skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English
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skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English
Hob- to arouse students' interest m learning EnglishI. PROBLEM SITUATION:1Reasons for choosing the theme:1.1.Rationale of theory:Nowadays, English is skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English playing a very important role in the global development. Therefore, the teaching of English has been improved in method in the light of the communicative, learner-centered approach which is adaptable to give students many opportunities to communicate in English. However, at many junior high schools skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English in Viet nam, the teaching of English has not really developed students’ ability, activeness and motivation.In order to make his English lessons moreskkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English
effective, the teacher himself must find out the ways of teaching suitable for his students. I think that in a good English period, the students play Hob- to arouse students' interest m learning EnglishI. PROBLEM SITUATION:1Reasons for choosing the theme:1.1.Rationale of theory:Nowadays, English is skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English unior high schools for over ten years. I realize the fact that a rather big number of students are not interested in learning English and they do not usually get desired results for this subject. They think English is a difficult subject at school. As a teacher. I have been spending plenty of time t skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English hinking about this problem.In fact, students should be aware of importance of the language in their study and in their future life so that they can beskkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English
active in learning this foreign language. Besides, their teachers of this subject must give interesting and suitable teaching methods to their lessonHob- to arouse students' interest m learning EnglishI. PROBLEM SITUATION:1Reasons for choosing the theme:1.1.Rationale of theory:Nowadays, English is skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English music, eliciting,.. In this limited unit, I would like tosuggest some common and useful ones.1.3.Urgency:Now I am teaching English at a junior high school near my house. I used to teach English at two other junior high schools in my district. What I have realized is that a large number of students a skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English re afraid of learning English and say that it is difficult for them to be good at English and there is not a real language environment for them to doskkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English
their practice every day. Their awareness of importance of this language for their life is not made clear. Moreover, some teachers of English do not sHob- to arouse students' interest m learning EnglishI. PROBLEM SITUATION:1Reasons for choosing the theme:1.1.Rationale of theory:Nowadays, English is skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English Viet Nam. In deed, the school where I am working as a teacher of English has been famous for its good quality in education for years. Most- 1 - students of my school are well brought up by their parents an< ' good motivationfor Englishas well as other subjects at school.1.4.My ability:Necessarily, skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English among the teachers of my school I should work harder and harder so as to master the language and always give my students good lessons, which means thaskkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English
t my students‘interest in learning English is aroused. That is the matter I have been absorbed in and that is the reason for my theme.2Purpose of studHob- to arouse students' interest m learning EnglishI. PROBLEM SITUATION:1Reasons for choosing the theme:1.1.Rationale of theory:Nowadays, English is skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English re excited about their English language lessons so that they should get better knowledge of English from their English lessons. It means that their level of the language should be developed.4Researched participants:Students of my junior high school.5Ways to conduct the theme:-My real teaching in cla skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English sses-Surveys6Time and place for conducting the theme:-Time: School year 2013- 2014; School year 2014-2015-Place: At my junior high school-2-How to aroskkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English
use students ’ interest tn learning English11. PROBLEM SOLUTION:1Logical basis:In deed. English has been a newer subject than the other subjects taughHob- to arouse students' interest m learning EnglishI. PROBLEM SITUATION:1Reasons for choosing the theme:1.1.Rationale of theory:Nowadays, English is skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English rs of the language, rhe most important points are the number of teaching techniques which help develop students’ motivation in learning the language and ways teachers use to apply these leaching techniques in their classes.2Practical basis:Many methodological materials present a great number of inte skkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English resting classroom activities. However, some teachers may not have the good chance to be familiar with most of these activities or some may be afraid oskkn tiếng anh 7-How to arouse students’ interest in learning English
f spending a lot of time thinking about their best activities for their lessons or some may know those leaching activities hall-way. Consequently, manHob- to arouse students' interest m learning EnglishI. PROBLEM SITUATION:1Reasons for choosing the theme:1.1.Rationale of theory:Nowadays, English is Hob- to arouse students' interest m learning EnglishI. PROBLEM SITUATION:1Reasons for choosing the theme:1.1.Rationale of theory:Nowadays, English isGọi ngay
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