ielts online rr 2016 4

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Nội dung chi tiết: ielts online rr 2016 4

ielts online rr 2016 4

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4fessional registration outcomes in healthcare and early childcare education in AustraliaAuthors:Grant awarded:Keywords:Cate Gobble, Jill Blackmore, An

ne-Marie Mornssey and Tanja Capic, Deakin University2013'IELTS test, workplace language skills. English language requirements in medicine, nursing and ielts online rr 2016 4

early childhood education, overseas trained professionals. Australian hospitals and childcare centres, international doctors and nurses, assessing la

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nguage skills of international professionals, skilled migration, international student migration"AbstractFocusing on two professional fields that are

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4ed professionals and international graduates transitioning into the Australian labour market.The study highlights the complex language requirements in

the professions of medicine, nursing and early childhood education and explores the implications for stakeholders Employers require graduates to have ielts online rr 2016 4

high-level English language skills and universities are increasingly expected to ensure international students graduate with the required English lan

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guage proficiency.The study also reveals highly differentiated labour markets While metropolitan hospitals are turning away both domestic and internat

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4es in rural areas and some areas are struggling with how to stem the flow of graduates into the primary sector.Finally, the study highlights the many

challenges facing overseas-trained/international graduates transitioning into the labour market. For participants in this study, the challenges of wor ielts online rr 2016 4

king in their profession in Australia are many and varied These challenges include workplace discrimination isolation and extreme frustration when una

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ble to work in their area of qualification.AcknowledgementsThe research team gratefully acknowledges the support of the British Council Cambridge Engl

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4hildcare providers, academics government representatives and industry associations who volunteered their time and expertise and provided valuable insi

ghts.Finally, our thanks go to the many overseas-trained nurses early childhood teachers and international graduates who generously agreed to speak to ielts online rr 2016 4

US about their experiences of transitioning into the Australian workplace.Publishing detailsPublished by the IELTS Partners: British Council Cambhcge

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English Language Assessment and IDP: IELTS Australia © 2016. Thte online senes succeeds IELTS Research Reports Volumes 1—13. published 1996-2012 in p

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4ent the views of IELTS. The publishers do not accept responsibility for any of the claims made in the research. Web: v/w>7 ielts orgIELTS Research Rep

ort Senes. No. 4.2016 &www.ielts orgi'researchersPage 1GRIBBLE, BLACKMORE, MORRISSEY + CAPIC INVESTIGATING THE USE OF IELTS IN DETERMINING EMPLOYMENT. ielts online rr 2016 4


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a Senior Research Fellow in the Faculty of Arts and Education at Deakin University in Melbourne. Her current research focuses on international studen

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4investigate international students’ experiences of work integrated learning (WIL) in Australia and Canada. Other current projects include an investiga

tion of employability in different cultural contexts (funded by the UK Society for Research in Higher Education) and Nev/ Colombo Plan: Australians as ielts online rr 2016 4

international students in Asia’ with colleagues from Deakin University and the University of Adelaide.Jill BlackmoreProfessor Jill Blackmore is Alfre

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d Deakin Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University, Director of the Centre for Research in Educational Futures and Innovation

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4 across education in universities. TAFE. schools and community: locah'global articulations of internationalisation: educational restructuring organisa

tional change and innovation: educational leadership and spatial redesign: teachers' and academics' work and equity policy.Anne-Marla MorrisseyDr Anne ielts online rr 2016 4

-Marie Morrissey is a Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education in the School of Education at Deakin University. Prior to her university work. Anne

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-Marie had extensive experience as an early childhood teacher and centre director in preschools, childcare centres and schools in Australia and the Un

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4ildcare Accreditation Council. Anne-Marie has played a key role in several research projects She is a Chief Investigator on the Victonan State Wide Pr

ofessional Mentoring Program for Early Childhood Teachers a $1.3 million partnership with Victoria University and the Department of Education and Earl ielts online rr 2016 4

y Childhood Development.Tanja CapicMs Tanja Capic received her Bachelor of Arts with Distinction from Deakin University in Melbourne in 2012. majoring

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in Psychology and Sociology.In 2014, she received her first-class Honours in Psychology at the same university. Her Honours thesis concerns the tempo

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4is for publication, which was submitted for publication this year. Tanja currently works as a Research Assistant both in the School of Psychology and

the School of Education at Deakin University Her main areas of interest are quality of life, mental health and migration.IELTS Research ProgramThe 1EL ielts online rr 2016 4

TS partners - British Council. Cambridge English Language Assessment and IDP: IELTS Austral a - have a longstanding commitment to rema n at the forefr

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ont of developments in English language testing The steady evolution of IELTS is in para lei with advances in applied linguistics, language pedagogy l

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4r qualities is supported by two st'eams of research internal and externalInternal research activities are managed by Cambridge English Language Assess

ment's Research and Va idation unit. The Research and Validation unit brings together specialists in testing and assessment, statistical analysis and ielts online rr 2016 4

itembanking. applied linguistics, corpus linguistics, and language leamingi'pedagogy. and provides rigorous quality assurance for the IELTS test at ev

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ery stage of development. External research is conducted by independent researchers via the joint research program, funded by 1DP: IELTS Austral a and

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

ielts online rr 2016 4ublicised in March with applications due by 30 June each year. A Joint Research Committee comprising representatives of the IELTS partners, agrees on

research pr.orities and oversees the al locations of research grants for external research.Reports are peer reviewed: IELTS Research Reports submitted ielts online rr 2016 4

by external researchers are peer reviewed prior to publication.

IELTSIELTS Research Reports Online SeriesISSN 2201-2982AReference: 2016/4AInvestigating the use of IELTS in determining employment, migration and prof

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