Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

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Nội dung chi tiết: Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

UNIVERSITY DE LORRAINECwDépartement de formation doctorale Oil automatique UFR Sciences et TechnologiesÉcole doctorale IAEM LorraineFormation control

Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles for a group of underactuated vehiclesTHESEpresentee cl soutcnuc publiqucmcnt 1c 7 Dcccmbre 2015 pour 1’obtcntion duDoctorat de rUniversité de Lorrain

e(Spócialitó automatiquo)parNGUYEN Dang HaoComposition du juryRapporteurs :Mohammed CHADLIMaitre de conferences HDR, University de Picardic. AMIENSRog Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

clio LOZANODircctcur de recherche, HEUDIASYC, CNRS, CompicgneExaminateurs :FYcdcric KRATZProfcssciH, INSA Centre Vai de LoireMohamed BOUTAYEBHngucs RA

Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

FARALAHYProfcsscur, University de Lorraine (Dircctcur de these) Malt re de conferences, University de LorraineCentre de Recherche en Automatique de Na

UNIVERSITY DE LORRAINECwDépartement de formation doctorale Oil automatique UFR Sciences et TechnologiesÉcole doctorale IAEM LorraineFormation control

Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles nferences Hugues RAFARALAHY. at the Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy Lorraine University, for their guidance, help, support, comments an

d sharing their technical knowledge. In supervising my research, both of my supervisors gave me freedom and encouraged me to manage my research on my Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

own.I would like to thank committee members, Professor Rogclio LOZANO - Dữecteur de recherche, HEUDIASYC, Compiègne; Maitre de conferences HDR, Mohamm

Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

ed CIIADI.I - Uni-versite de Picardie, AMIENS; Professcur Frederic KRATZ - INSA Centre Vai de Loữc and my two supervisors for their careful reading an

UNIVERSITY DE LORRAINECwDépartement de formation doctorale Oil automatique UFR Sciences et TechnologiesÉcole doctorale IAEM LorraineFormation control

Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles ach, Marouane ALMA, BOƯTAT-BADDAS Latifa, ZEMOUCHE Ali. For my external supervisor, I am grateful for his French abstract translation. 1 also would li

ke to thank all the PhD students whom I have encountered during the last four years: Lama HASSAN, Adrien Drouot, Nan Gao, Yassine BOUKAL, Ghazi BEL HA Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

J FREJ, Bessem BH1R1, GUELL1L Assam, Asma Barbata, CHA1B DRAA Khadidja, Gloria Lilia Osorio-Gordillo,...1 would like to give thanks to my coworkers of

Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

Thai Nguyen University' of Technology for their help and encouragement. My acknowledgments arc also sent to Professor Nguyen Dang Binh - Viet Bac Uni

UNIVERSITY DE LORRAINECwDépartement de formation doctorale Oil automatique UFR Sciences et TechnologiesÉcole doctorale IAEM LorraineFormation control

Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles ncouragement.1 thank those people in my personal life whose love and support made this dissertation possible. My parents and sisters encourage me to d

o research. I am grateful for my wife Gia 'Thi Dinh for her patience love and sacrifice that she has given to me, my son Nguyen Dang Quang and my daug Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

hter Nguyen Gia Bini) An.The work presented in the thesis was supported by the 322 project - Vietnamese government and Research Center for Automatic C

Formation control for a group of underactuated vehicles

ontrol of Nancy, Lorraine University, France.IZ LJ ZYT LJ I I ì /T c M /***Ivnu I nUVIEN.UUrlitTo my parents, my sister Huong Doan and Dao Hai. to my

UNIVERSITY DE LORRAINECwDépartement de formation doctorale Oil automatique UFR Sciences et TechnologiesÉcole doctorale IAEM LorraineFormation control

UNIVERSITY DE LORRAINECwDépartement de formation doctorale Oil automatique UFR Sciences et TechnologiesÉcole doctorale IAEM LorraineFormation control

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