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Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENTwith diverse interests goes into a room and emerges with a clear and common vision. Yet that is precisely what happened during the past 18 months when

business and civic leaders, government officials and staff, and a wide mix of other downtown stakeholders gathered several times to imagine a thrivin IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

g future for downtown Colorado Springs.Over a series of five daylong planning sessions, these committed participants imagined a Downtown Colorado Spri


ngs maturing into a thriving urban center, teeming with people of all stripes moving between their homes and offices and favorite shops and restaurant

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT varied.It wasn’t merely pie-in-the-sky dreaming. Imagine Downtown participants consulted with national experts in the field. They studied other simil

ar markets, noting the lessons of failures as well as successes. They plied through recent studies and analysis of downtown data. Through the planning IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

process the group came to agree that Downtown Colorado Springs must grow over time and along multiple paths. They considered the infrastructure neces


sary to support such an urban hub and concurred on the need for a driving force to move things forward, to keep an eye on the common vision and to hel

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT the pages of this Plan.The Imagine Downtown Plan is flexible as well as pragmatic. It will also sene as the foundational “plan of development” for th

e work of the recent voter-established Colorado Springs Downtown Development Authority.The Imagine Downtown Final Plan for Downtown Colorado Springs d IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

ated February 2, 2007 (the “Imagine Downtown Plan”) and any subsequent amendments to the Imagine Downtown Plan constitute the “plan of development” un


der Part 8 of Article 25 of Title 31, Colorado Revised Statutes (the Downtown Development Authority statute). The boundaries of the Colorado Springs D

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENTea” under the Downtown Development Authority statute.3IL Downtown: Perspective & ContextDowntown Colorado Springs has been the nexus of the city since

its founding in 1871. Much of Colorado Springs’s historical legacy is visually preserved here: from the original F.l Paso County Courthouse (now OÍ c IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

ourse, the Pioneers Museum), to the original town square still known as Acacia Park, to the railroad Depot, to the several-timcs-rcincarnated Antlers


Hotel and to the recently restored original City Hall, rhe city’s origins persist as well in tire distinct architecture defining other lesser-known or

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT the Hibbards Department Stole building and the heavenly inspired steeples and leaded glass, turrets and more that characterize the bevy of time-honor

ed downtown churches and the original academic halls of The Colorado College. Only in downtown Colorado Springs can one fully grasp the sweeping evolu IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

tion of the city’s 136-ycar life.Today we see the delightful juxtaposition of now and then: gleaming, sleek, glass-filled towers reflecting the unique


ly ornate and intricate embellishments of the architectural elders.Yet downtown Colorado Springs has always been more than a fancy of architecture; it

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENTeighborhood for living, a place to shop and dine and play. It has been and remains home to our governing leaders, our financial institutions, our cult

ural capital and more. Keeping the heart healthy and strong is a continual pursuit, particularly as Colorado Springs has grown and stretched its subur IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

ban perimeters.The first Downtown Plan was issued in 1971, reflecting the community’s desire to sustain the area’s prominence in the midst of times wh


en development sprawl began to beckon what had heretofore been downtown’s province. A little more than two decades laler, in 1992, a new plan lor down

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENTny of its major objectives have been met. The look and feel ol downtown has been energized: the streetscape is cleaner, more pedestrian friendly and p

unctuated by more public an, trees, flowers and attractive and functional signage. Educational and cultural offerings have increased, and the diva's a IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

ttraction as a premier addr ess for business has held. Downtown Colorado Springs today is abuzz with energy and activity — a flurry of ongoing constru


ction amidst the constant hum of automobile traffic, the pleasant blur of pedestrian movement and the vibration of commerce in action.While interest i

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT a new strategic plan for downtown Colorado Springs.4The New Downtown PlanPerhaps the most compelling reason (0 produce an updated Downtown Plan is si

mply that downtown is important. It is here that the city first took root and it is here where its signature strengths can best be showcased. Signific IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

ant public and private investment in downtown is protected and enhanced by continuing the investment trends — and building wealth. With 20,000 jobs wi


thin its district, downtown is an economic engine for the larger community. It is also indisputably the city’s cultural center.Downtown is pivotal to

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT with weak downtowns are perceived as not as interesting. The workforce of the next century, particularly the burgeoning “Creative Class” is also demo

nstrating a strong affinity for downtowns and an urban experience. Considering Colorado Springs’s 2006 ranking by Money magazine as the number one "be IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

st big city,” it makes further sense to pay attention to downtown’s draw.It can also be noted that between 1990 and 2003, the population of the Colora


do Springs metropolitan area catapulted some 35 percent, from 397,000 to 535,000. With most development occurring to the very edges and beyond of the

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENThe DAP was produced 15 years ago, much has changed within the field of downtown revitalization. Conventional strategies often relied on the presence o

r development of a singular large-scale community asset, such as a convention center or downtown sports stadium, to jumpstart and continually feed rev IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

italization efforts. History' has shown, however, that while such entities will undoubtedly have a positive impact, they alone will not drive downtown


’s success. More recent studies and case histories reveal that the most successful downtowns evolve from a variety of synergistic activities and proje

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT a downtown convention center have met with public resistance. Similarly, while the idea was briefly floated to build a downtown professional ballpark

for the local Sky Sox franchise, it just as quickly evaporated. When those initiatives failed, downtown leaders began to regroup and to question what IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

might better serve as next steps for downtown.In addition, a few downtown Colorado Springs trends could spell trouble for the district. In 1992, down


town sales tax collections contributed 4 percent of all city sales taxes; in 2006, sales tax collected here had dropped to 2.5 percent. “” loss

Final Plan of DevelopmentFor Downtown Colorado Springs391152I. Introduction & OverviewIt is not often that a large group of strong community leaders w

IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENTd a surge in growth, retail as a whole has eroded significantly in the past four years. As well, pedestrian counts are somewhat lagging, showing littl

e growth between 1996 and 2005.5With these trends in mind and observing the sunset years of the 1992 DAP. Downtown Partnership of Colorado Springs pro IMAGINE_DOWNTOWN_FINAL_PLAN_OF_DEVELOPMENT

moted and facilitated the communitywide initiative of the past two years known as “Imagine Downtown.”Rendering of interior of Colorado College Corners


tone Arts Complex, under construction 2ƠƠ66

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