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Nội dung chi tiết: ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa


Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawaD.Fall 2010 KCP Visiting Professor of Diversity and Communication Organizational and Higher Education ConsultantThis report offers a provisional profi

le of the status of diversity at Lake Superior State University, based principally upon the King-Chavez-Park visiting Professor appointment that 1 was ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

fortunate to hold during the Fall 2010 semester. I qualify my analysis and assessment as "provisional" because I'm well aware that my observations ar


e limited by my relatively brief experience and short tenure at LSSU. My four-month KCP position marked the second time that I have visited the LSSU c

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa at a faculty forum, where I spoke about diversity issues at LSSU.During this past Fall 2010 semester, I benefitted from direct experience on campus w

ith students, faculty and staff, gaining insights particularly from teaching two sections of SOCY 103 Cultural Diversity and from numerous Informal co ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

nversations with students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Over the course of the four months I was In residence on campus, 1 recorded extensive f


ield notes on my experience and observations on the status of diversity at LSSU. 1 engaged in a kind of participatory research, drawing upon critical

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa Values statement, Code of Ethics, EEO statement of compliance, the academic catalog, faculty handbook, prior LSSU accreditation self-studies, past it

erations of strategic plans, the 2005 progress report sent to the HLC reporting on assessment and diversity, the HLC response to the 2005 report, a wi ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

de range of statistical and data reports on LSSU, Michigan, public universities In Michigan, and regional and national demographic profiles.1This repo


rt is organized into three sections: 1. Overview of the Status of Diversity at LSSU: Productive, Problematic, and Promising; II. Higher Learning Commi

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawat to extend my appreciation and thanks to the LSSU campus community for their kind and generous hospitality during my visit during the Fall 2010 semes

ter. In particular. I am grateful to Dean Gary Balfantz. Vice President Kenneth Peress, Professor Leslie Dobbertin. and Ms. Stephanie Sabatine for mak ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

ing this opportunity possible and for their gracious support. Special thanks to Cathy Smith, Jeff Oja, and Colleen Kinghom for their warmth, good humo


r, and kindness.]Toward Inclusive Excellence Page 2Section IOverview of the Status of Diversity at LSSU: Productive, Problematic, and PromisingIn Octo

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawao a presentation at a noontime faculty forum. For the forum, 1 offered an admittedly "outsider" perspective on diversity at LSSƯ. 1 titled my presenta

tion, "Yoopers in Da 'Hood: Decentering Diversity, ‘Home,’and Homogeneity." Based principally on online data and documents made available to me by fac ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

ulty and administrators at the university at that time, I proposed very tentatively a series of observations about how the state of diversity at LSSU


might be assessed with an eye toward general strategies for enhancing existing communities and opportunities, as well as extending future outreach and

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawaand are necessarily partial and constrained by my limited tenure at Lake State and by an understanding of LSSU’s history and current status that may c

ome up short in appreciating both the big picture and the subtle nuances that constitute the life and culture of LSSIL In this context, my observation ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

s and conclusions are offered in good faith, however qualified and provisional they might be.Below are general observations about the current state of


diversity at LSSU, characterized in terms of Productive, Problematic, and Promising patterns, trends, and achievements. This overview Is Intended to

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawaSU, which bodes well for strategic planning and governance. As the initial phases of planning have progressed, diversity considerations have been well

represented to date.•Diversity manifests in multiple forms, Identities, and communities on campus. Although this range of diverse constituencies Is n ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

ot immediately evident, there is a quietly rich and robust mosaic of differences that belies initial impressions based on the outward appearance of th


e campus community.Toward Inclusive Excellence Page 3•The geographical location of LSSU, including the presence of substantial Native American communi

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawaas the highest percentage of Native American students of any four-year public university in Michigan and states included in the Great Lakes region (Wi

sconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota).•Although Native American students collectively graduated al a rale lower than the overall I.SSU student ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

average, Native American women in 2008 exceeded the graduation rale of the general student population (see Appendices A and B).•rhe Native American Ce


nter has become a gathering point, a site where campus and community can and do come together in ways that extend the learning environment beyond the

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawaienced, and talented faculty and staff, working under severe budgetary constraints, evince a strong base from which to build a more inclusive and welc

oming campus.PROBLEMATIC• Diversity at LSSU is an "absent presence": that is, a range of diverse constituencies and communities do exist and arc prese ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

nt on campus, but institutionally, they arc hidden, invisible, marginalized. There appears to be no integrated, systemic approach to addressing divers


ity, inclusion, and equity concerns al I.ake State. The overarching perspective, which seems to begin and end with a tacit ethic of "First, do no harm

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawartiary ranking in institutional priorities al best. Except for incidental and occasional mentions in the strategic planning process, diversity is othe

rwise largely if not altogether absent from public discourse. Among most if not all constituencies on campus, diversity and equity arc afterthoughts r ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

ather than definitive and integral concerns that could and should be a routine part of policy’ and planning deliberations.Toward Inclusive ExcellenceP


age 4There are no readily available institutional definitions of 1) what sociocultural dimensions and whose Identities and communities constitute "div

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawanclusion, and academic excellence need to take place routinely and consistently across all university constituencies but particularly need to emanate

from the Board of Trustees and senior administrators. Without vocal advocacy and Intentional actions from all segments of the university community, di ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

versity will remain peripheral and compartmentalized as a matter of institutional philosophy, policy, and practice.Questions of taken-for-granted form


s of privilege and entitlement need to be raised and discussed openly and honestly in academic, co-curricular, and professional work settings. (See Ap

Toward inclusive Excellence at Lake Superior State University: A Provisional Profile on the Status of Campus Diversity and EquityGordon Nakagawa, Ph.D

ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawag/AAUP/pubsres/academe/2009/IF/Feat/mahl.htm.) Students of color from historically underrepresented and underserved groups (other than Native American

s) are largely “missing in action" at LSSU, literally and figuratively. The numbers are disproportionately low, even given the variables of location, ApndxA-12_LSSU-Diversity-Report-v-1-FINAL-GNakagawa

the demographics of the region and of student populations in “feeder” schools, and other contingencies.[N.B. There is a curious pattern that caught my


attention and might be worth a look. Having examined the IPEDS annual enrollment data from Fall 2001 through 2009,1 noted a sharp spike from 2001 unt

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