VHD international company improving project management capacity and success
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VHD international company improving project management capacity and success
VHD INTERNATIONAL COMPANY-IMPROVING PROJECTMANAGEMENT CAPACITY AND SUCCESSDissertation Presented1CỎ13AByTUNG THANH HOSubmitted in partial fulfillment VHD international company improving project management capacity and success of the requirements for the degree ofMASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONLincoln UniversityOakland. CaliforniaHUTECH LIBRARY1 -HlếMarch, 2015LINCOLN UNIVERSITY401 FIFTEENTH STREET, OAKLAND, CA 94612 phone: (510) 628-8010 fax: (510) 628-8012MBA RESEARCH PROJECT (BA 399) APPROVAL FORMTƯNGr.i Hoé>-2.47-S VHD international company improving project management capacity and success TUDENT NAME (first, last)STUDENT I.D. NUMBER TUvv? —eJeu.TELEPHONEE-M/đLCONCENTRATION^CURRENT ÝERMỈPáll, Spring, Summer.'yyyy) ềpr-ì^l^CURRENT CUMULATVHD international company improving project management capacity and success
IVE GPA Prok-Gtare.KofrfsearchQEXPECTED GRADUATION TERM (Fall, Spring. Summer/yyyy)1. TITLE AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT1 d )i/Ff f) Livrùtesỉ ■. VHD INTERNATIONAL COMPANY-IMPROVING PROJECTMANAGEMENT CAPACITY AND SUCCESSDissertation Presented1CỎ13AByTUNG THANH HOSubmitted in partial fulfillment VHD international company improving project management capacity and success A Research Projects (BA 399) should he selected tom the university MBA faculty available for the term (see catalog or website). If you wish to select another adviser who is not listed in the university MBA faculty, please provide his or her resume for the approval by the Lincoln University Chief Aca VHD international company improving project management capacity and success demic officer. If you cannot select an advisor or the person selected by you is not available, please consult the Program Director or the Chief AcademVHD international company improving project management capacity and success
ic Officer. Please get a printed synopsis of the Research Project requirements from the Admissions and Records Office. If you decide to change your adVHD INTERNATIONAL COMPANY-IMPROVING PROJECTMANAGEMENT CAPACITY AND SUCCESSDissertation Presented1CỎ13AByTUNG THANH HOSubmitted in partial fulfillment VHD international company improving project management capacity and success s signature and dateVjH 0 Tuu4.1 AGREE TO ADVISE AND GRADE THE PROJECT.______...................................................................(advisor’srslgiiature and date) ~aĩlĩl^r5. ARE YOU CHANCING YOUR ADVISOR OR TOPIC? _____________YES V NOIf “NO", please get your advisor's signature (#4). a VHD international company improving project management capacity and success nd submit this form to the Program Director or the Chief Academic Officer.VHD INTERNATIONAL COMPANY-IMPROVING PROJECTMANAGEMENT CAPACITY AND SUCCESSDissertation Presented1CỎ13AByTUNG THANH HOSubmitted in partial fulfillment VHD INTERNATIONAL COMPANY-IMPROVING PROJECTMANAGEMENT CAPACITY AND SUCCESSDissertation Presented1CỎ13AByTUNG THANH HOSubmitted in partial fulfillmentGọi ngay
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