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Nội dung chi tiết: Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physics


QUARKS& LEPTONS:An Introductory Course in Modern Particle PhysicsFrancis HalzenAlnrtl\/Int4imQUARKS AND LEPTONS: An Introductory Course in Modem Parti

Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physicsicle PhysicsFrancis HalzenUniversity of WisconsinMadison, WisconsinAlan D. MartinUniversity of DurhamDurham, EnglandJOHN WILEY & SONS,New York • Chich

ester • Brisbane • Toronto • Singaporehttps://khothuvien.iCopyright © 1984, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.All rights reserved. Published simultaneously ỉn Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physics

Canada.Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act wit


hout the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Departme

QUARKS& LEPTONS:An Introductory Course in Modern Particle PhysicsFrancis HalzenAlnrtl\/Int4imQUARKS AND LEPTONS: An Introductory Course in Modem Parti

Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physicsear physics)I. Martin. Alan D. (Alan Douglas) II. Title.QC793.5.Q2522H34 1984539.7'2183-14649ISBN 0-471-88741-2Printed in the United States of America

ToNelly and PennyRebecca, Robert, Rachel, and DavidPrefaceDramatic progress has been made in particle physics during the past two decades. A series of Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physics

important experimental discoveries has firmly established the existence of a subnuclear world of quarks and leptons. The protons and neutrons (“nucle


ons”), which form nuclei, are no longer regarded as elementary particles but are found to be made of quarks. That is, in the sequence molecules -> ato

QUARKS& LEPTONS:An Introductory Course in Modern Particle PhysicsFrancis HalzenAlnrtl\/Int4imQUARKS AND LEPTONS: An Introductory Course in Modem Parti

Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physicscends this remarkable discovery. The excitement is due to the realization that the dynamics of quarks and leptons can be described by an extension of

the sort of quantum field theory that proved successful in describing the electromagnetic interactions of charged particles. To be more precise, the f Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physics

undamental interactions are widely believed to be described by quantum field theories possessing local gauge symmetry. One of the aims of this book is


to transmit a glimpse of the amazing beauty and power of these gauge theories. We discuss quarks and leptons, and explain how they interact through t

QUARKS& LEPTONS:An Introductory Course in Modern Particle PhysicsFrancis HalzenAlnrtl\/Int4imQUARKS AND LEPTONS: An Introductory Course in Modem Parti

Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physicsinent questions regarding the existence of the weak bosons and the stability of the proton may soon be decided experimentally. Some sections of the bo

ok should therefore be approached with a degree of caution, bearing in mind that the promising theory of today may only be the effective phenomenology Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physics

of the theory of tomorrow. But no further apology will be made for our enthusiasm for gauge theories.We have endeavored to provide the reader with su


fficient background to understand the relevance of the present experimental assault upon the nature of matter and to appreciate contemporary theoretic

QUARKS& LEPTONS:An Introductory Course in Modern Particle PhysicsFrancis HalzenAlnrtl\/Int4imQUARKS AND LEPTONS: An Introductory Course in Modem Parti

Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physicss and quarks; and quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which describes the strong interactions of quarks and gluons. The primary purpose of this book is to i

ntroduce these ideas in the simplest possible way. We assume only a basic knowledge of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and the theory of special rel Quarks-and-Leptons-An-Introductory-Course-in-Modern-Particle-Physics

ativity. We spend considerable time intrndnrinơ niiantum plprtrndvnamirĩand trv tn ah 1 ia wnrkino

QUARKS& LEPTONS:An Introductory Course in Modern Particle PhysicsFrancis HalzenAlnrtl\/Int4imQUARKS AND LEPTONS: An Introductory Course in Modem Parti

QUARKS& LEPTONS:An Introductory Course in Modern Particle PhysicsFrancis HalzenAlnrtl\/Int4imQUARKS AND LEPTONS: An Introductory Course in Modem Parti

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