Enzyme technologies metagenomics, evolution, biocatalysis, and biosynthesi

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Nội dung chi tiết: Enzyme technologies metagenomics, evolution, biocatalysis, and biosynthesi

Enzyme technologies metagenomics, evolution, biocatalysis, and biosynthesi

(/’/mii-jf Buitogy of Vjtzymn for Bhtfdntoiogy andEnzymeTechnologiesMetagenomics, Evolution, Biocatalysis, and BiosynthesisEdit'd Ạ>Wu-Kiiang Yeh. Hii

Enzyme technologies metagenomics, evolution, biocatalysis, and biosynthesi iu-Chiung Yang, ami Ịanieí R. McCarthyCHEMICAL BIOLOGY OF ENZYMES FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PHARMACEUTICAL APPLICATIONS(A Series Consisting of Three Volum

es)Volume I. Enzyme Technologies: Metagenomics. Evolution. Biocatalysts, and BiosynthesisEditors: Wu-Kuang Yeh. Ilsiu-Chiung Yang, and James R. McCart Enzyme technologies metagenomics, evolution, biocatalysis, and biosynthesi

hyVolume II. Enzyme Technologies in Drug DiscoveryEditors: Hsiu-Chiung Yang. Wu-Kuang Yeh. and James R. McCarthyVolume III. Design of Enzyme Inhibitor

Enzyme technologies metagenomics, evolution, biocatalysis, and biosynthesi

s for TherapeuticsEditors: James R McCarthy. Hsiu-Chiung Yang, and Wu-Kuang YehENZYME TECHNOLOGIESMetagenomics, Evolution, Biocatalysis, and Biosynthe

(/’/mii-jf Buitogy of Vjtzymn for Bhtfdntoiogy andEnzymeTechnologiesMetagenomics, Evolution, Biocatalysis, and BiosynthesisEdit'd Ạ>Wu-Kiiang Yeh. Hii

Enzyme technologies metagenomics, evolution, biocatalysis, and biosynthesi University-Purdue University. Indianapolis, IndianaWILEYA JOHN WILEY & SONS. INC.. PUBLICATIONCopyright © 2010 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All rights

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(/’/mii-jf Buitogy of Vjtzymn for Bhtfdntoiogy andEnzymeTechnologiesMetagenomics, Evolution, Biocatalysis, and BiosynthesisEdit'd Ạ>Wu-Kiiang Yeh. Hii

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(/’/mii-jf Buitogy of Vjtzymn for Bhtfdntoiogy andEnzymeTechnologiesMetagenomics, Evolution, Biocatalysis, and BiosynthesisEdit'd Ạ>Wu-Kiiang Yeh. Hii

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(/’/mii-jf Buitogy of Vjtzymn for Bhtfdntoiogy andEnzymeTechnologiesMetagenomics, Evolution, Biocatalysis, and BiosynthesisEdit'd Ạ>Wu-Kiiang Yeh. Hii

Enzyme technologies metagenomics, evolution, biocatalysis, and biosynthesi ur web site at of CongrtM Caulữging-in-PublicaliOH Data:Enzyme technologies: metagenomics, evolution, biocatalysis, and biosynth

esis / edited by Wu-Kuang Yeh. Hsiu-Chiung Yang and James R. McCarthy.p. cm.Includes index. Enzyme technologies metagenomics, evolution, biocatalysis, and biosynthesi

(/’/mii-jf Buitogy of Vjtzymn for Bhtfdntoiogy andEnzymeTechnologiesMetagenomics, Evolution, Biocatalysis, and BiosynthesisEdit'd Ạ>Wu-Kiiang Yeh. Hii

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