FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

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FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reducedt Appendix D.Executive Summary:This report presents an evaluation of the unification of the Gymnasium Mostar in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH),

as commissioned by the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission to BiH.In 2003, as a pan of its education mandate, the OSCE H FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

ead of Mission Ambassador Roben Beecroft, supported by Regional Centre education staff and encouraged by the Mostar unification process being driven b

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y High Representative Paddy Ashdown2, saw an opportunity to work with the local politicians responsible for school administration decisions to pursue

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reducedy destroyed during the war and had become the centre of an effort to revitalize the historic Mostar downtown. An initiative to restore the multination

al and high-quality nature of the school was viewed as an opportunity to use this divided school in this divided city as a model or beacon for potenti FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

al reform efforts throughout the country.Post-war education in BiH presents a ver}' complex set of problems largely focused on assimilation/non-assimi

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

lation issues. Three main curricula are used, and these reflect divisions along ethnic lines. All curricula share the same common core curriculum, but

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reducedy, Religion) there are very few common elements. Most schools cater for only one ethnic group teaching the politically coloured, non-inclusive curricu

lum of that group. If there are fewer than 18 students of another national group, they are expected to assimilate and study the majority curriculum. T FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

his situation can be found in both the2 See Commission for Reforming the City of Mostar: Recommendations of the Commission Report of the Chairman. 15

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December 2003, available at Srpska and in the Federation of BiH and in any combination of majority/minority students. There arc

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reducede majority. There are also several examples of die phenomenon called “two-schools-undcr-one roof” where Bosniak anil Croat students are separated by n

ationality/curriculum anil attend school in shills or al the same lime but entering the divided sc hool facility through separate doors, having only p FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

eripheral contact with “the other” students. All of those interviewed attested to the fact that minority -often returnee - children are able to attend

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"monoethnic” schools, but they are expected to accept, for various reasons, subtle or not so subtle assimilation.In 2003 in Mostar. Croat students we

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduceds resistance from some, but the OSCE Head of Mission and staff began an intensive effort to capitalize on those political decision-makers who were rea

dy to pursue administrative unification. Al the same lime, OSCE staff began working with potential Bosniak and Croat students by bringing them togethe FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

r in joint extracurricular activities. The result of these efforts was the return of the Bosniak students and additional Croat students to the Gymnasi

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

um Mostar under a unified administration with unilied teachers’ and students' councils.The evaluation consisted of (1) a review of archival documents

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reducedstar, and (3) analysis of data. Interviews were held with students, directors. teachers, school board members and oilier local stakeholders. As well,

interview’s were conduc ted with the direc tors of the Traffic and Construction schools in Mostar, directors and parents at a Prozor.'Rama primary sch FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

ool and at Zepce secondary school.3https://khothuvien.cori!The findings in this report are highly positive. Everyone interviewed in Mostar had only po

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

sitive things to report about the effort and believed that the unification of the Gymnasium would not have occurred as smoothly had it not been for th

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reducedin a variety of areas. Students and the two directors, in particular, stressed the need for the OSCE to continue involvement with the school as the in

tegration that has occurred there begins to grow institutionalised. The findings include:•The Gymnasium Mostar is now an administratively unified scho FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

ol, though using two curricula, with approximately 900 students of all nationalities meeting together in the same building and joining each other regu

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larly for extra-curricular activities and their first regular integrated classes.•Successful unification of administrative components has taken place

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reducedool secretary cut. along with librarian).•Successful unification of administrative components has taken place - including regular joint school board m

eetings, a single school director exercising authority over both curricula, and savings in terms of costs (school secretary cut, along with librarian) FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

.•The building is largely renovated with the top floor half-renovated and the facade to be completed in the near future.•Successful efforts to create

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

common spaces and bodies have taken place, such as the formation of a joint student council, student council room and library.•Installation of modern

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reducedlasses comprised of students from both curricula.•The IB program housed within the reconstructed Gymnasium has been a popular method of emphasizing qu

ality education, and has managed to attract students from across BiH and the region.•Installation of a state-of-the-art information technology laborat FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

ory by Japan and Italy enables this to be used for integrated extra-curricular IT classes and, most recently, integrated practical IT classes that are

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part of the regular Gymnasium curriculum.•Stakeholders report they have increased skills in lobbying decision makers after working with the OSCE on t

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reducedng in all English international IB classes.•Bosniak students are studying the Croat curriculum in Croat classes to fill unsubscribed Croat slots.•Educ

ation reform is taking place, but students are particularly frustrated with the slowness of this effort. They want an education that meets internation FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

al standards.•Parents and politicians are seen as the continuing source of fostering nationalistic feelings among students. Engaging parents in joint

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activities with teachers and students is seen as a key to moving school unification forward.Eight recommendations emerged from the findings:1Education

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced recognising the current political and social obstructions to unification, the OSCE should make efforts to shape attitudes towards unification among t

hose who accept the idea and build out from there. This might be done through certain specific initiatives, such as -quantifying/publicizing the finan FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

cial waste, organising study visits of parent, student and teacher representatives to schools which have been successfully unified to gather first han

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d information on the implications of unification (e.g., will not result in the loss of teaching jobs), encouraging NGOs to ot^anise joint extra-curric

Evaluation Report on Progress Made through the OSCE’s Efforts to Unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 2003 to Fall 2006Carolyne Ashton1391421 See Bio at

FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reducedo tell the story of what worked at the Gymnasium Mostar. Use the findings from this report to continue to foster a desire for unification based on an

understanding of its cost-effectiveness and contribution to quality of education.3Clarification of Facts: Questions over legal ownership of school pro FINAL TSUS Consolidated FY 20 Budget Summary Reduced

perty are a way in which communities attempt to avoid unification, along with the claim that many jobs would be lost if unification occurred. The OSCE

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should conduct a fact-finding exercise that would assist supporters of unification in arguing the facts of these issues.4Language: All recognized the

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