KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

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Nội dung chi tiết: KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._ L. LaMarche Aurora c. Bouchier Cullen B. JonesABSTRACTThe Mosier Creek basin is a small tributary to the Columbia River in north-central Oregon where

groundwater levels in Columbia River Basalt aquifers supplying domestic, agricultural and municipal uses have declined 44m over the past 45 years. Th KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

e aquifers are in lava flows of Saddle Mountains and Wanapum Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG). Principle causes of groundwater level d

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

ecline are overuse of at least one aquifer and depressurization of 3-4 aquifers through intraborehole flow' (commingling aquifers). Potential solution

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._onstruction repairs or well replacement and permanent well abandonment of defective w ells, and 3, partially funding the construction of deep irrigati

on w ells into an aquifer separate from the depleted aquifers and transferring the irrigation use for the two largest groundwater users to the deeper KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

aquifer. This one-day trip will visit 7 stops in the Mosier basin to examine aspects controlling groundwater occurrence and flow in CRBG lava flows, s

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

edimentary interbeds, and Dalles Formation, as well as the groundwater flow system's bounding thrust fault, an instrumented groundwater / surface wate

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._ems, discuss challenges with managing these aquifers, and solutions underway to help remedy the severely depleted CRBG aquifers in the area.https://kh

othuvien.cori!INTRODUCTIONThis field trip guide describes a one-day trip through the Mosier Creek basin to examine the geology and hydrology of aquife KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

rs within the Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG). On the trip we’ll view and discuss the management solutions underway to help remedy the severely dep

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

leted CRBG aquifers in the area. Localities to be visited provide opportunities to examine various aspects of CRBG lava flows, sedimentary interbeds,

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._ring site, and a recently finished deep well (351 m) that was constructed as part of a solution to relieve groundwater pumping stresses on the deplete

d aquifers.Geology and groundwater conditions near Mosier, Oregon (Fig. 1), have been studied since the 1950s (e.g., Newcomb. 1963). Most of the early KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

research by Newcomb described the general geologic framework of the area and structural control on groundwater flow. Later work by him also identifie

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

d a groundwater / surface water connection with Mosier Creek (Newcomb, 1969). Geologic mapping in the late 1970s by James L. Anderson identified and d

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._area (Swanson et al., 1981).1251»123*121’nr117*Its*1WFigure 1. Map showing the Mosier area and the extent of the Columbia River Flood-Basalt province

(modified from Reidel et al., 2013).Dilling the last three decades the focus of groundwater research in the Mosier area has been to further refine the KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

understanding of groundwater flow in Columbia River Basalt aquifers and investigate the cause and extent of groundwater-level declines (Lite and Gron

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

din. 1988: Kienle, 1996; Jervey, 1996; Burns el al., 2012; and file, 201?»). The stratigraphic framework in the Mosier area consists OÍ several lava H

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._. All the stratigraphic units host aquifers, but the declining groundwater levels near Mosier occur within the C.RBG units.Prior research has shown th

at groundwater-level declines near Mosier stein from two principal problems: (1) overuse of at least one aquifer and (2) commingling and depressurizat KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

ion of the uppermost three or four basalt aquifers (Lite and Grondin, 1988; Burns et al., 2012).Groundwater levels in the Mosier area have declined mo

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

re than 40 m in Columbia River Basalt aquifers during the past 45 years (Fig. 2); water levels have continued to decline over the last 30 years despit

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._ses. Irrigation in the watershed is chiefly used to grow commercial cherries, while municipal use is for the City of Mosier.Date (years)Figure 2. Hydr

ographs for select wells in the Pomona, Priest Rapids, and Frenchman Springs aquifers showing total decline, changes of decline rates, and common equi KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

librium elevations. Data for these wells are available online at the Oregon Water Resources Department website. The descriptor WASC is county abbrevia

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

tion attached to each well number.In recent years much of the focus of the groundwater work has shifted to developing and implementing a different set

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._ and Water Conservation District (“the District”), and Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) have been working together to develop remedies to: (1)

to ensure new wells are constructed to prevent commingling, (2) eliminate existing comingling wells, and (3) transfer some of the pumping stress from KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

the depleted aquifers.Commingling of wells in the Mosier area is an issue difficult to address mainly due to the cost of properly constructing wells

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

that penetrate multiple artesian aquifers and the complexity of repairing wells open to these pressurized and commingling aquifers. Recently, however,

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._ntribute to the commingling problems, and are currently working together to address ongoing depressurization of the basalt aquifers from commingling b

y abandoning and replacing defective wells. To date, the stakeholders have worked together to abandon and replace 10 commingling wells, with another s KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

ix wells scheduled for abandonment and replacement during the next year (2019). The largest well replacement effort is the so-called Mosier Million pr

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

oject, for which the Oregon Legislature allocated one million dollars to OWRD to facilitate the repair or replacement of approximately 15 of the most

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._ watershed is aimed at reducing the amount of pumping stress on the upper aquifers by transferring some of the pumping stress to an unused aquifer tha

t (spoiler alert) is not directly connected to local surface water sources. The plan is to develop a new groundwater source in the upper Grande Ronde KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

Basalt. The District, in partnership with two Mosier area orchardists, applied for a costshare grant through the OWRD Water Supply Grant Program to dr

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

ill two relatively deep wells and transfer the orchardists’ use to a deeper (unused) aquifer. Last year the first well (373 m deep) was constructed in

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._rbatim from material published in Lite (2013).HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTINGThe Mosier groundwater flow system occurs within one of the westernmost Yakima fold

s, the Mosier syncline. This northeast-trending fold is bounded on the southeast by the Columbia Hills anticline and on the northwest by the Bingen an KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

ticline (Swanson et al.. 1981). Recharge to the CRBG aquifers in the Mosier groundwater flow system comes from precipitation along the northwest flank

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

of the Columbia Hills anticline where the Pomona and Priest Rapids flows terminate on the side of the fold (Newcomb, 1969; Lite and Grondin. 1988). A

Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, OregonKenneth E. Lite, Jr. Erik A. Thomasser Robert B. Perkins Jonathan

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._xygen isotope data from water samples in the Mosier area suggest recharge may also occur from a higher elevation outside the Mosier drainage, perhaps

where the stratigraphic units are exposed along the Hood River fault or within the Cascade Range. Those areas are to the west and southwest of Mosier, KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

and unfortunately, little or no well data exists in the intervening area between the Hood River fault and the Mosier area. So, it is unknown if groun

KL_FORMATCHANGES_Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier B.._

dwater flows from that direction. The principal direction of regional groundwater flow interpreted for the Mosier area is likely biased by the spatial

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