Facebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university
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Facebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY AN GIANG UNIVERSITYUNDERGRADUATE THESISFACEBOOK USAGE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING AMONG ENGLISH MAJOR Facebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university R STUDENTS AT AN GIANG UNIVERSITYStudent’s name: LE NGOC LINH Student’s code: DAV167062Supervisor: PHAN THI THANH Hl YEN. PhDAN GIANG. JULY 2020DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the thesis titled “Facebook usage for English language learning among English major students at An Giang University” repres Facebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university ents my own work and that it has not been previously submitted to any other universities or institutes in application for admission to degrees or otheFacebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university
r qualifications.44013Lê Ngọc LinhACKNOWLEDGEMENTBOÊâcSI am about to graduate from An Giang University after a four year journey pursuing the English VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY AN GIANG UNIVERSITYUNDERGRADUATE THESISFACEBOOK USAGE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING AMONG ENGLISH MAJOR Facebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university topic of my interests. I would like express my deepest gratitude to the ones who have supported me during this interesting and challenging journey.Firstly, I would like to express the sincere appreciation to Dr. Phan I lli Thanh Huycn. 1 am so lucky and grateful to have her as my supervisor who alw Facebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university ays stands by my side and gives me valuable advice and thorough guidance. Without her whole-hearted supports, 1 would not have finished this thesis.SeFacebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university
condly, I want to say thank you to Mrs. Nguyen I hi Ánh Nguyệt, Mrs. Nguyền Thị Ánh Gương and Mr. Lè Đồ Thái for encouraging me to conduct this study.VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY AN GIANG UNIVERSITYUNDERGRADUATE THESISFACEBOOK USAGE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING AMONG ENGLISH MAJOR Facebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university lways motivated me during the whole process.Next, my sincere gratitude goes to An Giang University, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and my beloved instructors from the faculty for creating a chance for me to conduct the study. Also, many thanks go to all the volunteer students in class 17AV, 17TA, Facebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university 18AV, 18TA. 19AV. 19TA1, 19TA2. 20AV. 20TA1 and 20TA2 who passionately joined in the online survey during the quarantine period against Covid-19 pandFacebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university
emic.Last but not least. I would like to send special thanks to my beloved family for always believing in me and raising me up whenever I fell depressVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY AN GIANG UNIVERSITYUNDERGRADUATE THESISFACEBOOK USAGE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING AMONG ENGLISH MAJOR Facebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university Mần. Trần Ngọc Mai. and my schoolmates for theữ supports and assistance during the research.iiTABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONiACKNOWLEDGEMENTiiTABLE OF CONTENTSiiiLIST OF TABLESVLIST OF FIGURESviLIST OF ABBREVIATIONviiABSTRACTviiiCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1I. I Rationale of the research11.2Research aims Facebook usage for english language learning among english major students at an giang university and questions21.3Significance of the research21.41 .imitations of the research31.5Organization of the thesis3CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW5VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY AN GIANG UNIVERSITYUNDERGRADUATE THESISFACEBOOK USAGE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING AMONG ENGLISH MAJORVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY AN GIANG UNIVERSITYUNDERGRADUATE THESISFACEBOOK USAGE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING AMONG ENGLISH MAJORGọi ngay
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