Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

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Nội dung chi tiết: Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

MICROENVIRONMENTAL FORCES REGULATE NOTCH SIGNALINGTHROUGH INTEGRINSbyMichael Allen DetweilerA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requireme

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integrents for the degree of Master of Science in Biology Boise State University43435BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COLLEGEDEFENSE COMMITTEE AND FINAL READ

ING APPROVALS of the thesis submitted by Michael Allen DetweilerThesis Title: Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Tntegrins Dat Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

e of Final Oral Examination: 25 October 2018The following individuals read and discussed the thesis submitted by student Michael Allen Detweiler, and

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

they evaluated his presentation and response to questions during the final oral examination. They found that the student passed the final oral examina

MICROENVIRONMENTAL FORCES REGULATE NOTCH SIGNALINGTHROUGH INTEGRINSbyMichael Allen DetweilerA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requireme

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integre final reading approval of the thesis was granted by Allan Albig. Ph.D.. Chair of the Supervisory Committee. The thesis was approved by the Graduate

College.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst and foremost. I would like to thank my advisor. Dr. Allan Albig, for being an incredible mentor and friend. With his gui Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

dance and moral support. I have been able to fully understand and integrate the ethics and investigative nature of science. I would also like to thank

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

Dr. Brad Morrison and Dr. Troy Rohn for being on my thesis committee and for their very helpful suggestions.Through my time at Boise State I have had

MICROENVIRONMENTAL FORCES REGULATE NOTCH SIGNALINGTHROUGH INTEGRINSbyMichael Allen DetweilerA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requireme

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integrya, Jordan Munroe. Shelby Havel, and Dr. Allison Myamoto.I would also like to give thanks to the National Institute of Health for providing the Rindin

g to support this thesis.ivABSTRACTThe extracellular microenvironment contributes significantly to a cell’s function and behavior. For instance, cell- Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

cell interactions, cell-substrate interactions, and physical forces are all factors of the extracellular environment that can alter cellular behavior.

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

Cells can receive these signals and forces through various membrane channels and receptors that transmit the signals from the extracellular to the in

MICROENVIRONMENTAL FORCES REGULATE NOTCH SIGNALINGTHROUGH INTEGRINSbyMichael Allen DetweilerA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requireme

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integrnaling can occur through a variety of extracellular stimuli including hyperglycemia, hypoxia, multiple growth factors, fluid shear stress, and extrace

llular matrix (ECM) composition. Although Notch activation through ligand interactions with adjacent cells have been well established, non-canonical N Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

otch signaling through the microenvironment is poorly understood. Previous evidence suggests a novel activation of Notch signaling through an integrin

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

pathway, proposing Notch as a microenvironmental sensor. Integrins are cell membrane receptors that are mainly recognized for cell-ECM attachment and

MICROENVIRONMENTAL FORCES REGULATE NOTCH SIGNALINGTHROUGH INTEGRINSbyMichael Allen DetweilerA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requireme

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integrce integrins have been shown to regulate Notch signaling and both exhibit a response to fluid shear stress, we hypothesized that Notch signaling respo

nds to fluid shear stress through integrin activation. To test this, we compared Notch activation following exposure to fluid shear stress and Notch a Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

ctivation following shear stress after inhibiting integrin function. Our data confirms that Notch activation is significantlyVupregulated from fluid s

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

hear stress compared to a static control and inhibiting integrin function attenuates this response, suggesting integrins are required for Notch’s upre

MICROENVIRONMENTAL FORCES REGULATE NOTCH SIGNALINGTHROUGH INTEGRINSbyMichael Allen DetweilerA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requireme

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr during conditions of fibrosis, we hypothesized that Notch signaling will be regulated by varying degrees of ECM stiffness through integral activation

. To investigate this hypothesis, we cultured cells on hydrogels with multiple levels of stiffness and measured Notch signaling. Our results indicate Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

that like shear stress. Notch signaling is influenced by ECM stiffness. Collectively our results indicate that Notch signaling is regulated through mi

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

croenvironmental forces like fluid shear stress and ECM stiffness and is regulated through integrins. This furthers our understanding of the variation

MICROENVIRONMENTAL FORCES REGULATE NOTCH SIGNALINGTHROUGH INTEGRINSbyMichael Allen DetweilerA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requireme

Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integrr results improve our knowledge of Notch signaling in pathological conditions of the microenvironment including abnormal shear stress (e.g. atheroscle

rosis) and tissue stiffness (e.g. fibrosis).VI Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through Integr

MICROENVIRONMENTAL FORCES REGULATE NOTCH SIGNALINGTHROUGH INTEGRINSbyMichael Allen DetweilerA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requireme

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