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Nội dung chi tiết: AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017


The estateof a musical composer and pianistGideon Klein- inventory -The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1998Contentspp.Introduction1inventory:I.MUSICAL ESTAT

AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017TE6A)pre-Terezin period6B)Terezin period9II.PERSONAL ESTATE10III.RECALLS OF LIFE AND WORK11Enclosures:I.MUSICAL ESTATE13A)pre-Terezin period13B)Terezi

n period23II.PERSONAL ESTATE26III.RECALLS OF LIFE AND WORK35undated folios69posters of concerts and exhibitions70literature72gramophone records73- Int AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017

roductionThe musical estate of a young promising musical composer and an excellent pianist Gideon Klein, who had died prematurely in the age of twenty


five in the Nazi-concentration camp, was collected in the post-war period with an immense love and devotion by his sister, prof. Eliska Kleinová, who

The estateof a musical composer and pianistGideon Klein- inventory -The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1998Contentspp.Introduction1inventory:I.MUSICAL ESTAT

AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017 musical talent showed up and from the age of six he had been learning to play the piano. In 1931 he moved to his sister Liza to Prague. He was visiti

ng the high school there and in the same time he was studying the piano at the Prague Conservatoire at prof. Vilém Kurz. After his graduation in the y AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017

ear 1938 he continued his studies at the Master school of Prague Conservatoire, which he ended in 1939 by an absolvent piano concert. In the fall of 1


939 he signed the subject musicology at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Charles University and in the same time he entered the Conservatoire composin

The estateof a musical composer and pianistGideon Klein- inventory -The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1998Contentspp.Introduction1inventory:I.MUSICAL ESTAT

AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017o the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the gradual restrictions of life of the Jewish inhabitants of the Protectorate took place. In the consequen

ce of the application of Nurenberg laws and the closing of the universities in November 1939 Gideon Klein was forced to leave his studies. His success AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017

ful concert carrier was interrupted as well. After short performing under the pseudonym he had the possibility to make a performance only on the secre


t concerts in the Jewish apartments.For the contemporaries he was mainly a talented pianist with a promise of a world carrier. Nevertheless, from the

The estateof a musical composer and pianistGideon Klein- inventory -The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1998Contentspp.Introduction1inventory:I.MUSICAL ESTAT

AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017vity in this field was more brave and more numerous.1https://khothuvien.cori!An important dividing line in the artistic progress of Klein’s personalit

y was his deportation to the Terezin ghetto. He left between the first ones, already on December 4th, 1941 by transport J.Klein had lived three years AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017

in Terezin and had intensive artistic and organizing work, in spite of the conditions of this special type of a concentration camp. He performed there


on various concerts as a soloist as well as a member of chamber companies. He worked in the Cultural department (Freizeitgestaltung) of the Terezin s

The estateof a musical composer and pianistGideon Klein- inventory -The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1998Contentspp.Introduction1inventory:I.MUSICAL ESTAT

AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017 and primarily he was composing. His last composition, the known String Trio, he had finished nine days before the deportation from the ghetto.On Octo

ber 16th, 1944 Gideon Klein left by the transport Er to Auschwitz - Birkenau. He went through the selection and was sent together with other young men AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017

to the subsidiary camp FOrstengrube in Silesia. There he died, in until today unclear circumstances, probably on January 27th, 1945, during the liqui


dation of the camp before the coming front-line.xxxxxThe main part of the estate of Gideon Klein contains the originals of his musical scores from the

The estateof a musical composer and pianistGideon Klein- inventory -The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1998Contentspp.Introduction1inventory:I.MUSICAL ESTAT

AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017 made of the personal documents, correspondation, programs and criticisms regarding Klein’s concert and composing work and other documents relating to

his life and work in this pre-Terezin period. The mentioned writings were not found until 1990 in a suitcase, which Klein hid before his deportation AJ_GK_inventar_doplneny_finalni_2017

to Terezin, and which was not opened for almost 50 years. Only after half of the century' the public had the possibility to get to know the large and


up till now unknown work of the composer. His portrait of a person and of an artist was added, and essentially his musical estate was reavalued, in th

The estateof a musical composer and pianistGideon Klein- inventory -The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1998Contentspp.Introduction1inventory:I.MUSICAL ESTAT

The estateof a musical composer and pianistGideon Klein- inventory -The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1998Contentspp.Introduction1inventory:I.MUSICAL ESTAT

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