AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

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AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

An Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothAn Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothESSAYKINGDOM OF CHRIST.BY ABRAHAM BOOTH.They shall spe

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christeak of the glory of thy Kingdom. Psal. cxiv. IIThe Kingdom of Christ is totally different from the kingdom of this world.- BP- Newton.1 ROM THE SECOND

LONDON EDITIONBoston:1811.As Published byGracf-fBooks.com2015Tn The Public DomainPREFACE.THE Kingdom of Christ is a subject of great importance: for, AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

according to the views we have of that Kingdom, will our conclusions be respecting various branches of religious conduct. If those views be imaginary

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

, these conclusions must be false. By the former, the glory of Messiah's regal character will be obscured: by the latter, his worship will be corrupte

An Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothAn Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothESSAYKINGDOM OF CHRIST.BY ABRAHAM BOOTH.They shall spe

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christhe decision of many disputes among the professors of Christianity. A competent acquaintance, therefore, with its nature and laws, its emoluments and h

onours, re closely connected with our duty and our happiness: which acquaintance must be derived from Divine Revelation.Important, however, as the sub AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

ject manifestly is; it has been but seldom professedly discussed. This consideration was a leading motive to the present attempt. To illustrate the na

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

ture of our Lord's Kingdom, and to infer the conclusions stowing from it, constitute the design of this Essay.The Author has expressed his thoughts wi

An Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothAn Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothESSAYKINGDOM OF CHRIST.BY ABRAHAM BOOTH.They shall spe

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christously differs. In the course of discussion he animadverts, indeed, on some particulars, with a degree of severity; but then they appear to him ID the

light of political artifices, which either impeach the dominion of Christ in his own kingdom; or degrade and corrupt that worship which he requires. N AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

ow, in cases of this kind, the writer is of opinion, that allegiance to the King Messiah, and true benevolence to man, demand the language of marked o

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

pposition.Such is the nature of our Lord’s empire, that few of his loyal subjects can seriously reflect upon it, without feeling themselves both delig

An Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothAn Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothESSAYKINGDOM OF CHRIST.BY ABRAHAM BOOTH.They shall spe

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christparently suits the dignity of his Person, the design of his mediation, and the riches of his grace. - Reproved: because they daily find a want of that

spirituality in their affections, and of that heavenly-mindedness, which become the professed subjects of such a kingdom. When meditating on the char AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

acteristics of this holy empire, they stand convicted before its divine Sovereign of much carnality and worldly-mindedness, over which they sincerely

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

mourn: while merely nominal subjects of the King Messiah, or superficial professors of the gracious gospel, are but little concerned about the state o

An Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothAn Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothESSAYKINGDOM OF CHRIST.BY ABRAHAM BOOTH.They shall spe

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christbe much surprised were various particulars in the following pages to prove disgusting to the taste of numbers professing godliness. But facts are stub

born things; and the sayings of Jesus Christ must not be explained away, that conscience may rest in a false, peace, or that the public taste may he g AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

ratified. For, when thinking of our sublime Sovereign, Thy Kingdom Come, is the language of every upright heart, let carnal professors and the proflig

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

ate world say what they please.A. BOOTH.Goodmans Fields,July 30, 1788.AN ESSAY ON THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST.Tt having been revealed by ancient Prophets, t

An Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothAn Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothESSAYKINGDOM OF CHRIST.BY ABRAHAM BOOTH.They shall spe

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christle, however, the general idea of that expectation was fully warranted by the Spirit of prophecy, the bulk of Abraham's natural posterity were under a

gross mistake respecting the true design of Messiah's appearance, and the real nature of his kingdom: which mistake had the most pernicious influence AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

upon their temper and conduct, when the gracious promise of his coming was tillfl lied.The sense which they affixed to prophecies respecting the great

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

Redeemer, was manifestly such as flattered their pride and fostered their carnality. This gave it a decided advantage, in their estimation, over that

An Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothAn Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothESSAYKINGDOM OF CHRIST.BY ABRAHAM BOOTH.They shall spe

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christeir spiritual wants, and flushed with a false persuasion of interest in Jehovah's peculiar favour, on the ground of carnal descent from Abraham, and o

f the covenant made al lioreb; the doctrine, example, and claims of Jesus were extremely offensive. Not appearing as a temporal prince, discovering no AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

disposition to free them from the Roman yoke, and frequently addressing their consciences with keen reproof, on account of their pride and hypocrisy,

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christ

superstition and covetousness; they rejected, with determined opposition, all the evidences of his divine mission, treated him as an impostor, and pr

An Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothAn Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothESSAYKINGDOM OF CHRIST.BY ABRAHAM BOOTH.They shall spe

AB An Essay on The Kingdom of Christh: but a great majority of the nation continued in hardened impenitence, and

An Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothAn Essay on The Kingdom of ChristbyAbraham BoothESSAYKINGDOM OF CHRIST.BY ABRAHAM BOOTH.They shall spe

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