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Nội dung chi tiết: 812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congress


U.S. Department o! Trorsporlc-onNational HighwayTraffic SolelyAdministrationSQDH_NHTSADOT HS 812 44042917Marijuana-Impaired DrivingA Report to Congres

812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congressssSuggested bibliographic reference format:Compton. R (2017. July). Marijuana-Impaired Driving ■ A Report to Congress. (DOT HS 812 440).Washington. DC

: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.Technical Report Documentation Pagel. Report No. DOT HS 8124402. Goveramtat Acceỉỉioa No.3. Reciposnr 812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congress

i CxalogNo.4. late IM Ssbnte Marijuana-Impaired Driving - A Report to Congress>. Report Dỉỉ« July 2017it Pfitiitwm* OirtMM/.ttitm NPD-30Ỏ7. .toatatfr


) Richaid I*. Compion8. zecforrLiz Oigzsizitxon Recon No.9. Performing Organization Name and Address L’.s. Department of Transportation National Highw

U.S. Department o! Trorsporlc-onNational HighwayTraffic SolelyAdministrationSQDH_NHTSADOT HS 812 44042917Marijuana-Impaired DrivingA Report to Congres

812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congress)11. Ccatract (X Grail No.1 J. Type of Repcet ud Fenod Coveted Report to Congress14 Spmwm: Ajencv Code15 SuppkmenWy Note;16 Ataraơ This tepoii was pte

pated in accordance with Section 4008 (Marijuana-Impaired Driving) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act). Pub. L 114-94, The r 812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congress

eport summarizes what is known about marijuana use and driving Tire report describes the absorption, distribution and elimination of delta-9-tetrahyih


ocannabinal (THC) the primary psychoactive substance in marijuana, in the body. It contrasts this process with tile absorption, distribution and elimi

U.S. Department o! Trorsporlc-onNational HighwayTraffic SolelyAdministrationSQDH_NHTSADOT HS 812 44042917Marijuana-Impaired DrivingA Report to Congres

812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congresssed, along with the implication that setting per sc levels IS not mcaningftil. Some of the challenges of measuring driving impairment resulting from m

arijuana use are reviewed. Stale laws relating to marijuana and driving arc presented. What is known about the prevalence of marijuana-impaired drivin 812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congress

g and the crash risk associated with marijuana-impaked driving is reviewed. Finally, the report presents information on training for law enforcement t


o detect marijuana impairment m drivers, the feasibility of developing an impairment standaid tor driving under the influence of marijuana and recomme

U.S. Department o! Trorsporlc-onNational HighwayTraffic SolelyAdministrationSQDH_NHTSADOT HS 812 44042917Marijuana-Impaired DrivingA Report to Congres

812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congressivingTHCIS. Diiviunoa SttoemetB Document can l>e downloaded from the DOT Library al: http'l)riviiigo<»20Safety Research%20

alion19. Security Classification (of this report) Unclassified20. Security ( Unclassifi'lassification (of this page) :d?l No ofPx*r< 4322 PriceiiiTabl 812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congress

e of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................1Background............................


............................................................2The Impaired Driving DetectionProcess....................................................

U.S. Department o! Trorsporlc-onNational HighwayTraffic SolelyAdministrationSQDH_NHTSADOT HS 812 44042917Marijuana-Impaired DrivingA Report to Congres

812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congress.........................................11Review of Research on the Effects of Marijuana use on Driving.............................IIFeasibility of

Developing an Impairment Standard for Drivers under the Influence of Marijuana.13 812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congress

U.S. Department o! Trorsporlc-onNational HighwayTraffic SolelyAdministrationSQDH_NHTSADOT HS 812 44042917Marijuana-Impaired DrivingA Report to Congres

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