Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

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Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1sing this into a number of sections. The first section is a very brief one that I will open with, which is looking at the extent of both brownfield an

d underdeveloped land. Then we are going to move on to a quite substantial section on the barriers to developing brownfield land and what the Mayor co Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

uld do about it. Then we will be looking at suburban intensification and some of the opportunities or barriers, again, around that and at growth in th

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

e rest of the southeast and the possibilities there for accommodating some of London's growth. Finally, we will be looking at the Green Belt and makin

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1gland (CPRE) and Paul, just looking at what you think. There are different estimates for how much brownfield land there is. Certainly we have been her

e 15 years as the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the 1997 Government really came in with a prioritisation of brownfield, which has now been relaxe Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

d. We have a situation where we have been prioritising brownfield and have been extremely successful at so doing, but do you think there are limits to

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

that and how much brownfield do we have left?Paul Miner (Senior Planning Officer, Campaign to Protect Rural England): Brownfield land is a renewable

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1Building in a Small Island, which was an analysis of Government figures provided in the Land Use Change Statistics and in the National Land Use Databa

se between 2001 and 2009. What that found is that between those eight years, only 35% of the brownfield plots that have become available for housing d Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

evelopment in London in the National Land Use Database were redeveloped. About 166,000 houses were built in London over that period; yet over this tim

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

e brownfield sites capable of accommodating 469,000 homes became available.More recently, with the report we published last year called From Wasted Sp

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1hich come from local planning authorities - so, in London, the boroughs - appear to be significantly underestimating the brownfield potential in Londo

n. The National Land Use Database returns, for example, found that there was enough brownfield land for about 146,000 houses currently, but the draft Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

Further Alterations to the London Plan (Further Alterations) have identified a series of brownfield opportunity areas across London. The Further Alter

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

ations say that there is enough brownfield land in these areas for 300,000 new homes, plus 568,000 jobs, which is twice the capacity of brownfield tha

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1om drying up.There is another point to bear in mind as well that was discussed in the Further Alterations, which is what London's overall housing need

is and what amount of housing is likely to be built. Some population projections have suggested that London needs 62,000 houses a year. The GLA, I be Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

lieve, is currently planning on the basis of about 49,000 a year. People may wish to correct me on that.Steve O’Connell AM (Deputy Chair): It is 42,00

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

0.Paul Miner (Senior Planning Officer, Campaign to Protect Rural England): Sorry, 42,000, but I know they are under different scenarios. However, what

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1t what is going to be realistically built and also whether what is going to be built is going to meet the need for affordable housing as opposed to ju

st meeting a demand for housing in London. It is critically important in the London context and to be able to differentiate between demand and need, w Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

hich the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) does not do adequately. Therefore, we have to consider how much we are actually going to realistica

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

lly build in London in the coming years. Probably the GLA'S approach at the moment is a realistic assessment of what is actually going to be built. Ho

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1reatest (Inaudible) as other regions and we will probably come on to that discussion later. In conclusion, we would say that there is still plenty of

brownfield land available for development.Nicky Gavron AM (Chair): Thank you for that, Paul. What you are talking about is nine years' supply and, if Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

we look further out, we need about 1.5 million by 2050. I just want to set that. I am going to come back to you and explore some more options. When yo

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

u talk about brownfield, we know that a lot of the brownfield sites that are identified are those where there is infrastructure or the potential - or

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1in your calculations or not - if there were the infrastructure.Paul Miner (Senior Planning Officer, Campaign to Protect Rural England): The work that

we did with UWE, again, which was based on the National Land Use Database, was always going to be a very conservative estimate of the amount of brownf Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

ield land that is available for development because it looked at only four of the five categories that were in the National Land Use Database and in w

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

hich local authorities were making returns. These were sites primarily with planning permission or some kind of planning status. What the report did n

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1dy had some kind of ownership of it. If you factor that in, it is likely to add a significant amount to the total. There is a problem with, again.curr

ent planning approaches across the country at the moment in that they are looking only at sites that developers say are available, which is the strate Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

gic Housing Land Availability Assessment approach.Nicky Gavron AM (Chair): Let US just be clear. Your total is based on the National Land Use Database

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

, which you believe to be very conservative and is what has been given to you by the developers themselves?Paul Miner (Senior Planning Officer, Campai

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1e done work, too, on how much brownfield there is. Could you tell US about that?Jonathan Manns (Director of Planning, Colliers International): I have

not myself assessed the brownfield capacity of London at all, but I am quite keen that there is a discussion about it, which is fantastic because it i Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

s happening right now. Therefore, the only comments that I would have relate to the fact that we need to think about London's growth in a strategic ma

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nner. In terms of the viability of redeveloping brownfield sites, they become commercially attractive only at the point where the residential values o

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1ve been undertaking certainly identify various sites that could be redeveloped for housing, we invariably also need distribution centres to meet deman

d. We need employment bases and areas as well. There is an inherent conflict that is only going to intensify over the coming years when residential va Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

lues do start outstripping commercial ones and people start eroding our employment stock to the same extent. Therefore, unless we are actually looking

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

at the provision of housing, the brownfield capacity and the release of land elsewhere in a more joined-up manner, then I suspect that actually there

Appendix 1Planning Committee - 22 January 2015 Transcript of Item 6 - Options for Accommodating London's GrowthNicky Gavron AM (Chair): We are organis

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1the statistics you have come up with include the land needed for infrastructure to service the homes?Paul Miner (Senior Planning Officer, Campaign to

Protect Rural England): They do not include brownfield sites that local authorities believe are suitable for employment uses or offices or other types Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

of development. They do not include infrastructure requirements in themselves. We have done some work in the past on this. Compact Sustainable Commun

Olympic and Paralympic Games Venues Legacy - Appendix 1

ities. That work references some work in the past which suggested that you need about 13 hectares of infrastructure for every 5,000 homes you build, I

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