The readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction
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The readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERN ATIONAL SCHOOLGRADUATION PROJECTThe Readiness of International School in facing pandemic NCOVI-19 -Assessment The readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction t, Findings, and Recommendation for future quick reactionStudent’s name: Nguyen Ngoc Tu AnhHanoi - 2020VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIINTERNATIONAL SCHOOLGRADUATION PROJECTThe Readiness of International School in facing pandemic NCOVI-19 -Assessment, Findings, and Recommendation for future quick The readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction reactionSTUDENT: Nguyen Ngoc Tu Anh SUPERVISOR: Hung p. Nguyen (PhD) STUDENT ID: 16071003COHORT: IB2016CMAJOR: International BusinessHanoi - 2020LEITEThe readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction
R OF DEC LARAHOX1 hereby declare that the (rraduation Project "1'he Readiness of International Schoo! in facing pandemic NCOVI-19 - Assessment, FindinVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERN ATIONAL SCHOOLGRADUATION PROJECTThe Readiness of International School in facing pandemic NCOVI-19 -Assessment The readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction in this paper are transparently cited according to rules.I Lake lull responsibility for the fidelity of all data and contents of this research paper.Hanoi, 23rd May 2020Nguyen Ngoc Tu AniliACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst of all. I would like to express my deep gratitude my parents and other family members ha The readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction ve supported and created favorable conditions forme during the past time and especially during my graduation project.The second. I would like to expreThe readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction
ss my gratitude and sincere thanks to Hung p. Nguyen, the person who directly guides the dissertation, dedicated and instructed me to find the directiVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERN ATIONAL SCHOOLGRADUATION PROJECTThe Readiness of International School in facing pandemic NCOVI-19 -Assessment The readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction , during the process of studying, researching and carrying out the topic. I also received a lot of attention, suggestions and valuable support from teachers, colleagues, friends and relatives. I would like to express my deep gratitude to International School teachers has conveyed to me the useful kn The readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction owledge during the past four school years, to my friends and colleagues always encourage and support me in the process of studying and researching, anThe readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction
d the students of the International School has enthusiastically participated in answering research interviews for the topic.Sincerely.Nguyen Ngoc Tu AVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERN ATIONAL SCHOOLGRADUATION PROJECTThe Readiness of International School in facing pandemic NCOVI-19 -Assessment The readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction .........................iiTABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................iiiLIST OF TABLES..............................................................viLIST OF FIGURES............................................................vii The readiness of international school in facing pandemic covid 19 assessment findings and recommendation for future quick reaction VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIINTERN ATIONAL SCHOOLGRADUATION PROJECTThe Readiness of International School in facing pandemic NCOVI-19 -AssessmentGọi ngay
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