Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

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Nội dung chi tiết: Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture l.The objective of the present study is to perform a systematic review of the influence of soaking on the nutritional quality of common beans (P. vulg

aris L.) cooked with or without the soaking water, to assess and compare the preparation methods and results and search for concordant recommendations Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

among the studies.MethodA systematic search of articles that discuss the influence of soaking on the nutritional quality of common beans (P. vulgaris

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

I..) cooked with or without the soaking water, published between January 2004 and March 2009 was done. The following databases were searched: Sciclo

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture f the publications of the Medline (National Library of -Medicine) database. The keywords used for the search are listed ill Table SI. The search was d

one separately for each language, using the keywords of the first line in combination with the keywords of the lower lines.A total of twenty-two artic Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

les were found in Scielo, nine in Lilacs and 392 in Scopus. Nineteen repeated texts were removed, totalling 404 studies.Based on the systematic search

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

model, inclusion anil exclusion criteria were established to meet the objectives of the research, rhe inclusion criteria of the articles were (i) ori

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture fects of soaking the beans on its composition, digestibility or bioavailahilily in vitro or in viva. The exclusion criteria were (i) review articles;

(ii) articles in languages other than the ones mentioned earlier; (iii) studies with coffee (called coffee beans in English); (iv) studies with only o Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

ther types of legumes or with beans of dillerent species; (v) studies that analysed the effect of soaking on the properties of the seeds, the bean pla

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

nt or bean characteristics other than the nutritional and sensorial characteristics; (vi) studies that analysed the effects of soaking beans for prepa

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture ieties or cultivars, or comparer! different legumes, and did not compare different processing methods; (viii) studies that only covered the influence

of different processing methods on the quality of the bean; (ix) articles that were not complete, even when they were ordered from the authors.After t Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

he abstracts of all the articles were read, those that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Only eleven studies were specifically about

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

the influence of soaking on the nutritional quality of common beans (P. vulgaris L.) cooked with or without the soaking water.The studies were analyse

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture ecommendations of the authors.Characteristics of the analysed articlesThe characteristics verified in the selected articles are described in Table S2.

Most of these studies (27.3%) were done in Brazil (Oliveira el al.. 2008; Ramirez-Cardenas el al.. 2008; Toledo & Canniatti-Brazaca, 2008), followed Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

by the United Slates of America (18.2%) (Luthria & Paslor-Corrales. 2006; Xu & Chang. 2008); then came Mexico (Carmona-Garcia el al; 2007); Spain (Puj

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

ola el al., 2007); Turkey (Nergiz & Gcikgoz,2007). Ethiopia (Shimelis & Rakshit. 2007); Sudan (l-Jmaki el al., 2007); and Pakistan (Rehman & Shah, 200

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture zaca, 2008) assessed the effects of cooking the beans with or w ithout the soaking water. I he other studies analysed the effects of different hean pr

ocessing methods (raw. soaked, soaked and cooked, cooked without soaking), but did not discuss the use of the soaking water for cooking. Of these eigh Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

t Studies, only one (Ncrgiz & Gỗkgõz. 2007) used the soaking waler to cxMilc I he beans, while the other seven studies < Rehman & Shah. 2004; Luthria

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

& Pastor-Corrales. 2006; Carmona-Garcia et al.. 2007; l-Jmaki er al., 2007; Pujola el al.. 2007; Shimelts & Rakshit. 2007; Xu & Chang, 2008) discarded

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture ling, pressure cooking, microwave (Toledo & Canniatti-Brazaca, 2008; Xu & Chang, 2008; Shimelis & Rakshit. 2007; Nergiz & Gokgoz. 2007: Rehman & Shah,

2004); of different soaking solutions other than pure water sodium chloride (NaCI), sodium bicarbonate (NallCO.i) and mixed (NaCI I NallCOj) (Rehman Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

A Shah, 2004; Carmona-Garcia el al., 2007; Shimelis & Rakshit. 2007); of diflervnt types of beans, different varieties, colours and cultivars (l.uthri

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

a & Pastor-Corrales. 2006; Elmaki el al.. 2007; Pujola el al.. 2007; Oliveira el al., 2008; Ramirez-Cardenas el al.,2008); of different soaking times

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture than one outcome variable. The outcomes investigated most often were changes in phytate content (Elmaki el al; 2007; Ncrgiz & Gokgoz, 2007; Shimelis&

Rakshit, 2007; Ramirez-Cardenas el al.. 2008; Toledo & Canniatli-Brazaca. 2008). followed by tannins content (Ncrgiz & Gokgoz, 2007; Shimclis & Raksh Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

it. 2007; Ramirez-Cardenas el al.. 2008; Toledo & Canniatti-Brazaca. 2008), phenol content (total, polyphe-Iniemarioini Journal of Hood Science- and T

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

echnology 2(1 toc 20» Tha AuthorIntn-mnoort Journal of food ScKfice and«5 20» Initnule of food Scittwe and Twhocfogy2211nols which also include tannin

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture l.. 2007; Pujola el al.. 2007; Oliveira el al.. 2008; Ramirez-Cardenas el al.. 2008); and in vitro protein digestibility (Nergiz & Gokgoz. 2007; Shime

lis & Rakshit. 2007; Toledo & Canniatti-Brazaca. 2008). Other changes were also verified such as centesimal composition (Ramirez-Cardenas el al.. 2008 Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

; Toledo & Canniatli-Brazaca. 2008): starch (total, available starch and resistant starch, amylose) (Carmona-Garcia el al.. 2007: Pujoia el al.. 2007)

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

; fibres (Rehman & Shah. 2004; Ramirez-Cardenas el al., 2008); trypsin-inhibiting activity (Ncrgiz & Gdkgdz. 2007; Shimclis & Rakshit. 2007); oligosac

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture les associated with the nutrients and antinutrients arc shown separately in Tables I and 2, which also show the effects of different bean preparation

methods on these variables.Phytates and phytic acid'The authors of all studies that assessed phytates stated that a reduction of these compounds is de Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

sirable. The greatest reduction of phytates and phytic acid was achieved by soaking and cooking without the soaking water (Elmaki el al.. 2007; Ncrgiz

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture average, the greatest phytate content was found in beans that were cooked with the soaking waler, followed by beans cooked without soaking and finally

beans cooked without the soaking waler. Among soaked beans and for all cooking methods, beans cooked without the soaking water always had statistical Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

ly lower phytate content than those cooked wilh I he soaking waler. Similar results were found by Oliveira el al. (2001b) in an older study with commo

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

n beans, and by Boateng el al. (2007), who studied the phytate content in another species of bean.However, phytic acid reduction may not he needed for

Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2010International Journal ofFood Science & Technology2210 Soaking and nutritional quality of beans A. c. Fernandes el al

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture und in raw common bean did not compromise the utilisation of casein by rats during a 10-day period.Studies found that soaking and cooking had dilfcren

t effects on different legumes. For example. Aranda Ct al. (2(M>4) concluded that high consumption of phytate from beans (Vieia faba L.) had no negati Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

ve effects on the digestion of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) by rats. However, through another mechanism, soaking andSoaking and nutritional quality

Improving acetic acid production of acetobacter pasteurianus AC2005 in hawthorn vinegar fermentation by using beer for seed culture

of beans A. c. Fernandes Ct increased the metabolic utilisation of Ca and Mg. Meanwhile. Chopra & Sankhala (2004) found a significant asso

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