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Nội dung chi tiết: castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013


Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013tleman Harvard UniversityLindsay C. Page Center for Education Policy Research. Harvard University41365ABSTRACTDespite decades of policy intervention t

o increase college entry among low-income students, substantial disparities Hl college participation by family income persist. Policymakers have large castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

ly overlooked the summer aftei high school as an important time period in students' transition to college, yet recent research documents summer attrit


ion rates ranging from 10-40 percent among students who had been accepted to college and declar ed an intention to enroll in college as of high school

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013ach dunng the summer months. Questions nonetheless remain about how to maximize the impact and cost-effectiveness of summer support. Text messaging an

d peer mentor outreach programs are two promising approaches both to inform students of college-related summer tasks and to coimect them to profession castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

al support when they need help. In this paper, we report on two large-scale randomized trials we designed and implemented to investigate the role of t


echnology and peel mentor outreach in mitigating summer attrition and helping students eiuoll and succeed in college. We find that an automated and pe

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013ion sites, with effects concentrated among students who resided 111 communities with low levels of educational attainment and few college-going suppor

ts; students who qualified for free- or reduced-pl ice lunch, and students whose college plans weie less defined as of the end of high school. We find castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

that a peer mentor intervention increased foiu-year college enrollment. With effects largest for males and students With less-defined college plans.


At a cost of S7 per participant for the text message campaign and S80 pel participant for the peel mentor campaign, both strategies—and particularly t

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013dgements: We arc grateful for the collaboration and support of many people whose contributions made these interventions possible. We thank Bridget Ten

y Long. Laura Owen, and Eric Bettiugcr for their partnership implementing a broadei set of summer 2012 interventions of which the text and peel mentoi castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

interventions weie a part. We are very appreciative for the conuibutions and assistance of our intervention site partners: Sylvia Lopez. Shane Hall.


Dorothea Weir, and the school counselors who staffed the intervention in the Dallas Independent School District; Alexandra Chewning. Erm Cox. Bob Gian

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013eer mentors who staffed the intervention in the Mastery Charter Schools intervention sites. We thank Chris Avery. Larry Katz. Tom Kane. Jess Howell, a

nd seminar participants at Harvard, the University of Virginia. and the SREE spring 2013 conference for their comments and suggestions on earlier vers castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

ions of this paper. This pioject would not have been possible without research and administrative assistance from Cindy Floyd. Zack Mabel. Adam Ganik.


Anna Hagen. Johnathon Davis, and Daniel Grafstcin We arc also grateful to Michael Lin and the Reify Health team for developing the text messaging pla

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013ct. Finally, we are grateful for generous financial support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. W.T. Grant Foundation. Lindback Foundation. He

ckscher Foundation, and National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, all of which made these projects possible All opinions expressed castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

in this paper and any errors or omissions arc our own1I. INTRODUCTIONDespite several decades of policy intervention to met ease college enrollment am


ong low-income students, substantial inequality by income remains: 29 percent of youth from the lowest income quartlie enter college by the age of 25.

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013ter high school as an important tune penod in students' transition to college. However, successful matriculation IS contingent on students completing

a number of tasks during the summer. Several of these tasks relate to students' ability to finance then education, such as securing supplemental loans castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

and setting up tuition payment plans: others relate to students’ ability to digest and respond to a considerable volume of college correspondence, su


ch as academic placement test registration and on-campus housing forms. Many of these tasks may be particularly challenging fol low-income students wh

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013amilies may lack college experience. As a result, students who have already surmounted many obstacles to college enrollment and who would potentially

earn high returns to postsecondary education may nonetheless fail to matriculate.Several studies document surprisingly high summer attrition rates, up castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

to 40 percent, among students who had been accepted to and intended to emoll in college as of high school graduation (Castleman & Page, forthcoming:


Daugherty. 2011; Matthews. Schooley. & Vosier. 2011). Summer attrition IS particularly pronounced among low-income students and could explain a substa

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013dary plans are responsive to additional outreach during the summer. In randomized trials conducted in Providence. RI (Summer 2008) and Boston. MA and

Fulton Comity'. GA (Summer 2011). high school counselors or community-based financial aid advisors helped students complete required summer tasks, at castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

a cost of SI00 to S200 per student. Students to whom counselors offered additional support were 5 to 30 percent more likely to enroll in college, depe


nding on the site and student sub-group (Castleman. Arnold. & Wartman. 2012; Castleman. Page. & Schooley. 2012).The results of these studies suggest t

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013g from this foundation, questions remain about how to reduce costs associated with conducting student outreach: how to increase student take-up of the

offer of additional assistance; and how to most effectively provide students With high-quality and personalized information about college-specific ta castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

sks and requirements, since high school counselors often lack knowledge about financial aid and matriculation requirements.During the summer of 2012.


we collaboiated with several education agencies and a team of researchers to design, implement and experimentally evaluate two separate interventions

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013 high school graduates and their parents a set of 8-10 text message reminders of key tasks to complete over the summer. The reminders were customized

to inform recipients about the tasks necessaiy to be completed at the institution where each student intended to enroll and provided the option of req castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

uesting follow-up assistance from a counselor by ies]>ondmg Io the message. The second intervention was a peer mentor intervention, in which we partne


red with both a network of charter schools and a non-profit organization focused on college affordability Io hire and train college students to reach

Slimmer Nudging:Can Personalized Text Messages and Peer Mentor Outreach Increase College Going Among Low-Income High School Graduates?Benjamin L. Cast

castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013hand perspective on the college experience, helped assess students’ readiness to matriculate in college, and connected students to professional counse

ling, when needed.To preview our results, we find that in several of our intervention sites, the text message intervention had a positive impact on wh castleman_page_-_summer_nudging_-_april_2013

ether students enrolled in college. College enrollment rates were 4-7 percentage points higher among students who received the text messages in these


groups relative to their counterparts who did not receive messages. The effects were concentrated among students who resided in communities with low l

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