Local Governance and Community Development

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Nội dung chi tiết: Local Governance and Community Development

Local Governance and Community Development

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Developmentveloping world are rapidly devolving powers and resources to village and municipal governments, and communities in villages and slums are being increa

singly relied upon to select beneficiaries for programs, to construct public goods, and to manage them. Multilateral and bilateral aid agencies are fu Local Governance and Community Development

nneling billions of dollars via a broad strategy of “local development" (Helling el al, 2005) - utilizing community-based solutions to development pro

Local Governance and Community Development

blems and enhancing village and neighborhood decentralization. Underlying these trends is a widespread belief that such efforts at “going local” will

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Developmenthese themes, sift through the evidence on their efficacy, and provide some guidance for policy.Justifications for this push to localize development co

me from across the disciplinary and political spectrum. Some economists have argued that the proximity of decision making bodies to beneficiaries impr Local Governance and Community Development

oves information and oversight. This proximity allows local governments to tailor public goods to people’s needs and preferences. Related to this is t

Local Governance and Community Development

he key principal of subsidiarity, which states that the functions of government should be devolved to the level of government which is best suited to

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Developments individuals to have more claims on the use of their taxes. Moreover, many political scientists and sociologists have argued that community-based ini

tiatives allow the capacity for collective action, or social capital, to be mobilized for the public good, and permit development initiatives to be sh Local Governance and Community Development

aped by local social and cultural contexts. By making development more participatory, it is claimed that beneficiaries, especially among the excluded

Local Governance and Community Development

and poor, are turned into stakeholders who can enhance social accountability and sustainability. This is in accordance with the belief among advocates

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Developmentven”.Thus the recent emphasis on local government decentralization and community-based development aims to:•Make information more widely available;•Al

low communities to identify projects and beneficiaries;•Let citizens have a bigger role in decisions that affect their lives;•Expand the resources ava Local Governance and Community Development

ilable to the poor; and1• Strengthen the civic capacities of communities by nurturing organizations that represent them, and by enabling them to acqui

Local Governance and Community Development

re skills and organizational abilities that strengthen their capacity for collective action..And it is claimed that doing these things—will lead to be

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Development that information and tax arguments for local devolution are not that clear-cut. Bardhan (2002) states that the institutional background in developing

countries makes a number of economic arguments for local decentralization particularly difficult to justify and raises several concerns: (1) Local ac Local Governance and Community Development

countability mechanisms (whether political or social) are likely to be much weaker in developing countries, than in long functioning democracies: (2)

Local Governance and Community Development

The improved efficiency of local taxation is likely to be limited by the weak capacity of local governments to collect taxes; (3) Better targeting of

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Developmentntralization are likely to be constrained by demands for the satisfaction of distributional goals; (5) Arguments for the subsidiarity of specific func

tions may not be implementable since technical expertise is likely to be very different across different levels of government.Another important concer Local Governance and Community Development

n in this context has been the potential for local decision making to be dominated and "captured” by elites. Bardhan and Mookherjee (2002) argue that

Local Governance and Community Development

the probability of ‘capture’ increases with local inequality. However they find that a host of other factors, including the characteristics of the nat

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Developmentclude that it is unlikely that local governments are universally prone to greater capture, so decentralization of authority to lower levels of governm

ent can potentially combine the advantages of greater utilization of local information, without sacrificing accountability and equity. On the other ha Local Governance and Community Development

nd, the World Bank’s independent evaluation group (World Bank. 2005) has stated that the claim that projects relying on community-based mechanisms are

Local Governance and Community Development

more efficient and sustainable is not justified by the evidence. Others have hypothesized that social and political inequality makes it almost inevit

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Developmentutting forward the counter-argument that while elite-domination may be inevitable, it could be benevolent rather than malevolent (Rao and Ibanez 2005,

Dasgupta and Beard 2007).The claimed transformatory capacity of local participation has also been challenged on a number of grounds. First, it has be Local Governance and Community Development

en noted that the exercise of ‘voice’ and ‘choice’ can be quite costly under certain conditions. At the most basic level it can involve real or impute

Local Governance and Community Development

d financial losses due to the time commitments required for adequate participation. Perhaps, even more significantly, substantive participation by the

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Developmenttaking of positions that are contrary to the2interests 0Í more powerful groups. The premise of participatory approaches, which typically target precis

ely the most disadvantaged. is that the potential benefits of participation generally outweigh such costs. But this is by no means obvious. Second, it Local Governance and Community Development

is argued that mainstreaming of community participation into a variety OÍ development projects and programs has focused attention on the pragmatic us

Local Governance and Community Development

e of social/polilical activism at the community level. While this may have achieved specific policy goals such as the cost effective delivery' of publ

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Developments diluted its capacity to serve as a vehicle lor radical transformation.Further, critics claim that the main outcome in such contexts may simply be to

shift some of the costs of service delivery to potential beneficiaries. Indeed, participation by the poor in the community management or construe lio Local Governance and Community Development

n of infrastructure has been described by some observers as a form of forced or corvée labor (Ribot 1995, Bowen 1986), sinc e the relative burden of c

Local Governance and Community Development

ontributions can be substantially higher for the poor. It is also argued that the routinization of participatory planning exercises into the work of p

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Development, or the communities they serve, from this new mechanism for enforcing accountability (Mosse 2005).The Policy Research Report on Local Governance and

Local DevelopmentThis debate on the merits and demerits of local development is not just academic. The sharp increase in resources channeled towards l Local Governance and Community Development

ocal management and control makes it a central policy concern, with community development projects alone receiving more than s 7 billion in loans from

Local Governance and Community Development

the World Bank. But the debate, while vibrant and important, is still largely anchored on prior beliefs rather than on evidence. Evidence can also be

Concept Note for a Policy Research ReportLocal Governance and Community DevelopmentOverview: The Rationale for Local DevelopmentGovernments in the dev

Local Governance and Community Developmential.This PRR w ill assess the evidence on a number of issues that are central concerns OÍ policy-makers and donors. The refMjrl will critically examin

e the evidence on the various debates surrounding community-driven development (CDD) and local governance, including: How well do electoral, deliberat Local Governance and Community Development

ive and social accountability mechanisms work in practic e? How effective and equitable are local development mechanisms in building and maintaining p

Local Governance and Community Development

ublic goods? How effectively do communities and local governments target beneficiaries for anti-poverty programs? what arc tire determinants of partic

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