Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

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Nội dung chi tiết: Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

Catalytic Intramolecular Carbene Transfer Reactions intoƠ and 71 BondsMarch, 2020Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)PHAN THI THANH NGA77?jfToyohashi Un

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds niversity of TechnologyACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst and foremost. I would like to express my deep thanks to my supervisor. Professor Dr. Seiji Ivvasa, for ev

erything he did for me during my study within four years. Actually, there is no words can express my deep sense of gratitude towards him. I would like Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

to thanks him for his endless support, encouragement, advices and patience throughout my PhD work.I would like to express Prof. Dr. Kazutaka Shibatom

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

i for his investing time and providing interesting and valuable feedback throughout my research period.And I would like to thank to my doctoral commit

Catalytic Intramolecular Carbene Transfer Reactions intoƠ and 71 BondsMarch, 2020Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)PHAN THI THANH NGA77?jfToyohashi Un

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds th the X-ray measurements. I am very grateful to Mr. Masaya Tone. Mr. Hayato Inoue. Ms. Huong for their cooperation, suggestion, and valuable discussi

on throughout my research period.I also would like to acknowledge all the labmates whom I had the pleasure of working with: Dr. Soda, Dr. Hamada, Dr. Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

Kotozaki, Dr. Nakagawa, Dr. Chi, Ms. Doan, Mr. Angus. Mr. Liang. Mr. Fujii. Mr. Fukuda. Ms. Nansalmaa. Ms. Matozaki. Mr. Ogura. Mr. Yamaguchi. Ms. Lin

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

hda. Ms. Zolzaya and all other research scholars of tile department who have been very friendly and helped me in various ways.I acknowledge all the st

Catalytic Intramolecular Carbene Transfer Reactions intoƠ and 71 BondsMarch, 2020Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)PHAN THI THANH NGA77?jfToyohashi Un

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds aduation steps.I would like to thank all the friends that I have met in Toyohashi: Mona. Hang. Hue. B«ão. Trinh, Hường, Khôn. Hoài. I really cherish t

he great time we spent together: the dinner parties, summer barbecues, autumn red leaves, skiing and Tet.With my appreciation and respect, this work w Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

ould not have been possible without the financial support of the Hitachi Global Foundation, they gave me the chance to study in Japan under their fina

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

ncial support to my work.I want to thank all the staffs of Faculty of Chemical Engineering. HCMC University of Technology for their supports in the fu

Catalytic Intramolecular Carbene Transfer Reactions intoƠ and 71 BondsMarch, 2020Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)PHAN THI THANH NGA77?jfToyohashi Un

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds pport and encouragement.My deepest gratitude is reserved for my family, for having filled my life with every’ joy. helping me to get through so many g

loomy days and lighting up every last comer. For my parents, my brother Án who have always been there for me. Needless to say. they have helped immeas Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

urably to get me to tins point in my life.Thank you very much!PHAN THI THANH NGADepartment of Applied Chemistry and Life ScienceToyohashi University o

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

f Technology. 1-1 Tempaku-cho.Toyohashi. Aichi 441-8580 (Japan)E-mail: phanthanhngafr asymmetric synthesis, cyclop!opa

Catalytic Intramolecular Carbene Transfer Reactions intoƠ and 71 BondsMarch, 2020Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)PHAN THI THANH NGA77?jfToyohashi Un

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds orresponding metal-carbene complex and catalytically inserts into 0 and 7t bonds of the organic compound. Even though there are many reports on the ca

rbene transfer process to develop a new approach for the synthesis of medicine and other bioactive compounds, the regio-, stereo- and chemoselective a Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

pproaches are still limited and remained as the mam subject in the field of synthetic organic chemistry. For this background. I developed an efficient

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions by using originally developed nitheniiun catalyst into Ơ and ỈĨ bonds and successfully applied fo

Catalytic Intramolecular Carbene Transfer Reactions intoƠ and 71 BondsMarch, 2020Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)PHAN THI THANH NGA77?jfToyohashi Un

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds hner reactionAlthough the ruthenium complex is a newcomer in the field of catalytic carbene transfer reaction, it has emerged as a useful transition m

etal for the carbenoid chemistry' of diazo compounds, besides copper and rhodium. And recently, we have developed a Ru(II)-Pheox complex, which IS eff Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

icient for carbene transfer reactions, in particular, asymmetric cyclopropanation. N-H insertion. C-H insertion and S1-H insertion reactions.Therefore

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

, driven by my interests in the catalytic asymmetric carbene transfer reaction and the efficiency displayed by the Ru(II)-Pheox catalyst. I started to

Catalytic Intramolecular Carbene Transfer Reactions intoƠ and 71 BondsMarch, 2020Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)PHAN THI THANH NGA77?jfToyohashi Un

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds tant to be applied in pharmaceutical and medicinal fields.In my thesis. Chapter 1 describes the importance of carbene transfer reactions. And a short

review of the metal carbene intermediates in C-H insertion, asymmetric cycloplopanations. and Buchner reaction have been also illustrated in this chap Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

ter hl addition, the application of metal carbene complexes 111 the synthesis of biologically-active or natural product-like compounds is also mention

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds

ed.Chapter 2 is for the synthesis of oxmdoles. The oxindole ring IS prevalent as an important scaffold found 111 munerous natural products and pharmac

Catalytic Intramolecular Carbene Transfer Reactions intoƠ and 71 BondsMarch, 2020Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)PHAN THI THANH NGA77?jfToyohashi Un

Catalytic intramolecular carbene transfer reactions into σ and π bonds inal chemists to synthesize novel oxindole derivatives. I report Ru(II)-Pheoxiii

Catalytic Intramolecular Carbene Transfer Reactions intoƠ and 71 BondsMarch, 2020Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)PHAN THI THANH NGA77?jfToyohashi Un

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