Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

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Nội dung chi tiết: Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776endaBryan R. EarlyUniversity of Albany. SUN}'AM)MENEVIS C1L1ZOGI.U st. Olaf CollegeAbstract: Policymakers employ economic sanctions to deal with a wid

e range of international challenges, making them an indispensable foreign policy tool. While scholarship on sanctions has tended to focus on the facto Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

rs affecting their success, newer research programs have emerged that explore the reasons for why sanctions are threatened and initialed, the ways the

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

y are designed ami enforced, and their consequences. This scholarship has yielded a wealth of new insights into how economic sanctions work, but most

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776er the past two decades, though, raising concerns about whether historically derived insights arc still relevant to contemporarysanctions policies. In

this forum, the contributors discuss the scholarly and policy-relevant insights of existing research on sanctions and (hen explore what gaps remain i Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

n our knowledge and new trends in sanctions policymaking. This forum will inform readers on the stale of the an ill sanctions research and propose ave

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

nues for future research.Resumen: Los legislation's cmplean sancioncs económicas para tratar diferentes desaffos intcrnacionalcs, Io que las convicrte

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776cxito, surgicron programas tie investigation nuts nuevos en los que se analizan los motives por los cuales se amenaza con imponer sanciones y estas se

llevan a cabo, las maneras en que están disenadas y cjccutadas, y SUS conse-cuencias. Este estmlio generó una gran cantidad de ideas nueviis sobre el Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

funcionamiento de las sanciones económicas, pero la mayoria tie estas está basada en obscrvaciones de las sanciones del siglo XX. Sin embargo, las ma

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

neras en que los legislation's emplean las sanciones cambiaron espe-cialmentc cn las ultimas dos décadas. Io que genera prcocupación sobre si las idea

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776en la investigación de sanciones y propone vias para futures investigaciones. Los colaboradores analizan las percepciones academi-cas y relevantes par

a la polilica de la investigación existente sobre san-ciones y, luego. cxploran cuálcs son las brcchas que cxistcn en nucstro conociiniento y las nuev Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

as tendencias en la legislat ion de sanciones.Resume: Les décideurs poliliques utilisenl les sanctions économiques pour faire face à tin large cvcntai

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

l de problématiques internationales, ce qui en fail tin ouiil indispensable tie politique étrangẻre. Alois que les etudes stir les sanctions out eu te

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776d Defining the Future Research Agenda. International Siuiiuv Pmfmrtnia. dot: I0.1093/isp/ekaa002© The Author(s) (2020). Published by Oxford University

Press on behalf of the International Studies Association.All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: iouin.ds.fx-imixstons0oup.eomDownloaded Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

from https//academic 1093/isp/ekaa002/5822053 by National Taiwan University user on 17 September 20202 Enduring Ch

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

allenges. New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Agenda qui influent SIU Ir sure ẽs lies sanctions, certains prograiniiics lie rec lierc lie q

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776s sanctions soul elalioires el appliquces, ainsi que Ictus consequences. Ces études ont été line mine de nouvelles connaissances stir le fonction-nemc

nl des sanctions économiqiies, mais la plupart de CCS connaissaiices sont fondees sur des observations de sanctions du 20e siècle. Les diverses famous Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

dont les décideurs politiques utilisent les sanctions out toutefois tondamenlalcmciil change ail coms des deux dernieres

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

s’interroger sur la pertinence des connaissances acquises par le passe par rap|M>H aux poliliqnr.s de sanctions con I Cl npo rail ICS. (À‘ forum infor

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776de rẽclairagc M'iciilitiqnc cl pcrlinciil CII malicrc de poliiiqnesqn'oiil apporlc les rcclicrclies exislanlcs sur les sanctions, puis examincnl les I

nclines qui subsistent dans nos connaissances. ainsi que les nouvelles tendances (’ll malicrc d'claboralion de poliliqiics relatives aux sanctions.Key Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

words: economic sanctions, sanctions lineal and imposition, sanctions design, sanc tions consequences, sanctions enforcement, sanctions eftec liveness

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

Palabras clave: sancioncs económicas, ainenaza e imposition de sanciones. creation de sanciones, consecuencias de las sanciones, aplicación de sancion

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776anctions, application des sanctions, eíticacité des sanctionsIntroductionEconomic sanctions are coercive policies that leverage the imposition of econ

omic costs and social stigma to compel changes in their targets' behavior or limit their ability to engage in undesirable behaviors. When the internat Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

ional community sought to address the nuclear proliferation threats posed by Iran and North Korea, for example, the United States, European Union (EU)

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

, and United Nations (UN) adopted broad sanctions packages to weaken the countries' economies and to coerce them into changing their nuclear policies.

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776ary response. To cease political violence in Eritrea and Sudan over rhe past several decades, rhe F.u and UN imposed multiple arms embargoes against t

hose countries. And lastly, the United Stares adopted the Global Magnitsky Act in 2017 to penalize and stigmatize corrupt and human rights-violating f Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

oreign officials—leveling sanctions on 196 individuals and entities since its passage.1 The diverse set of cases noted above demonstrates that sanctio

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

ns are a versatile coercive tool that can be employed in many different forms and for a multitude of reasons. Ar the same time, rhe wide range of wavs

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776ey’ have, and what factors influence their success. Given that sanctions policies play a kev role in almost every major global security challenge, it

is imperative for both policv-makers and scholars to understand as much as possible about their use.Despite the frequent use of economic coercion, a s Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

urprising amount remains unknown about how if works and what its consequences are. For a start, identifyingThis was the count as of lanuary 20.2020. T

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

he data was collected from https.//sancúonssearch.ofac.ư from,isp/advance-article/dol/10.1093/isp/ekaa002

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776allenging because the mere threat of sanctions can change their targets' behaviors. Furthermore, it is exceptionally difficult to define what constitu

tes success and failure for sanctions policies considering the myriad of instrumental ami noninstrumental reasons for which they can be imposed. That Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

challenge is matched by the complexity of accounting for the varied economic, political, and humanitarian costs for the states that impose them, their

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

targets, and even third parties. Even when sanctions achieve their articulated goals, it can be difficult to assess whether they were worth the costs

Intelnational SI tidies Perspectives (2020) 0, 1-40Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Age

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776s to explain why economic sanctions are imposed, how they are designed and enforced, what consequences they have, and what determines their likelihood

of success. In this collection of essays, members of the Peace Science Society (International) have sought to take stock of the existing scholarship Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

on economic sanctions, identify areas in need of new theory' development anil empirical study, and—to the extent possible—shed light on policy-relevan

Conflict at the College- William and Mary 1750-1776

t insights for the practitioner community.The contemporary salience of sanctions anil how these policies have evolved make it a particularly opportune

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