Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

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Nội dung chi tiết: Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

LETTER OF DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the Graduation Project “Impact of Internal Audit on Firm Performance in Vietnam” is the results of my own r

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam research and has never been published in any work of others. During the implementation process of this project, I have seriously taken research ethics

; all findings of this projects are results of my own research and surveys; all references in this project are clearly cited according to regulations. Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

I take full responsibility for the fidelity of the number and data and other contents of my graduation project.Hanoi, 31/10/20Ỉ9StudentHoang Nhat HaAC

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

KNOWLEDGEMENTThis Barchelor thesis contained huge amount of work research and dedication. Still, implementation would not have been possible if I did

LETTER OF DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the Graduation Project “Impact of Internal Audit on Firm Performance in Vietnam” is the results of my own r

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam e to express my sincere gratitude to my instructorMBA. I.e Quang Dung for the continuous support of my research, for his patience, motivation, enthusi

asm, and immense knowledge. His guidance has helped me in all the time of research and writing of tills thesis. Without his superior knowledge and exp Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

erience, the Batchelor thesis would not like in this quality of outcomes, and thus his support has been essential. My sincere thanks also goes to lect

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

ures at International School, Vietnam National University (IS-VNƯ), who not only helps me get a clear understanding on fundamental knowledge about fin

LETTER OF DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the Graduation Project “Impact of Internal Audit on Firm Performance in Vietnam” is the results of my own r

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam gratitude toward our families and friends for their kind cooperation and encouragement which help me in completion of this Barchelor thesis. Because m

y knowledge is limited, in the process of finishing this bachelor thesis. I inevitably make mistakes, so I respectfully receive comments from my teach Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

ers and experts.ContentsTABLE OF NOTATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS.....................................1LIST OF TABLE.......................................

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

.....................2LIS I OF CHARTS AM) FIGURE...............................................3ABSTRACT..............................................

LETTER OF DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the Graduation Project “Impact of Internal Audit on Firm Performance in Vietnam” is the results of my own r

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam ...............51.2.Research objectives..............................................61.3.Research questions..........................................

.....71.4.Methodology and scope of research................................71.5.Structure of research............................................7CHAP Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

TER 2: THEORETICAL FRAME WOEK........................................92.1Overview of internal audit.......................................92.1.1Defini

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

tion of audit..............................................92.1.2Concept of internal audit.......................................102.1.3Functions and

LETTER OF DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the Graduation Project “Impact of Internal Audit on Firm Performance in Vietnam” is the results of my own r

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam gal documents on internal audit in Vietnam..........................132.1.6The necessity of internal audit in each enterprise...........142.2.l inn pe

rformance................................................162.3.The association between internal audit and firm performance......172.4.The other factor Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

s the author uses in the thesis affect the firm performance.192.4.1.Slock ownership of board members................................192.4.2.CEO - Chai

Impact of internal audit on firm performance in vietnam

r separation..........................................192.4.3.Firm’s size.....................................................202.4.4.Leverage........

LETTER OF DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the Graduation Project “Impact of Internal Audit on Firm Performance in Vietnam” is the results of my own r

LETTER OF DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the Graduation Project “Impact of Internal Audit on Firm Performance in Vietnam” is the results of my own r

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