RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

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Nội dung chi tiết: RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

with all-cau IIIVI taiiuy VVCI Cl 16-year follow up: the Whitehall II study Authors (in order) and affiliations Richard M Pulsford PhD.*1, Emmanuel s

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Riskciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, Australia Exercise and Sport Sciences, Facu

lty of HealthSciences, University of Sydney. Australia Physical Activity Research Group (UCL-PARG), Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Univ RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

ersity College London, London, United Kingdom Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom Correspo

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

ndence: Richard Pulsford, Sport and Health Sciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, st. Lukes Campus, University of Exeter, EX12LU, tel:

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Riskstract word count - 245 Pages - 24 (including references and tables). Tables - 2 MeSH: Mortality, Sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle/epidemioloq

y, Television Conflict of interest statement Richard Pulsford: PhD. studentship sponsored by the University of Exeter Science Strategy. No conflict of RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

interests to declare. Emmanuel Stamatakis:_No conflict of interests to declare. Annie Britton; Funded by the European Research Council, No conflict o

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

f interests to declare. Eric Brunner; Funded by HEFCE and BHF, No conflicts of interest to declare, Melvyn Hillsdon: Funded by HEFCE. No conflict of i

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risknot associated with mortality risk over 16 years of follow-up This may be due in part to a protective effect of higher than average daily activity in

this cohort Previously reported relationships between sitting time and health outcomes may be due in part to low total daily energy expenditure Policy RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

makers should be cautious about recommending reductions in sitting time as a stand-alone public health intervention Future studies should examine the

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

links between sitting and mortality risk using objective methods that quantify postural allocation Background: Sitting behaviours have been linked wi

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Riskindicators of sitting or all sitting behaviours combined. This study aims to enhance the evidence base by examining the type-specific prospective asso

ciations of five different sitting behaviours as well as total sitting with the risk of all-cause mortality. Methods: Participants (3720 men and 1412 RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

women) from the Whitehall II cohort study who were free from cardiovascular disease provided information on weekly sitting time (sitting; 1. at work,

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

2. during leisure time, 3. while watching TV, 4. during leisure time excluding TV, and 5. at work and during leisure time combined) and covariates in

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk was from date of measurement until (the earliest of) death, date of censor, or luly 31st 2014. Results: Over 81373 person-years of follow up (mean fo

llow-up time 15.7 □ 2.2yrs) a total of 450 deaths were recorded. No associations were observed between any of the five sitting indicators and mortalit RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

y risk either in unadjusted models or models adjusted for covariates including MVPA. Conclusions: Sitting time was not associated with all-cause morta

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

lity risk. The results of this study suggest that policy makers and clinicians should be cautious about placing emphasis on sitting behaviour as a ris

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Riskompelling ADDIN EN.CITE Lollgen2009582(l)58258217Lollgen, H.Bockenhoff, A.Knapp, G.Department of Medicine, Ruhr-Universtity, Remscheid, Germany, Ioell

gen(g)dqsp.delnt I Sports Medlnt I Sports Med213-243032009/02/10AdultAgedAged, 80 and overCohort SJudiesFemaleHumansLeisureActivitiesMaleMiddle Aged*M RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

ortal(tyMotor Activity/*physiologyMultivariate Analysisphysical Fitness/*physiologyOuestionnairesRiskRisk Reduction BehaviorSex FactorsYoung Adult2009

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

Marl439-3964 (Electronic)0172-4622 (Linking)19199202 cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Citation&list uids=1919

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Riskde. ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l " ENREF 2" \o "Lee, 2012 #928" 2) HYPERLINK \l " ENREF 1" \o "Lollgen, 2009 #582" Despite this, mo

dern lifestyles are characterised by both low levels of MVPA and high levels of sedentary behaviour ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l " RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

ENREF 3" \o "Bauman, 2011 #606" 3) i.e. sitting activities, which involve energy expenditure at resting levels (1-1.5 metabolic equivalents [METs]),AD

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

DIN EN.CITE Pate200859(4)595917Pate,R.R.O'Neill, J. R.Lobelo, F.Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health. University of Sou

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality RisktatusHumansLeisure Activities*Life StyleMale*Motor Activity*Terminology as Topic2008Qctl538-3008 (Electronic)0091-6331(Linking)18815485h ttp://w w w.

nebi. nlm.nih. go v/entrez/q uery. fegi ? cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Citation&list uids=1881548510.1097/ỊES.0b013e3181877dla00003677-200810000-00002 RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

[pii]eng( HYPERLINK \l " ENREF 4" \o "Pate, 2008 #59" 4) HYPERLINK \l " ENREF 2" \o "Owen, 2000 #67" Separate sitting behaviours, as well as total dai

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

ly sitting time, have been linked with increased risk of all-cause ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK\l" ENREF 5" \o "Pavey, 2012 #601" 5-13

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk10" 10, HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_14" \o "Matthews. 2012 #580" 14-16) mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD) ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN ENXITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \

l "_ENREF_17" \Q "Stamatakis, 2011 #121" 17, HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_18" \o "Wijndaele, 2011 #178" 18) and metabolic conditions ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN EN.CI RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

TE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l" ENREF19" \o "Ford, 2010 #181" 19-22) independent of MVPA, indicating that sedentary behaviour is not simply the absence of phy

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

sical activity but a distinct class of behaviour with its own health risks. Previous studies have tended to focus either on selected single indicators

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality RiskNK \l " ENREF 14" \o "Matthews, 2012 #580" 14, HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_16" \o "Warren, 2010 #20" 16, HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_23" \o "Dunstan, 2010 #2" 23, H

YPERLINK \l "ENREF_24" \o "Wijndaele, 2011 #179" 24), screen time ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA( HYP.ERL1NKA1 "_ENREF_17" Ao "S.tamatakiSr 2011 #12 RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

1" 17) or travelling in a car, ADDIN ENtCITE ADDIN ENXITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_9" \o "van der Plọẹg, 2012 #578" 9, HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF,12" \0

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

"Ba.sterra-Gortari, 2014 #916" 12, HYPERLINK \l " ENREF16" \o "Warren, 2010 #20" 16) or have only examined total sitting combined, ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN

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RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk 13, HYPERLINK \l " ENREF 15" \o "Patel, 2010 #3" 15, HYPERLINK \l " ENREF 25" \o "Petersen, 2014 #921" 25) and have observed differential association

s with mortality. ADDIN EN.CITE ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l 11 ENREF 11" \o "Kim, 2013 #915" 11, HYPERLINK \l ■•_ENREF_12" \o "Basterra-Gortari, RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

2014 #916" 12, HYPERLINK \l " ENREF 14" \o "Matthews, 2012 #580" 14, HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_16" \o "Warren, 2010 #20" 16) Therefore this study aims to

RM Pulsford et al 2015 Sitting and Mortality Risk

enhance the evidence base by examining the type-specific associations of five different sitting behaviours as well as total sitting with the risk of a

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