL»»*««: *******>«*>«MAT DUG TĨĨAOAnalysis of financial statements of Thacogroup in VietnamPHÂN TÍCH BÁO CÁO TÀI CHÍNH CỦA TẬP ĐOÀN THACO, VIỆT NAMMajor: Master in Financial Management Code: 8340202.01QTDMASTER THESISSupervisor: Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam Dr. Nguyen, Till Kim OanliHA NO1 - 2020ABSTRACTThesis Title: Analysis of financial statements of Thacogroup in VietnamPages: 66University: Vietnam NaAnalysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam
tional University. HanoiGraduate School: International SchoolDate: Octorber. 2019Degree: MasterGraduate Student: Mai. Due Thao Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen.VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERNATION AL SCHOOL*»*****«*»»»* * •+■MAI DUC TH AOANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OFTHACOGROUP IN VIETNAMMASTER Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam n immense success of the last few years. Understanding the performance of such a powerful automotive corporation is vital for the overall industry' development therefore this topic is considered highly significant and important within industry financial management This research aims at analyzing Tha Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam cogroup financial performance over the the last 5 years from 2014 to 2018. in order to assess the corporation s profitability, liquidity, solvency, asAnalysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam
set management, short term and long term financial position, as well as to make recommendations to any red flags identified during the analysis. The qVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERNATION AL SCHOOL*»*****«*»»»* * •+■MAI DUC TH AOANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OFTHACOGROUP IN VIETNAMMASTER Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam iciency, inventory management, and accounts receivable. These issues were then further investigated using semi -structured interviews. The red flags raised during the financial analysis were adequately explained by the interviewed individuals, who were all senior management at Thaco. The interviewee Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam s recommended three way for improving business performance of Thaco: (1) more comprehensive information systems for a more decentralized management. (Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam
2) less bureaucratic procedures regarding completion of paperwork and processing of requests as well as payments, and (3) the need to reduce and elimiVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERNATION AL SCHOOL*»*****«*»»»* * •+■MAI DUC TH AOANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OFTHACOGROUP IN VIETNAMMASTER Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam University. Ihacogroup Vietnam, and my supervisor Dr. Nguyen. Thi Kim Oanlì. I would like to express my thanks and gratitude for then-input in helping me complete this master thesis.Thank you!Mai. Due Thao2TABLE OF CONTENTS Analysis of financial statements of thacogroup in nietnam VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERNATION AL SCHOOL*»*****«*»»»* * •+■MAI DUC TH AOANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OFTHACOGROUP IN VIETNAMMASTERGọi ngay
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