Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

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Nội dung chi tiết: Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

DCUDUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGDetection of Interesting Events in Movies using only the Audio signalPHAM MINH LUAN NGUYEN40

Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal 0026MASTER OF ENGINEERINGTELECOMMUNICATIONSSupervised by Dr. Sean MarlowDetection of Interesting Events in Movies using only the audio signal- PHAM MI

NH LUAN NGUYENAcknowledgementsI would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Sean Marlow for his extensive guidance, enthusiasm and commitment to this projec Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

t. Thanks also due to Dr. David Sadlier for supporting movies and codes. Thanks also to all other friendscolleagues for their contribution to the esta

Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

blishment.DeclarationI hereby declare that, except where otherwise indicated, this document is entirely my own work and has not been submitted in whol

DCUDUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGDetection of Interesting Events in Movies using only the Audio signalPHAM MINH LUAN NGUYEN40

Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal tThe imminent rapid expansion in the movie industry is driving the need for efficient digital video indexing, browsing and playback systems. This repo

rt is to develop the idea which makes an automatic detector system to detect the exciting events directly from the original movie using only the audio Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

signal. Interesting events in movies are typically flagged by high audio amplitude. Detection of these events based on the audio amplitude is an effi

Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

cient method. It is a fast detection method, which takes advantage of the fact that audio features are computationally cheaper than the visual feature

DCUDUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGDetection of Interesting Events in Movies using only the Audio signalPHAM MINH LUAN NGUYEN40

Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal PHAM MINH LUAN NGUYENContentsACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.............................................................................IIDECLARATION..............

....................................................................IIABSTRACT........................................................................ Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

............IllCONTENTS.....................................................................................IVLIST OF FIGURES.........................

Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

.....................................................VILIST OF

DCUDUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGDetection of Interesting Events in Movies using only the Audio signalPHAM MINH LUAN NGUYEN40

Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal .......................................11.1RELATED WORK............................................................................21.1.1Automatically

Selecting Shots for Action Movie Trailers.............................21.12 Voice Processing for Automatic TV Sports Program Highlights Detection.... Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

............31.1.3 Audio visual analysis for high-speed TV advertisement detection from MPEG bistream.-11.2 EXCITING EVENT DETECTION IN MOVIE USING AU

Detection of interesting events in movies using only the audio signal

DIO SIGNAL..................5

DCUDUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGDetection of Interesting Events in Movies using only the Audio signalPHAM MINH LUAN NGUYEN40

DCUDUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGDetection of Interesting Events in Movies using only the Audio signalPHAM MINH LUAN NGUYEN40

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