Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

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Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

University of MississippieGroveElectronic Theses and DissertationsGraduate School2013Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ciivil War SouthKelsielynn RuffUniversity of MississippiFollow this and additional works at: https //egrove.olemiss edu/etd& Part of the History Commons

Recommended CitationRuff, Kelsielynn, Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Civil War South’ (2013). Electronic Theses and Di Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

ssertations. 634. Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at eGrove. It has bee

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n accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact eg rove

University of MississippieGroveElectronic Theses and DissertationsGraduate School2013Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Cifor the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of History The University of MississippibyKelsielynn Ruff41487Copyright Kelsielynn Ruff 2013 ALL RI

GHTS RESERVEDABSTRACTCookbooks manifested Southern archetypes between the late 1860s and the early 2000s. From the late 1800s through 1945. cookbooks Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

exemplified Jim Crow with racist language, stereotyped illustrations, and marginalization of black laborers. Almost at the same time, an ideological b

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

elief that glorified the South's loss in the Civil War and romanticized the leaders and fallen soldiers as heroes, called the Lost Cause, appeared in

University of MississippieGroveElectronic Theses and DissertationsGraduate School2013Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Cis the twentieth century’ progressed, the racial tensions morphed. and the civil rights movement came to a head. Between the 1950s and the late 1960s-e

arly 1970s. cookbooks reflected the cultural tensions of the time, harkening back to the earlier Jim Crow-style recipes and language. From the 1970s t Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

o the mid-1980s, due to a bolstering of white Southern pride caused by the death of segregation, the Lost Cause resurfaced with a resurgence of heirlo

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

om Lost Cause recipes. Southerners challenged domestic ideology and gender roles by the second half of the twentieth century, and Southern social, pol

University of MississippieGroveElectronic Theses and DissertationsGraduate School2013Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Cie 1980s of conservative evangelicals was spreading through the country. Cookbooks further reflected the push of reverting to family values by showcasi

ng recipes handed down from mothers and grandmothers. Lastly, the enterprises of Southern Living magazine. Cracker Barrel, and Paula Deen’s stardom co Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

mmercialized the concept of Southemness and exported it through the United States.iiDEDICATIONI dedicate my thesis to my mother, who won her tight wit

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

h cancer as I finished this project. Thank yon. Momma, for all you have done for me to help me realize my dreams and succeed.iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTSI would

University of MississippieGroveElectronic Theses and DissertationsGraduate School2013Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ciurus and colleagues for their intellectual guidance. I created this work for every history teacher I have ever had, including Mr. Tom Coleman. Mr. Gle

nn Hallick. and the incredible history faculty at both Flagler College and the University of Mississippi. A special thanks to Dr. John Diviney and Dr. Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

J. Michael Butler of Flagler College for teaching me that history was the career I wanted, for listening when I needed an ear, and for helping me thr

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

ough some of the hardest years of college. To Drs. Deirdre Cooper Owens and Jesse Cromwell, thank you for your advice regarding graduate school, caree

University of MississippieGroveElectronic Theses and DissertationsGraduate School2013Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci only your advice as I strategized my career, but also for being amazing readers and critics, allowing me to present this finished product with pride.

A special thanks also to Dr. Angela Jill Cooley for her help along the way with this project, and for volunteering to see it through to the end.Secon Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

d, I must say thank you to those who have assisted in the creation of this paper through the contribution of research materials. This project, which s

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

tarted as an undergraduate seminar paper in 2010. has left a long trail of gratitude for cookbook contributions. First and foremost. I wish to say tha

University of MississippieGroveElectronic Theses and DissertationsGraduate School2013Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Cie Hawkins (for cookbooks and amazing memories), and Marsha Ruff (for cookbooks, many of which were heirlooms, and life itself). Thank you also to the

Public Library Systems of St. Johns and Marion Counties, Florida, for loaning your materials. I owe a great debt to Peggy Dyess and the Interlibrary L Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

oan department of Flagler College for your tireless and personal attention, and for filling the nearly hundred loan requests, while I completed the fo

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

unding stage of this thesis at Flagler. Secondly, while at the University of Mississippi, both developing this work as a seminar paper and thesis. I m

University of MississippieGroveElectronic Theses and DissertationsGraduate School2013Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Cisible, and Judy Greenwood for. once learning of my project's subject, donating her own personal cookbooks to the cause of research. A grateful thank y

ou to Phila Rawlings Hach and her son Joe for answering several questions I had regarding her cookbooks mentioned in the fifth chapter. Part of this w Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

ork also grew out of a seminal’ paper, which took me to Birmingham. Alabama and the headquarters of Southern Living magazine for research. To Susan Ra

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

y. Susan Payne Dobbs, and Jean Wickstrom Liles. I cannot thank you enough for your openness, time, books, hospitality, interviews, and my almost compl

University of MississippieGroveElectronic Theses and DissertationsGraduate School2013Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci welcoming me into your process, and listening to my humble opinions on your test recipes. I must also thank Sheila Scott. Karl and Pat Seitz, and my

father, William Ruff, for housing me during my research ventures in the fall of 2011.iv Recipes Exist In The Moment- Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

University of MississippieGroveElectronic Theses and DissertationsGraduate School2013Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Ci

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