Masaryk University Faculty of Education

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masaryk University Faculty of Education

Masaryk University Faculty of Education

Masaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationBachelor ThesisBrno 2010Henrieta FurikovaMasaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationEnglish Language and Literature D

Masaryk University Faculty of EducationDepartmentExtensive Reading Activities at the Basic SchoolBachelor ThesisBrno 2010Supervisor:Mgr. Nadẽída VojtkovaAuthor:Henrieta FurikovaAnnotationFU

RIKOVA, Henrieta. Exensive Reading Activities at (he Basic School: Bachelor Thesis. Brno: Masaryk University, Faculty of Education. English Language a Masaryk University Faculty of Education

nd Literature Department, 2010. 77 pp. Supervisor: Mgr. Nadezda Vojtkova.This bachelor thesis studies the impact of extensive reading on primary schoo

Masaryk University Faculty of Education

l learners of English. The work explains that extensive reading influences positively both language skills and students' motivation. The bachelor thes

Masaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationBachelor ThesisBrno 2010Henrieta FurikovaMasaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationEnglish Language and Literature D

Masaryk University Faculty of Education theoretical part, the term extensive reading is explained in detail. Above all 1 focused on the value of extensive reading and its impact on various

language areas. I tried to find the most suitable and efficient methods to include extensive reading in the language classroom to encourage learners t Masaryk University Faculty of Education

o read the practical pan of this thesis, I dealt with creating and including an extensive reading programme in the school where I teach

Masaryk University Faculty of Education

. The aim of my reaserch was to analyze data obtained from the rests where students' reading rates, reading comprehension, language proficiency and vo

Masaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationBachelor ThesisBrno 2010Henrieta FurikovaMasaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationEnglish Language and Literature D

Masaryk University Faculty of Education effect on learning language.Keywords: extensive reading, language skills, reading strategies, reading process, reading material, graded readers, lite

rature, reading activities, motivationAnotaceFURIKOVA. Henrieta. Aktivity Spọịené s Rozỉífeným Ctením na Zakladni ỉkole: bakaláFská práce. Brno: Masar Masaryk University Faculty of Education

ykova Univerzita, Pedagogická íakulta, Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury, 2010. 77 stran. Vedoucí bakalárské práce: Mgr. Nadezda Vojtkova.Tato ba

Masaryk University Faculty of Education

kaláíská práce studuje úêinek rozẫíFeného ởení na studenty zakladni Skoly. Práce vysveduje, jak rozsirene ctení pũsobí na jazykove schopnosti a modvac

Masaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationBachelor ThesisBrno 2010Henrieta FurikovaMasaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationEnglish Language and Literature D

Masaryk University Faculty of Education.Vteoretické dásti je podrobnẽ vysvẽtlen pojem roz§ffeného ètení. PFedevSim jsem se zamerila na jeho vyznam a jeho vliv na rủzné jazykove oblasti. Pok

usila jsem se najit nejvhodnejsi a nejefektivnejsi melody, jak zaclenit rozsirene cteni do výuky a jak podnitit studeniy, aby ỉetỉi roz5íFenẽ.Vpraktic Masaryk University Faculty of Education

ké cásti (ého práce jsem se zabyvala vytvorenini a zaclenenim programu roz5íFeného ítení do ẫkoly, ve kieré uííin. Cílem výzkumu bylo analyzovat data

Masaryk University Faculty of Education

ziskana z testũ, ve kterých byla mẽrena rychlost ctení, schopnost pochopení texìu, jazykova dovednost a znalost slovní zasoby studentủ pFed a po zaỉle

Masaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationBachelor ThesisBrno 2010Henrieta FurikovaMasaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationEnglish Language and Literature D

Masaryk University Faculty of Educatione schopnosti, strategie cteni, proces cteni, material pro cteni, zjednodusena cetba, literature, cteci aktivity, motivaceDeclarationI declare that I w

rote this bachelor thesis on my own and that 1 used only the sources listed in bibliography.I agree with the placing of this thesis in the library of Masaryk University Faculty of Education

the Faculty of Education at the Masaryk University and with the access for academic purposes.Brno. 21 March 2010Henrieta FurikovaAcknowledgements

Masaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationBachelor ThesisBrno 2010Henrieta FurikovaMasaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationEnglish Language and Literature D

Masaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationBachelor ThesisBrno 2010Henrieta FurikovaMasaryk UniversityFaculty of EducationEnglish Language and Literature D

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