Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

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Nội dung chi tiết: Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science EducationrUniversity of Rochester, New York, USATable of ContentsIntroduction1Methodological and Theoretical RationaleEurocentrism as the Epistemic Framework o

f Colonial Modernity 9Towards a Post-Eurocentric Curriculum in Math & Science Education 41Ethnomathematics47EthnosciencesGOConclusion: Towards an Epis Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

temological Multiculturalism79References82Al the end of the colonial era, people began 10 ask the West what rights its culture, its science, its socia

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

l organization and finally its rationality itself could have to laying claim to a universal validity: is it not a mirage tied to an economic dominatio

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationty as a whole (Dirlik, 2002, p. 8).Introduction1 Originally published as Eurocentrism and the Modem'Colontal Curriculum:Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mat

h & Science Education - A Critical Interpretive Review, by Michael Baker, University of Rochester. Unpublished Paper, 2009.hup$:'.'www.aca Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education


Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

ssay reviews literature in science and mathematics education that assumes the possibilities for knowing the realities of the world through the officia

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationribed as the epistemic framework of colonial modernity, a framework through which western knowledge enabled and legitimated the global imposition of o

ne particular conception of the world over all others. Eurocentrism is an ethnocentric projection onto the world that expresses the ways the west and Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

the westernized have learned to conceive and perceive the world. At the center of this ethnocentric projection are the control of knowledge and the ma

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

intenance of the conditions of epistemic dependency (Mignolo, 2000a).Every conception of the “world" involves epistemological and ontological presuppo

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationcts (Santos, 2007a). What counts as knowledge and what it means to be human are profoundly interrelated (Santos, 2006). The knowledge that counts in t

he modern school curriculum, from kindergarten to graduate school, is largely constructed and contained within an epistemic framework that is constitu Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

tive of the monocultural worldview and ideological project of western modernity (Meyer, Kamens & Benavot, 1992; Wallerstein, 1997, 2006; Lander, 2002;

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

Kami, 2006; Kincheloe, 2008: Battiste, 2008). The monocultural worldview and ethos of western civilization are based in part upon structures of knowl

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationmperial/colonial domination (Quijano, 1999, p. 47). If our increasingly interconnected and interdependent world is also to become more and not less de

mocratic, schools and teachers must learn to incorporate the worldwide diversity of knowledges and ways of being (multiple epistemologies and ontologi Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

es) occluded by the hegemony of Eurocentrism. Academic knowledge and understanding should be complemented with learning from those who are living in a

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

nd thinking from colonial and postcolonial legacies (Mignolo, 2000, p. 5).Too many children and adults today (particularly those from non-dominant gro

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationnial2conception of the world. The reproduction ol personal and cultural inferiority inherent in the modern educational project of rnonocultural assimi

lation is interrelated with the hegemony ol western knowledge structures that are largely taken lor granted within Eurocentric education (Dei. 2008). Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

Ihus. in the field of education, “we need to learn again how five centuries of studying, classifying, and ordering humanity within an imperial context

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

gave rise to peculiar and powerful ideas of race, culture. and nation that were, in effect, conceptual instruments that the West used both to divide

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationern education was institutionalized is located in the cultural complex called “F.urocentrism”.Western education institutions and the modern curriculum

, from the sixteenth century into the present, were designed to reproduce this Eurocentric imaginary' under the sign of “civilization" (Grafton & Jard Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

ine, 1986; Butts, 1967, 1973). Eurocentric knowledge lies at the center of an imperial and colonial model of civilization that now threatens to destro

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

y the conditions that make life possible (Lander. 2002, p. 245). From a post-Eurocentric interpretive horizon (described below), the present condition

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationilopose, 2007; Kincheloe, 2008).Based upon hierarchical competition for power, control, and supremacy among the “civilized” nation-states, imperialism

is an original and inherent characteristic of the modem western interstate system that emerged with the formation of sovereign European territorial s Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

tates in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (Wallerstcin. 1973: Gong. 1984 ; Hindness, 2005; Agnew, 2003; Taylor & Flint, 2000). Closely interrel

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

ated with imperialism, colonialism involves a civilizing projec t within an ideologic al formation established Io construct the way the world is known

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationes reality to the single dimension ol the colonizer. Colonialism and imperialism impose on the world one discourse, one form of conscience, one scienc

e, one way of being in die world. “Post-colonial analysis leads to a simple realization: that the effect of the colonizing process over individuals, o Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

ver culture and society throughout3Europe’s domain was vast, and produced consequences as complex as they are profound" (Ashcroft, 2001a, p. 24).In ye

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

t to be acknowledged ways, the Eurocentric curriculum, and western schooling in general, are profoundly interrelated with both modern imperialism and

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationtself in a particular kind of attitude": the European attitude - a subset of a more encompassing “imperial attitude.” The Eurocentric attitude combine

s the search for theoria with the mythical fixation with roots and the assertion of imperial subjectivity. Il produces and defends what Enrique Dussel Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

has referred to as “the myth of modernity" (Maldonado-Torres, 2005b, p. 43).Western schooling reproduces this “Eurocentric attitude” in complicit)- w

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

ith a globalized system of power'knowledge relations, tacitly based upon white heterosexual male supremacy (Kincheloe, 1998: Allen, 2001: Bonilla-Silv

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationetween abstract universality and concrete world hegemony (Escobar. 2007; Dussel, 2000: Quijano, 1999. 2000). Worldwide imperial expansion and European

colonialism led to the late nineteenth centuiy worldwide hegemony of Eurocentrism (Quijano, 2005, p. 56). Eurocentrism, in other words, refers to the Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

hegemony of a (universalized) Euro-Anglo-American epistemological framework that governs both the production and meanings of knowledges and subjectiv

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

ities throughout the world (Schott, 2001; Kincheloe, 2008).Eurocentrism is an epistemological model that organizes the state, the economy, gender and

TOWARDS A POST-EUROCENTRIC MATHEMATICS & SCIENCEEDUCATION1Eurocentrism and the Modern/Colonial Curriculum: A Critical Interpretive ReviewMichael Baker

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Educationral institutions and institutionalized practices that began to emerge with the colonization of the Americas in the sixteenth century. The nation-state

, the bourgeois family, the capitalist corporation, Eurocentric rationality, and western educational institutions are all examples of worldwide instit Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

utions and institutionalized practices that contribute to the production of Eurocentrism (Quijano, 2008, pp. 193-194).Eurocentrism as a historical phe

Michael Baker Towards a Post-Eurocentric Mathematics and Science Education

nomenon is not to be understood without reference to the structures of power that EuroAmerica produced over the4

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