Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

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Nội dung chi tiết: Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel prnounced the first batch of awardees for the Health Care Innovation Awards {Round One) on May 8, 2012 and the second (final) batch on June 15, 2012. Th

is list includes both the first and second batch of awardees. Beginning July 1, 2012, these awardee organizations have implemented projects in communi Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

ties across the nation that aim to deliver better health, improved care and lower costs to people enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid and the Children's He

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

alth Insurance Program (CHIP), particularly those with the highest health care needs. These projects are funded for three years. Continued funding is

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr the federal government. These profiles have been revised to reflect any updates to the projects as of December, 2013.Note: Descriptions and project d

ata (e.g. gross savings estimates, population served, etc.) are three- year estimates provided by each organization and are based on budget submission Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

s required by the Health Care Innovation Awards Round One application process and are not CMS projections. While all projects are expected to produce

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

cost savings beyond the three-year grant award, some may not achieve net cost savings until after the initial three-year period due to start-up-costs,

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr updated: December 2013ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEMProject Title: "Maximum Health at M

inimal Cost: A Community- Based Medical Home Model for the Non-Elderly Disabled"Geographic Reach: MinnesotaFunding Amount: $1,767,667Estimated 3-Year Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

Savings: $2 millionSummary: Allina Health System received an award to test a community-based medical home model to serve 300 adults with disabilities

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

and complex health conditions, particularly complex neurological conditions, in the Minneapolis • St. Paul metropolitan area. The intervention will co

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel prr 25 Independent Living Skills Specialists, Peer Leaders, and other health professionals will be trained with enhanced skills to fulfill the medical h

ome mission. This community-based and patient-centered approach is expected to reduce avoidable hospitalizations, lower cost, and improve the quality Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

of care for this expensive and underserved group of people with an estimated savings of over $2 million over the three-year award.ALTARUM INSTITUTEPro

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

ject Title: "Comprehensive community-based approach to reducing inappropriate imaging"Geographic Reach: MichiganFunding Amount: $8,366,178Estimated 3-

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pration, received an award to reduce unnecessary imaging studies for beneficiaries in Southeastern Michigan. This multifaceted intervention will establi

sh a data-exchange system between primary care and imaging facilities to increase evidence-based decision-making among physicians ordering MRIs and CT Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

s in the lumbar-spine, cervical-spine, lower extremities, shoulder, head, chest, and abdomen. The goal is to reduce CT volume by 17.4 percent and MRI

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

volume by 13.4 percent over three years, resulting in a 17 percent reduction in imaging costs without any loss in diagnostic accuracy or restrictions

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel prand technology, while creating an estimated 23 jobs for practice consultants, health information analysts, lean practice redesign specialists, and hea

lth education specialists.ASIAN AMERICANS FOR COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENTProject Title: "Patient Navigation Center"Geographic Reach: California2Funding Amou Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

nt: $2,634,545Estimated 3-Year Savings: $3,373,602Summary: Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI), in partnership with the Career Ladders Pr

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

oject and local community colleges, received an award to train Asian and Hispanic youth as non-clinical health workers for a Patient Navigation Center

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel prcheduling, referrals, and application help for social services, as well as after-hours and self-care assistance. Patient navigation will lead to impro

ved access to care, better disease screening, decreased diagnosis time, better medication adherence, a reduction in emergency room visits, and reduced Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

anxiety for patients. Over a three-year period, Asian Americans for Community Involvement will re-train its current staff of nurses, supervisors, and

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

on-call clinicians and create an estimated 29 jobs. The new workers will include patient navigators, nurse and clinician advisors, and a workforce ma

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr"Geographic Reach: Delaware, Maryland Funding Amount: $1,097,512 Estimated 3-Year Savings: $3,522,000Summary: Atlantic General Hospital Corporation, w

hich serves largely rural Worcester County, Maryland, is working to improve care for Medicare beneficiaries through a patient centered medical home (P Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

CMH) care model. Through a partnership with the Worcester County Health Department (WCHD), Atlantic General has implemented PCMH standards and princip

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

les in all seven of its primary care practices, increasing access for patients needing non-emergency episodic care to reduce hospital admission rates

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr a primary or admitting diagnosis of congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or diabetes, who currently rely on high-c

ost ER visits and acute care admissions. However, the PCMH team has been able to expand the program to offer services to patients with additional diag Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

noses.BEN ARCHER HEALTH CENTERProject Title: “A home visitation program for rural populations in Northern Dona Ana County, New Mexico"Geographic Reach

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

: New Mexico Funding Amount: $1,270,845 Estimated 3-Year Savings: $6,352,8383Summary: Ben Archer Health Center in southern New Mexico has implemented

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel prhomebound individuals, as well as young children and hard to reach county residents. Ben Archer Health Center provides primary health, dental, and beh

avioral health care to rural Dona Ana County, a medically underserved and health professional shortage area. The Ben Archer Health Center's Health Car Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

e Innovation Award uses nurse health educators and community health workers to bridge the gap between patients and medical providers, aid patient navi

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

gation of the health care system, and offer services including case management, medication management, chronic disease management, preventive care, ho

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pres diabetes and asthma management classes for patients and families. The project implements a culturally-appropriate, immunization methodology utilizi

ng door-to-door outreach campaigns. The staff connects individuals with primary care homes to decrease the cost of complications caused by disease in Implementing energy release rate calculations into the LaModel pr

the predominately Hispanic population.

CMSCENTOS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERV ICESHealth Care Innovation Awards Round One Project ProfilesThe Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ann

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