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Nội dung chi tiết: On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation


Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnationnationtukasz Rachel, LSE and Bank of England Lawrence H. Summers, Harvard UniversityConflict of Interest Disclosure: Lukasz Rachel is a senior economi

st at the Bank of England and a Pill) candidate at the London School of Economics. Lawrence Summers is the Charles w. Eliot Professor and President Em On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

eritus at Harvard University. Beyond these affiliations, the authors did not receive financial support from any firm or person for this paper or from


any firm or person with a financial or political interest in this paper. They are currently not officers, directors, or board members of any organizat

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnatione of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Bank of England, the London School of Economics, or Harvard University.On falling neutra

l real rates, fiscal policy, and the risk of secular stagnation*Lulcasz RachelLawrence H. SummersLSE and Bank of EnglandHarvard43528Abst radThis demon On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

strates t hat neutral real interest rates would haw declined by far more than what has Iwen observed in the industrial world and would in all likeliho


od la-significantly negative but for offsetting fiscal policies over the last generation. We start by arguing that neutral real interest rates are bes

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnationent, account. We show, using standard econometric procedures and looking at direct market, indicators of prospective real rates, that neutral real int

erest rates have declined by at least 300 basis points over the last generation. We argue that, these secular movements arc in larger part a reflectio On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

n of changes in saving and investment propensities rather than the safety and liquidity properties of Treasury instruments. We then point out that the


movements in the neutral real rate reflect both developments in the private sector and in public policy. Wc highlight the levels of government debt,

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnationtral real rates. Using estimates drawn from the literal me, as well as two general equilibrium models emphasizing respectively lifecycle heterogeneity

and idiosyncratic risks, we suggest that the “private sector neutral real rate" may have declined by as much as 7(M) basis points since the 1970s. Ou On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

r findings support the idea that, absent offsetting policies, mature industrial economics arc prone to secular stagnation. This raises profound questi


ons about stabilization policy going forward. Achievement of levels of deficits and government debt generally considered desirable -especially if comp

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnationed to engage in some combination of greater tolerance of budget deficits, unconventional monetary policies and structural measures to promote private

investment and absorb private saving if full employment is to be maintained and inflation targets arc to be hit.Keywords: equilibrium real interest ra On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

te: R*; secular stagnation; fiscal policy; govern ment debt: social security: healthcare costs; life-cycle; heterogeneity: incomplete markets; precaut


ionary saving.•ĨEL Classification: EO, F3, Fl, 1'6.*e><: l.p.rachel'; lhsofficeỡ The views expressed here are solely of

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnationconomics at Harvard University, where much of this project was completed during his visit as a Fulbright Fellow. He expresses his gratitude to the US-

ƯK Fulbright Commission for financial support.11 IntroductionWhat is the interest rat e that is consistent with st able macroeconomic performance of a On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

modern, developed economy? Few questions can rival this one in its difficulty and importance. Equilibrium real interest rates are unobservable; they


are affected by a wide swathe of macroeconomic forces, lx)t h domestic and global; and are not invariant to policy regimes. All those factors make the

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnationsess t he state of t he economy, predict the fut ure trends, and set policy appropriately.The secular stagnat ion debate refocused attent ion on t his

important issue by pointing towards the downward trend in long-term interest rates across the developed world over the past four decades (Summers (20 On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

15), Teulings and Baldwin (2011)). This decline, which started well before the financial crisis, is broad-based, both across countries and across asse


t classes. Yields on long-maturity inflation-protected government, securities have been trending down since at least the early 1990s. and have hovered

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnationhe t ime-varying liquidity and safety premia, are close to 0% in real terms (Figure 2). More broadly, a large share of the decline in risk-free rates

has been mirroreel in risky asset, returns, such as rates of return on corporate bonds and on cquites: not .withstanding some volatility, spreads have On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

remained close to long-run historical averages (Figure 3).Policymakers have taken notice. Federal Reserve ('hairman .Jerome Powell s recent remark th


at t he nominal federal funds rate at the time set at between 2-2.25% was “just below the bivatl Tange of estimates of the level that would be neutral

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnationrates for a long time. the central bank has engaged in aggressive monetary easing including directly targeting long-term interest rates (Kuroda (2010)

). Similarly. European policymakers highlighted the equilibrium rate of interest as the key policy variable (Const.âncio (2016); Draghi (2016)), while On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

the recent. ECB paper concluded that “most of estimates of ỈÌ* for the euro area have been negative regardless of the type of model used”.The facts t


hat (i) estimates of the decline in neutral short real rates on highly liquid securit ies track declines in yields on relat ively illiquid government

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnationing classes; (iii) the magnitude of the estimated decline in real rates far exceeds the level let alone the change in spreads leads us to believe t ha

t for t he purpose of analyzing longterm trend movements in neutral or equilibrium real rates it is appropriate to focus on factors relating to saving On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

and investment, propensities rather than issues of liquidity or risk. This is (he approach taken in what follows.’‘Appendix A provides some further d


iscussion of safety and liquidity premium.2Figure 1: Real interest rates estimated from the inflation-linked bonds in advanced economies and in the Un

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation-protected government debt securities across the G7 excluding Italy. Data arc from DataStrcam and form an imbalanced panel. In particular, the Figure

relies on the UK inflation-indexed gilts in the early part of the .sample. The US TIPS yield is the yield on a constant, maturity 10-year TYoasury Inf On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

lat ion-Indexed Security, retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (code DF1110).Research to date has largely focused on the analysis of


neutral rates for individual countries.2 In this literature, the decline in the safe interest rates in advanced economics is a robust finding across

Brookings PapersON ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBPEA Conference Drafts, March 7-8, 2019On Falling Neutral Real Rates, Fiscal Policy, and the Risk of Secular Stagn

On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnationablished that a time-series model and a structural general equilibrium model both detect a downward trend in (he equilibrium rate of interest in the U

nited Slates since the mid-1990s.3 Internationally, Kat hryn Holston, Thomas Laubach and John Williams (2017b) applied the seminal methodology of Laub On-Falling-Neutral-Real-Rates-Fiscal-Policy-and-the-Risk-of-Secular-Stagnation

ach and Williams (2003) to four advanced economies (United St ates. Canada. Emo Area and the United Kingdom), and found that the decline in the real r


ate of interest is present in each of them. However estimating neut ral real rates for individual open economies is a questionable procedure since it

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