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Nội dung chi tiết: MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228


CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228gatuck harbor among which were (he Island City. Hattie Earl. Sea Bird. In 1860 at Saugatuck he was matried to Miss Maty Davis who came from a long lin

e of pioneer stock. Have often heard Mrs. Ames tell of a trip she took with Mr. Ames when he was Master of the schooner, Pride, and Charlie Shriver wa MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

s cook, and the lake was so calm it took three days to sail to Chicago, (enough sailing for her).Mr. Ames bought the home on the hill from s. A. Morri


son in 18S7, so it is one of the older houses in the village and has been In the Ames family seventy-three years.During his sailing activities he boug

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228iling and the family moved to the farm where they lived the remainder of their days.They were fine, generous and helpful all through their lives; and

were (he parents of five children, Levane. Roy, Rena. Alice and Richard of whom Levane and Alice survive.ANNESLEY-PRIEST FAMILYRobert Annesley and wif MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

e. Anne, were born in Ireland and left County Carlo. Ire. In 1849 for the u. s. They then had two children, Robert, Jr., and Mary, (who became in late


r years Mrs. John Priest). They located in Chicago where Letitia (Mrs. William Jackson) was bom. Some years before the great Chicago fire they sailed

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228heir lives, he always working in the mills as did the sons as they grew to manhood.While in Singaore four children were born, Joseph, Anne (Mrs. Kruis

enga of Holland), Abigail (Mrs. Megley of Grand Rapids), and Beaumont and Eliza (Mrs. William Burch of Brazil. Ind.) was born at The Flats. Surviving MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

are Mrs. Kruisenga and Mrs. M egley.The father died in 1869 and the mother in 1890. The eldest daughter, Mary Annesley, married John Priest in 1867. M


r. Priest was born in Cariboo, Nova Scotia, in 1837 and came to the United States at the age of eighteen; worked In eastern shipyards as shipsmith, wh

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228n returned, working at Bridgman a few months, then came to Saugatuck, put up a shop and used to iron all the boats built here when ship-building was t

he town's greatest industry.Mr. and Mrs. Priest are survived by their only daughter, Mary Anne Heath, who with her grandson, Heath Crowe, live in the MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

ancestral home of her parents. NOTE- 'When (he Annesleys lived at Singapore (he older children walked to Saugatuck attending school each day in the Pi


ne Grove. (Now Furzmaii property).GEORGE T. ARNOLDBorn in Allegan county on a farm near Plainwell, July 12, 1846, George Thomas Arnold was the son of

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228ment land near Plainwell where they reared a large family and on this farm George T. grew to young manhood and in 1860 he and his brother, Levi, bough

t the homestead, and for several years managed the farm, later selling it back to the heirs. He then came to Saugatuck, kept books for the mills and l MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

ater secured a position in (he Stockbridge and Johnson stores and was appointed post-master, which office he continued six years.


ri!In 1863 his sister. Betsey Arnold, was married to F. B. Stockbridge who lived in Kalamazoo and Saugatuck during the milling period.Mr. Arnold was m

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228rnold was a promoter of the fishing business at Mackinac Island, being in the firm of Coates and Arnold; this paved the way for an extensive shipping

and boat industry and he became the owner of several boats plying from the Island and St. Ignace to many lake ports. He died in '1921 and was buried a MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

t Saugatuck, the place where he began his successful career.JACOB s. ALIBERWhile Saugatuck boasts of the longevity of Its people, there being many in


the eighties but only one nonagenarian, Jacob s. Aliber. who first saw the light of day In May of 1829 in a little settlement on the border between Ne

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228give the boy two sheep on his sixth birthday, but alas! he is still waiting for those sheep!The father was a blacksmith and from a little boy Jacob ha

d a passion for fine horses, which has lived with him all the years. He recalls when at the age of twelve he became the proud possessor of a horse by MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

swapping for it a yoke of steers, which he had raised from calves, and says that was his launching into business.When a young man he came to Saugatuck


seeing It pass through the lumbering days—also has seen the sailing vessels replaced by steamboats; the interurban line built and abandoned, and now

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228is home.Mr. Aliber has twice married, a daughter of the first marriage living in Illinois. The second wife, Louise Goodrich Aliber. sharing his declin

ing years.JAMESA. ALIBERJames A. Aliber was bom in Genesee County, New York, May 10. 1853, when but a child he came with his parents tó Newark. Michig MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

an, where he lived for 67 years. As a young man he found employment in the merchantile business of Burns and Whitney (this store was a present site of


Maplewood), and afterward bought out the firm and moving the goods to the store now known as the Cozy Coffee Cup— where he continued successfully 37

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228isfortune, trusting to their honor to pay him when times were better.When a very young man he united with the Congregational church where through all

the years he was an honorable and active worker. He held many positions of trust both in the township and village and in everything he did. held the c MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

onfidence of the people for they never doubted his integrity.On June 7, 1893. he was married to Miss Katherine Lang of Cleveland, Ohio, (she was a cou


sin of Johanna Burns) and they became the parents of one son. John A., who Is an instructor in. the schools of Detroit.Mrs. Aliber died in 1918 and Mr

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228our hours before his demise.https://khothuvien.cori!WILLIAM GAY BUTLERWilliam G. Buller was a true pioneer as Webster puls il "Gue whu goes before, US

into die wilderness preparing die way tor others to follow," and he was the first white man and his wife, Emily Butler, the first white woman to brav MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

e the wilderness in what is now beautiful Saugatuck.William Gay Buller was born Sept 28. 1799, in Hartford. Gunn. His falher was Junalhdit Buller and


there were seven children, and William G. was die third burn.His father and sister, Eliza, came to see them in the thirties and in so many places were

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228ination they almost turned around, traveling was so hazardous.Hie great-grand niece uf w. G.'s wrote me recently giving all the information written ab

out him. His first wife was Emily I oomis (I evi Loomis' sister), they had several children, two horn here in the wilderness before 1834, with nor ano MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

ther white woman in the section—Emily died in 1835 and none of her children lived long—Lucy Buller's was the first birth and the first death in Saugat


uck.Mr. Butler's second wife's name was F.liza and she was the mother of .lames Gay Butler, Mr. Butler's only son to attain manhood. After his father'

CAPTAIN RICHARD AMESRichard Ames was born in York state in 1837 and followed the life of a sailor for many years. He sailed many schooners out of Saug

MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228t. Louis, Mo., engaging in the tobacco manufacturing business. He was a great philanthropist, organizing what, was known as the "Poor Man's Bank" and

contributed largely to "Lindenwood College" endowing it with $250,000. and many other gifts to St. Louis were his. Colonel Butler died in 1916, his wi MayHeath-BitsOfBiography-pp133-228

fe in 1918, and as they had no children, the direct line of William G. and Emily Butler, first pioneers in Saugatuck, is closed.CHARLES c. BILLINGSPio


neer, soldier and sturdy citizen, apply to Charles c. Billings who had lived in Newark and later The Flats, then il was named Saugatuck tor eighty-one

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